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A sign nearby
Posted: Jan 15, 2013

That is just as awful - RC
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as the paper that printed the map of gun owners.
What is wrong with people?
People are responsible for their own behavior. - RC
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If I were their neighbors, I'd be glad. Their guns should remain, - hopefully, locked up in a gun safe. nm
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you would be glad to have a sign directed at your home - regarding your personal property?
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No. I've never run from theoretical boogiemen. If one ever shows - up, I'll call the police. BTW,
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I really mean it. Some people are driven by fear, not reason, and don't stop to count the odds. I am afraid when there's real danger and don't worry about the airplane-falling-from-the-sky-on-me stuff. This neighbor would be perfectly welcome to leave the sign up as long as he wished.
lol...nothing theoretical here - sm
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Someone messing with my home and my privacy is not something I tolerate. It has nothing to do with fear or "airplane-falling-from-the-sky" stuff. It has to do with propriety and lawfulness.
Well, long ago in Hollywood we might have had your - level of problems, but it's been a
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quarter century since anyone broke into our house, and even then it was just a neighbor's druggie kid waiting for us to leave so he could come grab something to sell.
I'm talking about the odds, SM. We're pretty darned safe in our home. At 60 I worry a lot more about cancer or my healthy DH at 72 having a stroke or heart attack than I do about violent crime. For good reason--it's about rationality for me.
People like me just aren't afraid of a lot of things that spook others. It's a personality thing. As an appraiser I often went into high crime neighborhoods without particular worry, just not at night, and I liked to be gone by midafternoon.
I never went through that being afraid of poisoned Halloween candy thing a bunch of parents did. Silly stuff. My kids WERE more likely to have a plane fall on them.
When rumors of bad water started circulating, we didn't really believe it but had our water tested, confirming that our well run community had clean water. Never bought a single bottle of water instead of tap water.
Lots of things like that.
BTW, now that we live hidden by woods in a rural area we ARE armed and we do lock the doors at night, although we often don't bother when we go places in the daytime.
liked your post, Hollywood - sm
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thanks for taking the time to write such a thoughtful post. I get you now, and I like your perspective.
Thanks. I also appreciate and understand your position on - property and lawfulness. We have
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friends who I'm sure feel the same way. I often leave the door unlocked when the house is empty, not worrying but also knowing there's nothing to keep someone from just quickly breaking a window and entering anyway; but I can just "hear" Caroline telling me she's going to damn well make SURE they have to climb in and just hope they slice something important in the process. :)
If these obstructive booberkins don't want executive orders, - they should work together for a solution.
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Didn't anyone tell them that the President has executive authority? This is what comes of electing, and listening to, ignorant, intransigent fools.
The President has tried, in good faith, to work with all major groups to decide on measures all can live with.
What? Bowing down to whatever the Great One wants? - NWIH - I don't want a King either.
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Well, that's why we adopted a 3-part government and a 2-party - system when we did away with our king. nm
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Laws regarding privacy and personal property protect ALL of us - not just you, the right wing, and Justin Bieber
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Divisive drive-by comments like yours do nothing to help all of us move toward sensible resolution to public safety issues. I bet you didn't like the recent publishing of gun owners' names. Nor did I. Tell us, why the double standard for the gun lobby?
I'd file an injuction so fast their heads would spin - nm
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I'd leave it right there. Some statements are not taken - as their utterers imagine they will be. nm
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The sign poster would not exactly be the subject of - universal admiration. :) nm
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Great! Now the criminals know which house - they can steal guns from.
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And which ones are easy pickin's - sm
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Brilliant as well!
Unless someone is sitting at the window - with a loaded gun at all times
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You can bet a potential thief would much rather get their hands on a stolen gun than grandma's jewelry.
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