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Economically conservative/socially liberal folk have been

Posted: Nov 8, 2012

the GOP's takeover by social conservatives. THAT's not gonna last long--a "leaderless" hoard of "independents" in need of leadership and direction:

"If, after this defeat, the Republicans cling to the extreme social conservatism of its loony right, they will be gazing at the White House with longing eyes for many years. The demographic trends are clear. Obama was backed by 6 in 10 Americans under 30, while Romney won a majority of voters 65 or older. Like the Democrats before the arrival of Bill Clinton, Republicans have lost touch with the dominant pulse of the country.

Romney, who lives near the city of Harvard and M.I.T and scientific innovation, threw away an election that was eminently winnable for the G.O.P. by hitching himself to social ideas from another age, ideas that often dress up intolerance in religious garb.

He had to do so to secure his base, or so the conventional thinking goes. But that base got him nowhere. The worst part is I am not sure Romney even believes those ideas himself. In any event, the repudiation from the American people was vehement.

It is absurd that anyone who is socially liberal and fiscally conservative has to look hard for a political home in the United States. The Republican Party has vacated that large terrain, but social liberalism is ascendant and there is now no reason to believe the trend will stop." 


this is so true - downtime

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My thoughts exactly! I was just saying last night I could be a Republican if they'd leave all that religion out of it. thank you for posting.

Confusing - anon

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I think he lost the base (loony right, as you called them, I am one) because he wasn't conservative enough. But yet, he lost the younger voter and Hispanics because he was too socially conservative. I am not sure what the answer is. I consider myself a fiscal conservative and I voted for RR. I believe in the social ideology, but I do not need my elected representatives to, sometimes I think I am a libertarian. Live and let live, keep the government out of our lives. I have my own personal views on abortion, gay marriage, etc, etc, but I think the goverment should stay out of our lives and not tell us what to do, who to marry, dictate values, as long as we are not hurting ourselves or others, leave us alone. Cut the spending, balance the budget, protect our shores, but leave us alone. I am tired of trying to support a party who is so dysfunctional. Maybe we do need a third party, I sure cannot support the GOP anymore, they just seem to want to hold onto their own power, no seeming concern for the fiscal cliff we are heading to, either party.

Me, too! - (see message)

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Well, I was THINKING it (not saying it--LOL), but I was thinking the EXACT same thought last night: I could almost see myself voting Republican if only the religious component was taken out of their platform. The planks that the GOP stands for which I don't agree with seem to be the ones based on religious beliefs: Gay rights, marriage equality, science standards in the schools not based on creationism, a woman's right to choose, and birth-control coverage by insurance providers to name a few. I also think health care is a right, not a privilege.

The over 60 group will largely outnumber the under 30 group - aa

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sooner than later.

That may be, but.... - (see message)

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...people don't automatically switch their beliefs once they reach the age of 60.

I think it's that the CURRENT 65+ age group's upbringing and the difference in their cultural experience are what makes them vote differently than the 30-somethings. As the younger generation reaches their 60s, their beliefs and voting patterns are going to have been shaped by THEIR cultural experiences that they're grown up with.

BTW, I should add.... - (see message)

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....that I'm only referring to their attitudes about "social" issues. A lot of people change their views about "fiscal" issues once they earn more money, have more possessions, and pay more taxes! :-D But those social issues are ones that are sometimes burned into our hearts, and the heart often overrules the head. <3
People evolve socially as they age as well - aa
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If you remember Obama said he was against gay marriage when running in 2008 and he "changed" his mind in 2012. Are you saying that he didn't change his mind? Was he for gay marriage and lied in 2008? Which is it?

If you are hard core in your social views then you won't change. But if you are open minded, you may change.
Oh, aa -- really.... - (see message)
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....I'm done arguing with people here about Obama. He's been re-elected now, and I'm not going to debate any more about whether he OR Mitt Romney changed their minds over the course of the past few years.

Besides that, I said "sometimes" our social views are burned into our hearts. I've come to learn through years of living that just about anything can change at any time....there aren't too many absolutes in life. I'm not stating this for debate--it's just my opinion.

Well, I certainly am not gonna get any older. LOL - backwards typist

[ In Reply To ..]
I'm gonna stay at the age I am now. I hate the idea of being called a senior citizen. :-(

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