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Helpful Conservative Dictionary

Posted: Apr 22, 2012

In an effort understand what the Conservative is really saying, I hope you will find these terms/definitions helpful: Family: The war on Gays. Pro-Life: Pro-war, Pro-Death penalty, and Pro-We Choose For You. War on Religion: It's unacceptable that our laws and culture are not based solely on my interpretation of the bible. Capitalism: A market economy that is rigged towards the "Job Creators" Job Creators: The source of lobbying funds that keep the system rigged. Class Warfare: Stop pointing out that the system is rigged. Elitist: Educated. Liberal Bias: The facts do not fit our narrative. ;

Excellent translation - GeorgeO

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I urge all conservatives to read (or reread) the novel 1984. Free your mind and you really will be free (can choose to embrace any symbol you like with a clear mind). Language is a powerful tool and it confounds me that conservatives cannot see through this manipulation by Ailes et. al. I would think a conservative would be proud to form their own opinions rather than be spoonfed attitudes.

Liberal Dictionary - Tired of it

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Family: Anything that does not include a man, woman, marriage, and children.

Pro-choice: The ability of a woman to kill an unborn child because she was too stupid to prevent the pregnancy in the first place, even though there are a gazillon ways to do so and too interested in sleeping with every man who comes along to keep her knees together.

Class warfare: Give the money that hard-working people make to support their own families and give it to those who are "allergic to work" for generation after generation and then keep complaining that we don't give them enough money and that everybody else is too rich.

War on religion: Anything having to do with religion is "evil" and must be destroyed. Anything having to do with atheism, Satanism, socialism, communism, etc. is "good" and should be pushed on the country.

Elitist: Those people who think that THEY are the only ones who should tell other people how to run their lives because in their opinion, everyone else is too stupid to do so.

Racist: Anyone who does not like Obama and his policies of socialism, government control over everything and everyone, "redistribution of wealth", soaring energy prices because we are all supposed to live without oil, coal, and anything other than wind or solar, etc.

Liberal media bias: Constant yammering by the news media about how "wonderful" Obama is and how he gets their "leg tingling", etc. Anybody else who has any other ideas is totally stupid, crazy, etc., and is fair game for them to tear apart.

I think that should clear up a few liberal words and ideas as well.

this list - reveals a

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very bitter attitude towards fellow human beings. I see not 1 ounce of generosity or compassion in this list. If you have no one in your family who has been "too stupid" to prevent pregnancy, you are a rare bird. I do see 1 point I agree with. Your definition of elitist describes you accurately.

Nothing but liberal bias - Hypocrisy taken to new level -nm

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striking difference between the two dictionaries - ...

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There is a difference between tongue in cheek humor and scathing vitriol. The liberal "dictionary" is filled with inflammatory language, baseless assumption, and ugly insults.

The whole "leg tingling" thing is really disgusting. Fortunately, it informs me only about the poster who wrote it, and not the party with whom she affiliates.

Very true. Sicko! - nm

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Well you have Chris Matthews to thank for that - sm

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Whoever wrote the OPs post shows just how ignorant they are to what the conservatives stand for and support. That post was not "tongue in cheek humor". It was hateful ignorance. Certainly not a "Helpful Conservative Dictionary". Just a bunch of hate spew.

The second post you replied to was actually the closest to the truth.

If you think the "leg tingling" thing is disgusting tell it to Chris Matthews.

A post saying the first one against conservatives was okay but the second one against liberals is not tells me something about the poster. Very scary people with this mentality is allowed to vote.
Amen! The libs can dish it out but can't take the truth! - n/m
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I think you missed my point - please note...
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I didn't say I couldn't take the truth. I said the two posts differ in style. And they do. I went out of my way to depict to one and all that I was aware I was talking to an individual, not a party representative.

I certainly didn't think the "leg tingling" reference was used in the same respectful spirit as that used by Chris Matthews. If the poster was paying tribute to Mr. Obama and it escaped my attention, I regret the error.
Just like a Conservative who would only allow voters exactly like them - sm
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The other day I was transcribing an assessment for a US citizen who was borderline functional in our society. The case manager was listing things this citizen should not do for his own protection, which included entering into financial contracts and loans and drive. On the list of things it was suggested he be allowed to do was to pick his place of residence, his employment AND BE ABLE TO VOTE. With all the restrictions that the Conservatives are coming up in regards to voting, this really hit home for me. They want to limit voting to those who can plan, have the physical ability, mode of transportation, and financial assets to obtain a picture ID for voting. I guess they do not want this US citizen to have a voice.
And thank you for the constant repetition - nm
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what repetition? your post makes no sense. - nm
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The constant Chris Matthews bashing - It seems a bit strange
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that someone who cannot understand the context of Chris Matthew's remark must continually repeat it on this board. Says much about poster. I always find that obsession about something usually means a problem somewhere.
Obsessions come from both sides -- - pr
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Dare I mention Sarah Palin to a lib? Talk about an obsession! ;)
Sarah provides us with new material every day - You betcha
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Unlike the replay of the above the point. Big difference.
And that's great if you're a writer for a comedian. - nm
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No different that the Sarah Palin bashing - Strange for sure - SM
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What's strange is the posters who constantly bash SP and take what she says out of context, or the known lies perpetuated about her.

Since this is probably the first post I ever mentioned CMs name in there is no repetition. Strange is the people who think it's okay for CM to say something bizarre but not for Beck or O'Reilly. Yup that sure says a lot about those posters.

So, once again, yes this is repetition for those who cannot grasp reality. I've never mentioned Chris Matthews before, hence no repetition hence no obsession.

Obsession: Compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion, often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety.

Since I've never mentioned his name before or even watch him anymore or even care what he says (except when he's so stupid he says something assinine that I read about) your use of the term obsession is incorrect.
disgusting Chris Mathews - Raja
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So much resentment and stinkin-thinkin on the anti-liberal side. (I think anti-liberal is a more accurate term than the all-inclusive conservative, because I believe there are conservatives who are primarily focused on what they believe, not on what someone else believes). I find the Chris Mathews mocking very revealing. Chris is a commentator and not employed to be "neutral." He admitted to being moved by a speech. I find that endearing rather than something to hold up to ridicule. I certainly hope I am never standing next to one of his detractors at a baseball game, because I always tear up at the national anthem. That makes me a fool, I guess.
like your points! - nm
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Great post. - nm

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