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Armed guards posted at unemployment offices in anticipation of

Posted: Oct 31, 2010

Sounds like the GOP is preparing to ratchet up the next phase of their jobless benefits strategy.  Guess we do not have to offset the cost of posting armed guards at the unemployment offices by spending cuts...just divert federal funds to the states already allocated for unemployment benefits administration toward so-called security and away from UI benefits recipients to keep them from storming the palace like they did in Greece.  Isnt that just nifty?   

For the more than 2 million jobless slated to lose benefits Nov 27, looks like Spam will be gracing their Thanksgiving table this year and many families could be homeless by Christmas.  This makes perfect sense to those among us who would like to bring new meaning to the War on Poverty.  Batten down the hatches.  We are in for a rocky ride, just in time for the lame duck session.     


So, you have a better idea, genius? nm - GoodDay

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Better than allowing UI benefits to expire and stationing armed troops - outside their offices?

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Just about anything is better than that lunacy. Clearly, you cannot come up with anything but bristles and snipes. What pray tell does that solve?

What I suggest is that the GOP collective take a grown-up pill and realize that as long as they are coming up empty-handed in terms of viable jobs proposals, obstructing anything and everything brought forth by their so-called opponents, playing politics instead of doing their jobs (to facilitate the passage of legislation), and displaying the utter hypocrisy of paygo filibusters of UI extensions in the face of stagnant jobless rates (while pushing corporate-and-wealthy-friendly measures that they claim do not have to be offset), that the need to extended benefits is going to continue to plague them, their opponents, the jobless, the economy and the entire nation. This is a no-brainer.

Bottom line here is that they need to extend current deadlines based on a REASONABLE time line (not month-to-month to create endless political drama) and add Tiers 5 and 6, in view of the fact that lame duck sessions are historically unproductive, THEY will be in recess for the entire holiday season (during which time typically little to no hiring takes place, work slows down, and the jobless without benefits will be scratching around for food and a roof) and swearing in does not occur until late January.

Arming unemployment offices is a pre-emptive act of raw aggression and a sign of just how morally and politically bankrupt those who support such divisive measures really are, not to mention out-of-touch with electorates nationwide. They are creating an environment for protests that could easily lead to violence where there is none at present. It is beyond me how some of these folks can sleep at night.

You are ridiculous,, yeah, REALLY.. Look, the GOP has - no power (yet), dont have majority, and

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Obama has passed all kinds of unhelpful, in fact, hurtful garbage in his horrendous couple years in office ie: stimulus, and horrible healthcare reform, all of which is delaying our recovery and will hurt more than help, yet someone like you would rather blame Bush or the GOP for the next hundred years for everything that happens. Its getting funny and pathetic.
Kindly dont play dumb with me. - Can you say filibuster?
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Civics 101: Obama has not passed anything. He is no longer a voting member of Congress, remember?

Please wipe off those specs of yours. I never brought the shrub into the conversation, not once. You are just trying to take the heat off the subject at hand by releasing a school of red herrings. Cant say that I blame you, though. If I were a member of the party of the Grinch spoiling to steal Christmas, I would be squirming around A-LOT every time the subject of unemployment benefits comes up. I am not blaming the GOP. I am ASSIGNING RESPONSIBILITY where it belongs.

How about addressing the paygo hypocrisy issues (unfunded extension of tax cuts for the rich) they have proliferated ever since Bunning got so indignant cuz he couldnt get home in time to watch his favorite sports team play a game during the last UI extension debate...or was that the time before? It is easy to lose track since prior to July, they were extending them on a month-to-month basis, making life for the jobless a 24/7 pins-and-needles affair.

Read my lips. They are intending to stiff the jobless from Nov until late January on this issue, creating utter chaos and misery for more than 2 million Americans, just in time for the Holy Days. THEY does not mean Obama and THEY does not mean the dems. Oh, just for the record, a large majority of Americans favor these extensions.
I do not see any legislation for extending the benefits - Backwards Typist
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from either party. They are off until Nov. 15. If they were truly worried, they would hold emergency sessions. I don't see anyone in Congress jumping on that boat. So, don't just blame the pubs, blame the dems, too, if there is nothing in the works.

As for paygo, dems keep byapssing that law for "emergency" legislation.

Paygo was waived for the stimulus in 2008 and in May 2008 for the Farm Bill. Both direct spending in the bill and tax cuts, as passed by the Democratic-controlled Congress and signed by President Barack H. Obama, were exempted and did not prevent the deficit from growing to $1.42 trillion.

Don't forget, Obama praised the passing of Paygo, but then signed legislation lifting the cap on government borrowing from $12.4 trillion to $14.3 trillion. Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?

So, again, the dems bypassed the Paygo law by lifting the cap so they could keep spending.

Read My Lips: Pubs do NOT control Congress. Dems control Congress. They can end a filibuster if they want to, but they rarely do so it will look like the pubs are the "enemy of the people."

Another news flash for you: the last unemployment extension did not do anything for those that already exhausted the first 4 tiers. If the dems were so concerned, don't you think they would have included those unemployed people? Did it happen? Nope.

Both parties are to blame for the destruction of our country, but laying the blame on one party and not the other does not resolve anything, and as long as Obama creates a frenzy by creating a wedge between the people and the parties, NOTHING will change.

yes, Obama is so divisive its such a downer, and like the - poster before you, thinks of pubs as enemy one.
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Its unbelieviable that no matter the circumstance, they can find only pubs to blame.. talk about NOT having an open mind. Until both parties find a way to compromise on something, we will get nowhere, and Obama makes it worse, not better.
A new "blame it on Obama" - text expander phrase - nm
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You are getting pretty good at that.
You going to deny he is divisive? OPEN YOUR EARS!!.nm - BLT
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It's not news that Obama is dividing us. - Backwards Typist
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You must skip over the speeches where he spews hate against the pubs. I have never seen or heard another president do this. It started from day 1 and is so bad now, I change the channel when he has a press conference or the stations show his rah-rah hate speeches on the campaign trail.

For all the promises he made about working together with the pubs, his direction was just the opposite. I think he has 'D' and 'R' mixed up on the car he keeps talking about.

He gave an interview last month with Univision he stated:
“If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s gonna be harder and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2.” (This was mentioned on Chris Matthews today.)

 This interview alone shows that he considers everyone that does not vote dem or is not a dem, an enemy. Real smart. So, all you 'enemies', get out there and vote! Then vote again in 2012. Hopefully, there will be a good candidate.  

Or how about the 2001 radio interview that just surfaced:


He is starting to really scare me with his retoric.  


Here's another simple fact they keep forgetting - anon
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In his speech where he said "reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us". They conveniently forget that the democrats have not been standing with the Latino community on issues that are important to them. In fact the opposite is true and there has been a large deportation rate. That is why the Latino community is upset with the democrats.

This really is scary when you realize that some of the democrats have just really lost their mind. They know they haven't supported them and they talk as though everyone is just going to forget about it or like it hasn't happened.

I hate to agree with that psychiatrist who wrote about this, but he was right on. That's is what really scares me about some of the politicians.
Blame game - see message
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You don't even want to get started on having a "text expander phrase", cos you got that one beat with "it's Bush's fault".

Blame lies where blame is due. The words spoken were...

"We're going to punish our enemies and we're going to reward our friends" (Words spoken by him about the Republicans).

Nice try at turning this around, but as they say....Sorry Charlie. It's not going to work. If anyone holds a record at the text expander phrase it's the one's who instantly say at anything that has happened past present and future "it's Bush's fault".
I never say the B_ _ _ word. - Not me.
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I only correct you when you start saying it wasn\'t B\'s fault.
No corrections are needed - see message
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Let me rephrase - When you say "It's Bush's fault" when something is clearly not his fault I will correct you.

Blame need to lie where blame is due.
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CIVICS 101: Obama has not passed anything. He is not a voting member of Congress sez one of you...remember that the next time you say BUSH's WAR. Cuz, friends, your mouthpiece said it here:

CIVICS 101: Only Congress can start a war, and Bush had no vote either.

And you friend, read MY lips. Bush added 3 trillion to the debt in the last FOUR years of his presidency. Obama has added 3 trillion in 1 YEAR 9 months. He is Bush on STEROIDS. So kindly don't blame dumb with us either, okay?

The progression of Our downfall... - sm
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Budgets do not come from the White House. They come from Congress, and the party that controlled Congress since January 2007 is the Democrat Party. They controlled the budget process for FY 2008 and FY 2009, as well as FY 2010 and FY 2011. In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases.

For FY 2009 though, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office. At that time, they passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the FY 2009 budgets. 

And where was Barack Obama during this time? He was a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as President to complete FY 2009. Let's remember what the deficits looked like during that period:    (below)  

If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the FY 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets.  That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets. If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself.

In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is I inherited a deficit that I voted for and then I voted to expand that deficit four-fold since January 20th.

There are none so blind as those who cannot (or refuse to) see. - sam
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I just do not get it. Everything you posted here can be independently verified as true statements. Yet they repeat the Bush's fault mantr being fed to them. I guess it is because the lie comes with a promise of a freebie. I do not know what else it could be...sigh.

Let them eat more cake - make it double-layer

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While, we cannot let the unemployed be put out to dry, the fact that government buildings and offices might be increasing security would not surprise me. The crazy militia-type groups have all kinds of misdirected anger. Sort of the Timothy McVeigh types.

On the other hand, the author of this article is the classic Wall Street market manipulator type. If you watch CNBC or read any Wall Street journalism, you will quickly catch on to the hype and stomp of the lingo--people buy out of greed, and sell out of fear, and there are those who are smart enough to profit off it both ways. The purpose is to manipulate the market newbies out of their hard-earned money. This is one of the reasons why Wall Street reform is so important the reason and why Social Security should never be privatized.

Insightful post that raises some excellent points. - nm

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Please see message. (sm) - mm

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You're 100% correct about the militia groups. Sharron Angle SAID she wants "Second Amendment remedies" available to her and she also said that we need a revolution every 20 years in this country.

It's not hard to feel the way you feel when these threats come from candidates/congress people themselves.

I agree with you about Social Security, but Bush has just said it's one of his REGRETS that he didn't privatize it. That should give people an idea of what we're dealing with here. Many Republicans in office now want to privatize Social Security so that Wall Street can rip off more people. Why some people support that is beyond me.

So is it better or worse - see message

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Not looking for an argument, I would like to know your opinion as I'm divided on this topic.

Wouldn't it be better to have a separate SS that people 50 years and younger will benefit from. Or is it better to have the govt keep ripping us off. We've already been told that 50 and younger there will be no SS for us when we reach the age, yet they continue to withdraw it from our pay.

Like I say, I'm divided on this. I want a better system for people my age and younger. Why should I keep paying into SS for my future when they are telling me there will be nothing for me when I reach that age.

Armed Guards - GOPmt

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I cannot believe you are blaming the GOP for this. The obama-man has been in office for TWO years, time he put on his big boy pants and worked for the American people instead of his buddies in the unions!

Exactly! I too am waiting for Obama to be real man!.nm - BlameGame

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Tacky and childish Palin-, ODonnell- and Angle-esque man-up snipes - are B-O-R-I-N-G.

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Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Guess thats the best you can do. Poor dear.
Speaking of Angle, SHE'S the one who advocated - using "2nd Amendment remedies" so it
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sounds like it's more of a Tea Party/Republican strategy. I think she also said it's good for the country to have a revolution every 20 years.

Angle and her Republican/Tea Party pals are no friends to average Americans.

Palin, ODonnell, Angle show trashy side - How unclassy can you be?

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It looks like reverse-sexism. All the work that we have done to finally get some gender equality is squandered.
Unclassy - like calling someone a "b" and a "whore" - yup - unclassy
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Oh wait - that would be called spineless
I don\'t know what you are talking about - but 2 wrongs . . . nm
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Now Palin calls media "bastards" - not impressed
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It is never okay for so-called professionals to go around calling people names like that.
It's true - and she's not talking about candidates - anon
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I actually did not hear her say that so I can neither confirm or deny it.

However, with that said she is 100% right on and she has the right to say that. Did she call a candidate that? No. However, Angle was called a "b" twice. Said she was going to hell (a threat). Whitman was called a "whore", and no outrage from you on that issues.

Every election it gets worse and worse. People call their opponents liars, whores, "b"s, dumb, retarded, etc. Now your upset that Palin calls the media bastards?????? That's the least offensive word out there for them.

What in the world are you talking about? - Obama is the Prez, not a member of Congress.

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If you self identify as GOP, then surely you must know that your party has been engaged in en bloc blocking of every single piece of legislation that came down the pipes since the moment they took office. The stunts and grandstanding they have done over unemployment benefits extensions are legendary and their unsuccessful attempt to pass a resolution "forbidding" a lame duck session all together is not easily forgotten. Expect them to throw hissy fits from beginning to end (Nov 15 through Dec 23) over that and be sure to notice that they will not hesitate to take out their anger and frustrations on the jobless over not being able to extend their current one-month hiatus until next year (!)...that is if they even deem the expiration of benefits worthy enough to even bring up for a vote. So far, NOTHING is pending to address this issue, and because of their prior recalcitrant inaction, the agenda is jammed packed with spending budget (that outta be a knock-down-drag-out in and of itself), the DREAM Act, the energy package, expiring Bush tax cuts and possibly DADT measures.

BTW, (armed) Camp Indiana is a GOP stronghold, whose unemployment rate has remained essentially unchanged since June 2009 at 10%, has been over 8% since Nov 2008 and saw a jump from 8% to 10% between Nov 2008 and March 2009. There are more than 100,000 99er families in the state that are homeless, and plenty more on the verge who will go catapulting over the edge if benefits are not extended. One has to wonder just whose best interests are being served by locals who so brilliantly decided to station armed troops at the doors of all state unemployments offices.

So what? They didnt say they would shoot someone.nm - Calm Down.

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Excuse me? - sm

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Guns are brandished under the guise of security to INTIMIDATE folks into submission. Panicky jobless people with active claims who have just lost their lifelines have every right to access that building, even if they are visibly upset, nervous, jumpy or even straight-up angry.

When was the last time you saw violence break out during a demonstration by jobless citizens exercising numerous constitutional rights to freedom of speech, the right to assemble and the right to redress their govt? The so-called chaos these militia-happy officials are anticipating is not their making, but rather a direct result of inept partisan boondoggling.

Is this the America you want to pass down to your kids? Armed camps? Class warfare pitting rich against poor, employed against jobless? Forgive me, but I thought 21st century America was a bit more evolved than this.

obama - GOPmt

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I cannot believe the idiocy of blaming the GOP for lack of unemployment funds. It is obama that has brought our country to the crux of bankruptcy itself spending $$ on all his pet projects and while including cuts in Medicare. He STILL has nearly half the funds unspent from the stimulus \\\"shovel-ready\\\" projects, so if unemployment goes unfunded, ya might want to grow-up, see the truth, instead of blaming the GOP that wants to save our country from bankruptcy! Grow-up.

Class warfare? Obama is creating it, OMG, get real!.nm - TX

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Thank you US Chamber of Commerce - for offshoring our jobs-nm

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It doesn't matter, just so the Republicans can get - more money from the Chamber.nm

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