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What? Health Care Countdown: Senate Bill Could Hit Middle Class Hard

Posted: Jan 4, 2010

In fact, the Senate is counting on raising $120 billion in new taxes over the next 10 years, the majority of which will come from the middle class. Another $30 billion is expected to roll in from the actual tax on insurance plans, but far more comes from wages.

"This is a big tax on the middle class," said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, former director of the Congressional Budget Office, noting that 95 percent of people with the so-called Cadillac plans make under $250,000.

And that tax, critics say, will trigger a series of changes that will result in billions of dollars in new taxes on the middle class over the next decade. 

First, the tax will hit plans widely used by middle-class employees. The majority of workers with the high-value plans are union members and state government employees who are not considered wealthy, even though Obama advisers like to say the tax is aimed at benefits enjoyed by the likes of Wall Street bankers. 

"A lot of those folks that have Cadillac plans have Chevy wages. And that's what makes it, has made it, somewhat controversial and a real issue of contention," said Jim Kessler, vice president for policy with the non-profit think tank Third Way. 

Second, some say the tax will make many of the high-value plans too expensive and slowly cause them to disappear -- since employers could wind up cutting back on benefits they offer to avoid any passed-on price increase. 

Third, as those union members and other workers lose their health benefits, which are not taxable, the Senate assumes the lost benefits will be replaced by wages, which are taxable. 

Christina Romer, chairwoman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, referred to this scenario during a speech in October, saying workers could end up with more "take-home wages" that are taxed.



I rest my case.... more fox scare tactics, not helpful to anyone - Holly

[ In Reply To ..]
I honestly think Fox does a lot of damage. They discredit the smart and decent republicans too......giving all of them a bad name. If I were with either party I would stay away from FOX. I'm independent but I know crapola when I see and hear it... ugh. Just not accurate and trying to inflame the middle class. nice try..

my question.... - dnh

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exactly who do you think is going to be paying for this? Omama and Michelle? Maybe Pelosi? Reid? Dodd? Franks? The Clintons or Kennedys? Who? You call it scare tactic. I call it common sense. Someone will pay, and you and I are the most likely candidates. Who do you think will be paying? Approximately 78% of Americans think if this bill passes it is going to be costly for them individually. Is that meaningless to you?

"Franks"? Watcher, is that you? (sm) - Nikki

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Or are you referring to Congressman Trent Franks from Arizona, who is a Republican?

And as far as Dodd, he won't be running for reelection.

Was that a Fox poll... disregard it.. here is the payment plan - Lolly

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Repubs do not want health reform because they are hooked into big corporate business special interests and that includes insurance companies. Who will pay now when the uninsured go to the ER ...? YOU AND I... and that costs a lot more, silly.

Who will pay for the Iraq War that Bush f'd up?

The people making over $250,000 are going to see a 3% increase in their taxes. Now think for a minute. There are people making 31 million a year and 20 million a year, add 3% to that.....

Yes, I say the repubs reach the middle class by scaring them with WHO WILL PAY FOR THIS...

That is the tactic.

other issues - dnh
[ In Reply To ..]
No, the tactic is say one thing, do another, and expect people to believe whatever comes out of your mouth. The tactic is to do it behind closed doors so the people don't really know what is going on and to eliminate all dissenting opinion from those sessions. The tactic is to lie, cheat and steal to get your own way, and then tell people it is for their own good. The tactic is to hide all kinds of garbage in a bill and "forget" to make it public. And neither side is more or less guilty than the other. For Peter's sake, special interests own both parties, not just republicans. You can't be foolish enough to think Democrats are exempt from that statement. But it is one sad state when the majority of people oppose reform but the Democratic Congress will force it on us anyway. Show me the govt run program that has not exceeded budget projections and has worked successfully. And do you think the Medicare cuts will affect only those making $250,000 or higher? And when those cuts are effected, who will be left out in the cold? The wealthy, who will still have the means to pay, or the middle and lower income class, who will now be on the hook to make up the difference? Heard of concierge medicine? My sister-in-law, who is an RN, works for a practice that has now become a cash-only business. You pay. Period. If you have insurance, you can seek reimbursement, but if you don't cough up the cash, you don't go there. Heard of the facilities who are no longer accepting Medicare patients? Do you think physicians are going to do business as usual while their reimbursement is cut to the bone? But along the way, do you see how wages will be cut for all of the ancillary service provides as a reflection of facility and physician reimbursement, even yours? How many facilities and practices will survive the medicare cuts and how many will be lost? And you do realize that when Medicare sets a reimbursement rate, everyone else follows suit with it, don't you? You are neglecting to dig beneath the surface to all of the possible ramifications. Yeah, it is scary because who WILL pay for this? And money is not the only way we will be "paying" for this, how about wait times for care, how about denial of care, how about quality of care, and so on and so on. Your simplistic approach is just that, simplistic.

Aside from which, I really don't see why people think is okay to tax people differently. The tax rate should be the tax rate. One should not be punished for earning more money. It is pure jealousy, it is an entitlement mentality (one which the Dems embrace and nurture) is one slippery slope and is the road to socialism for sure.
Oh Lordy, no no no, not socialism, you are full of fear - misinformation, fear and opinions in your post
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You have a lot of misinformation, fear and opinions in your post, which I am very sorry I wasted time to read.

It is not unfair to tax someone making 31 million a higher percentage than someone making 31,000!!! We live in a civilized society. 3% more they won't even feel, whereas 3% out of $31,000 and they can't buy groceries.

It's not jealousy. That makes NO SENSE.

Also your information is dead wrong about docs not accepting Medicare. It's MEDICAID that a lot won't accept.

Keep watching Hannity.

I have an idea. Stop watching Fox for two weeks and see if your blood pressure goes down.

here's the info for you - dnh
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Please notice it doe say Medicare patients. I think you are the one with the misinformation.
Stop watching Hannity and Beck for 2 weeks and see if your blood pressure goes down. - Lolly
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I think your middle initial is a "u."
I notice... - dnh
[ In Reply To ..]
You didn't respond at all to the facts in the article. Just want to insult and offer nothing else. Typical. I don't watch Hannity, don't watch beck, and my blood pressure is ideal.

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