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Find the cat in these pics
Posted: Dec 31, 2011

Are these color pix? (spoiler alert) - Love My Kindle
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What fun! I can't decide if being on my BW Kindle makes this easier or harder. It definitely makes it smaller.
Found the top and bottom, and if kitty 2 is just left of center, found that as well.
Thanks for sharing! Hmm...maybe I can zoom in on these.
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I can't find it anywhere!
Thank you. - Rainy
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I *think* I spot it, but it is not as clear as the other 2.
I can clearly see it in #1 - sm
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but not in #2 and #3.
Found #1 and I think #2, but #3 is hiding from me. - Rainy
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got 1 and 2, and think I see 3. - where are the answers to this?
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