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Defenders of the Free World (sm)
Posted: Mar 7, 2014

The difference is.... - Nora
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Bush will tell you what alcohol did to him and his family and he no longer drinks. Our current president is in favor of legalizing marijuana - seriously?
Excellent point, Nora! - sm
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He is in favor of legalizing ANYTHING in order to further his and George's agenda.
President is not for legalizing marijuana - mbmt
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This administration is not in favor of legalizing marijuana. It's right on the White House website (link below). What President Obama said was that he does not think that marijuana is any more dangerous to individuals' health than alcohol. He also said that he doesn't think it's very healthy, and it's not something he encourages, and said the focus needs to be on reforming laws that punish drug users.
He's not to be believed. - sm
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Before he became the Liar in Chief, he participated in a forum with McCain moderated by Pastor Rick Warren and declared that he was against gay marriage. Would you like me to cite other examples of his lies? Some are whoppers!
Lies? - mbmt
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I don't think he is lying. He changes his mind on issues or misspeaks at times like we all do. Big deal!
Big Deal? - Would you stay with a cheating/lying spouse?
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I wouldn't. Once a liar, always a liar.
But then... - mbmt
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There is nothing that comes to mind that President Obama has said that leads me to think he is a liar.
What does a cheating/lying spouse have to do with this?
If you want to keep your plan... - Nuff said.
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Cheating/lying spouse is used as an analogy? Can you ever have trust again after being cheated on or lied to? I can't.
Proof - mbmt
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I think it is wise to have proof before accusing someone of being a liar.
The proof is out there. - You just have to look for it.
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If that is what you want to believe, go for it. - sm
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But if I were you, I wouldn't say that too loudly out in public.
Why is that? - mbmt
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Wow! I'm just shaking in my shoes.
mbmt -- You have to visit the site BEFORE it's news dot com to understand - and find
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the "proof" they speak of.
btw, appreciate your posts :-)
Thanks! - mbmt
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That site is better than one of their other favorites, WND...LOL.
I'm thinking... - sm
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...that y'all haven't heard of the Benghazi, IRS and NSA scandals, i.e., lies. These are in addition to the ObamaScare lies. I have no idea what news outlet you cited. What I cited above is from AP, Reuters, ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC and FOX.
Obama has no substance. - He goes whichever way the wind is blowing.
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He's not definitive about anything. Ever.
Marijuana SHOULD be legalized - FYI
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How many people have died of an overdose of marijuana?
How many people have had every internal organ of their body eaten up by cancer and/or pickled due to marijuana?
How many people are in prison at taxpayers' expense because of marijuana? Way too many.
Alcohol and cigarettes KILL people and they're legal.
There are many proven medicinal values of marijuana without side effect and physical addiction of opiates and other drugs.
Legal marijuana is a taxable product.
It's just ludicrous to not legalize marijuana. Don't bring up the kids because how many of them get into the liquor cabinet and/or get their hands on cigarettes?
George Bush is an alcoholic. We elected an alcoholic to the office of president. No wonder our country went down the drain while he was in office. That is worse than any experimental phase of Obama's. I know I'll be met with the rote "our country is going down the drain with Obama," but it's not. We're finally emerging from the disastrous hole the alcoholic put us in. You just can't drink like he did without killing a huge amount of brain cells.
You are entitled to your opinions. - sm
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But just an FYI, there is a huge difference between an alcoholic and a reformed or recovering alcoholic.
You can't regrow brain cells no matter how reformed you are. - FYI
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It is not my opinion that alcohol causes cirrhosis of the liver and kills brain cells.
It is not my opinion that cigarettes cause cancer.
These are facts.
And it is not my opinion that marijuana has medicinal qualities and that no one has ever died of marijuana intoxication. Very possibly it does affect some chemistry in the brain, but alcohol is poison that causes irreparable harm. Not my opinion. This is a fact.
Reform or recovered does not bring back what has already been destroyed.
Legalize medical marijuana. - not recreational.
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You surprise me with all your compassion. Nice.
I agree. Alcohol is far more destructive than - pot. It makes no sense.
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Both are destructive in their own way, but - sm
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Why do we have to be a society that drugs itself? Is it because we have trouble coping with Obama's America?
oy vey! - sm
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Drug abuse has been around long before Obama was a twinkle in his father's eye. Linking drug abuse to Obama is just silly.
How many people wound up in drug rehab centers - Truthhurts
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who started on marijuana and went to harder and harder drugs.
You are entitled to believe marijuana doesn't hurt anyone but I'm sure that records of drug rehab patients would be private just as regular health records.
I will point out the one of the newest people who uses marijuana: Justin Bieber. So far, he has not admitted to stronger drugs but it's only a matter of time. Even so, if you've paid attention, he's in enough trouble over marijuana now.
What about Lindsay Lohan? What about Phillip Seymour Hoffman????? Now there's your latest death from marijuana, cocaine and amphetamines or didn't you know about those drugs found in his system? Such a shame, too.
I'm certain that no one starts directly on heroin or cocaine. It's a very gradual dependence where marijuana doesn't do it anymore and so, they lead to harder drugs to get high.
PS Hoffman did NOT have marijuana in his system - sm
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Lindsay Lohan and Justin Bieber appear to have lots more trouble with alcohol - a legal, very popular, and most impressive gateway drug.
If more of the world's leaders were to partake - of the weed, world would be a better place.
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Yeah, just what we need is EVERYBODY being stoned - Sarcasm
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Do you know where that picture of Kerry comes from? Just - wondering
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and if you do, why is it characterized in this post as a bad thing?
Obviously - sm
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after the Swift Boat incident as his hair is too long to be active duty.
Misread your question as when, not where. - Sorry.
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It's apparently from the Swift Boat hearings. - sm
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I tried to paste the entire pic in here, but I don't know how to do it. I did a google "image" search for 'John Kerry swift boats' and that pic noted in above post came up. Interestingly, a pic of him and Jane Fonda at a rally also came up.
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