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Exploding the myth that Ryan's plan

Posted: May 27, 2011

There are always parts "left out..."


Fox is sooo entertaining. - no comment

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And you drive-bys are soooooo predictable. - yawnnnnnn. nm

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Even though it was a driveby - no1joe

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they're right. I saw the title of the post, clicked on it, saw that there was a link, and knew right away that it had to be a link to a Fox article before I even clicked on it... talk about predictable. Fox will be working overtime on their Fair and Balanced reporting in order to try to do damage control on this. Very entertaining.
I am ashamed of you, Joe....thought you - were better than this.
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Seems I have overestimated you. You are just one of the Pied Piper's chorus. I had so hoped that was not the case.

If the Pied Piper's chorus - no1joe
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sings about how Fox distorts facts in order to fit their agenda, then count me in... and I'm not ashamed of it. I feel bad that you are ashamed of me since I'm pretty much shameless, and I think your concern is pointed in the wrong direction. Try looking into Fox and form your own opinion. There's plenty to be ashamed of there (including keeping their loyal viewers/readers misinformed and a little scared). Please don't think that I'm trying to say that I think that the conservative viewpoint is wrong (even though I might disagree with some points). I respect peoples' values, and I feel strongly that Fox's manipulation of these values and distortion of facts is shameful.

That's all on the Fox issue... I don't want to hijack the post that has nothing to do with it. I'm sure there will be many more Fox posts in the future. Have a good one.

So, you think Fox held a gun to Ryan's - head and forced him
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to talk about his plan? Fact is, Joe, none of the other media outlets will talk to him. He is articulate, well-spoken, and his plan is well thought out. They can't argue with his logic or his numbers so they avoid him like the plague.

Now seriously, Joe....how can Fox distort what comes out of a man's mouth?

And as to distortion...what about all these lies that the leftist blogs and mainstream media keep pumping out? They know its a lie, doesn't stop them. CBS went so far as to put forged documents on national TV that they knew were forged when they did it. You act as if Fox is the only media outlet who would distort facts. Is it not equally shameful that all the media outlets do that? I think it is shameful that they try to silence disagreement by not giving the disagreeing persons a voice.

Why is only shameful when Fox does it, when you KNOW that the mainstream media does it too?
I thought Joe was better than that too... big WRONG.nm - GetReal
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This IS surprising. I won't go so far as to say - Indy
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I am ashamed of you, however, it does surprise me.

That being said...I believe you are a lot smarter than this post suggests you are. I believe you know the truth, and the truth is that Ryan's plan does NOT dismantle Medicare. Dare I borrow former President Gore's catch phrase "an inconvenient truth?"

There is no damage control to do. There is only combatting the lies to do. At least Ryan is proposing SOMETHING to try to fix Medicare. The Obama admin is not about to touch that political hot potato with a 10-foot pole because it is more important to them to get re-elected than to deal with Medicare. Their best shot is do nothing but attack the other guy for trying.

Yet instead of being honest you just take the same tack...defend the party of doing nothing and attack the only party trying.

Why do you do that?
Agree. Nothing is perfect, but Ryan has made a great - attempt to deal with Medicare before
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it goes broke. People with no ideas only criticize. They have no other defense because they simply dont have enough brain power.

That was a short,concise statement of fact. - Not so windy

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Just because a poster does not engage in the same ol' text expander drivel and if the statement is to the point and YOU GET IT, it certainy is not a drive by. Somehow, I think you just want to attack someone. Whatever.
Drivel is discarding information because - you don't like the source.
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Somehow I think you just wanted to post a condescending bit of drivel yourself. Whatever.

Fox is the only one who EVER GIVES THE OTHER - SIDE of politics. Are you so brainwashed

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that all you can do is ridicule them? They have regular news and commentary. They are much more fair and balanced than most. I guess Obamas soldiers have to feel this way though.

Yes, they got their marching orders. Don't - try to talk policy, just

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trash. They are dedicated, gotta give them that. They know how to talk trash.
Every network is biased, but that is unfair. They lean - right, most others lean left. nm
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Is that a rumor, or can you show some facts? - nm
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Its my experience... no rumor.. lol.. gee. - I have watched them all.nm
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SO WHAT if it's a Fox News article - Fed up - see message

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Ya know, I'm getting pretty sick and tired of reading posts that if there is an article by Fox News that it is not a valid or true article. Yet on the same hand they'll post an article from Huff, Daily Kos, etc., and profess that that those sites are okay to post but Fox isn't.

If people don't like Fox News fine...we get it...enough already. If someone doesn't like the article and just wants to do a drive by and make a snide remark about Fox why even bother. But to come on and proclaim that Fox is predictable or it's not real news because it's "Faux news" (ahaw, haw, haw), or whatever, then what is the point. We know they don't like Fox News and don't consider it to be "real" news, but it's no different than Huff, Daily Kos, MSNBC or whatever the other side enjoys. They are ALL new sites whether anyone like it or not.

Is this what politics has come down to, that people are ready to kill the other side if they don't agree with them politically. And that it's okay as long as it's in the other political party. It's okay if the conservatives view points are not heard because they are not in the liberal club.

So you know what, yeah its a Fox article. SO WHAT!!! People have as much right to post Fox News articles that they find interesting as much as someone has the right to post an MSNBC, Huff, Daily Kos or whatever floats their boat article. It's gotten to the point where nobody can have a decent conversation anymore if they talk about something they heard or posts an article from Fox News. And whether or not you want to believe it - it IS a news station. Nobody should be cut down because of whatever links they choose to share.


You felt inclined to write all that over a four-word sentence? - Not so windy

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I think Fed Up's tolerance meter got - pegged. It's called
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venting. You felt inclined to take a shot for no other reason than to take a shot? Not so classy. Am I shocked? No. Making your afternoon rounds. Epitomizing what the post said.

Just sayin.
Yes I did - Fed up - see message...again
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And you felt inclined to reply? Hey whatever floats your boat I guess, but it goes to prove my message.

And yes as the above poster stated...my tolerance meter got pegged and this post shows exactly why. Anything to add to my message? No, just another shot. And you wonder why my tolerance level is becoming less and less? It's because of these posts.

I guess its goodbye to the meaningful discussions, hello to the dry by shots at anyone who mentions the word Fox news.

In a word, yes. That is what it has come down - Indy

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If you're that sensitive, why don't you only post on the Fox News site? - me

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Instead of whining when you hear dissenting opinions, just stay around your fellow pod people.

I don't get it.
And I see you had to made a swipe too - Fed up
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Well since Fox News is not "my fellow pod people" and I've never been on their website, unless there is a link to an interesting article. AND I don't watch the show except Neil Cavuto during my lunch....they are NOT my "fellow pod people". Nice try...NOT. Did you see my article about Ed Schultz...probably not or you just skipped over it. I watch MSNBC and I watch CNN too. If someone had written the same nasty remark about an MSNBC article I would have posted the same message.

So you have no significant conversation about the issue at hand...no, I didn't think so.

Your reply and others are why I am FED UP!!!

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