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This is what I have been talking about

Posted: Aug 12, 2015

Regardless of the details of Michael Browns actions,none of which deserved the death penalty, by the way, his death made people open their eyes to the racism in this country. It opened the eyes of the government on local, state, and federal levels. It became impossible to ignore anymore. Changes are slowly being made. Today, on the 1 year anniversary of his death, peaceful protests are being held across the country. This is my way of participating in those peaceful protests. If you'd like to leave this page and throw out all your ME items, be my guest. Just don't throw them AT people--- that would not be peaceful. - Mary Engelbreit http://www.buzzfeed.com/ariannarebolini/illustrator-is-getting-hate-for-her-anti-racist-art?utm_term=.th2apkYPz7#.ki11xDZG9D;

Yes, opened eyes, worked the same way in the - 60s when Watts burned

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What I see is looting, rioting, shootings, killings. His death did absolutely nothing to change anything. One death, talk, memorials, fades away. The same has been going on for oh, the last 40 plus years. Lived through them, killings in Mississippi, deaths of Malcolm X, MLK, the Kennedys. Black folks use the looting and peace marches just to cause more burning down of their own communities and robbing from their own and did I say killing each other. Black lives matter. When the blacks start showing they do, then I will pay some attention but until then nope. Like I said below, my husband HATES to see more blacks moving in our neighborhood and he really hates how some blacks act out.

So your husband hates that - what do you think?

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Is this just a cover so you don't have to say you feel the same way or what?

Those statements you attribute to your husband are not pleasant, so I guess that's why you say they are his, but really, why do we want to know about your husband's racist sentiments?

My husband, his brother in Florida, I all - feel the same, racist?

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The husband/brother are black and I am white and we are law abiding citizens. He hates when thugs show out because he says they only make other black folks look bad and his brother and I both agree with his "racist" statements. I have lived through much more conflict than most have seen and am tired of the black lives matter lingo when in reality just a bunch of words.

Not OP - SM

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Pleasant? What's pleasant about burning and looting nearly a whole city? That's really productive isn't it? If the blacks want the attitude toward them to change it starts with them. You have to act civilized to be treated that way. Get rid of the guns and keep yourself out of trouble. That would go a very, very long way in accomplishing something.

I feel the same way as you. - Lived through riots before.

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I particularly like your statement, "Black lives matter. When the blacks start showing they do, then I will pay some attention." I will add to that. When they start to show respect for authority, including their own parents, teachers, law enforcement, elderly people, etc., I will have respect for them.

I will say it loud and clear, and it has nothing to do with racism. I don't want to live in a black neighborhood because I am afraid. I am afraid of the crime, the noise, the drugs, the gangs, etc. I also don't want to live in a neighborhood frequented by Mexican gangs or Asian gangs. Period.

You do realize - JC

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That there are white neighborhoods with crime, noise, drugs and gangs also, right? Not just black, Mexican and Asian
Not as many though - NM
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? - S
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Not in the neighborhood where I live. - person to whom you responded
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I selected my neighborhood with great care. If undesirables move here, which I sincerely doubt will ever happen, I will find somewhere else to go. #alllivesmatter
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No that doesn't sound racist at all
The word "undesirables" is now considered racist? - Guilty conscience perhaps?
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I am a single woman and don't want to live in a bad part of town. Simple.

If you are reading racism into my post, perhaps you are the one who is racist.
I don't want to live with undesirables, either - Nick
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Unfortunately we have an undesirable guy in our building--a white guy with no consideration for anyone else. I'm also a white guy who would like to give him a punch, but he's not worth going to jail for. Race has nothing to do with desirability.
The word "Dixie" is considered racist now too. - Political Correctness is ruining
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True, but - SM
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When was the last time you saw them on the news burning it down?
Wanted to add - SM
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About 2 years ago at 2 a.m. I was awakened by the loudest noise I had ever heard in the night. I was terrified. Seven gunshots outside my window. I was too terrified to even go near the window. Some minutes later I looked out the window and saw several black guys looking all over the street in front of some of our homes, looking for spent bullets. Turns out a black guy got in a fight with another black, who ran up the street. Guy got out his gun and fired seven shots at him as he ran. This neighborhood used to be decent. I literally feared for my life, having done nothing more than go to bed in my own home. Unfortunately, that's the mentality we have to life with now. You don't like something, shoot it. How many are drug deals gone bad? In this town very much of the time that's it. The girl next to me told me she was terrified, as her 2-year-old daughter's bedroom window is a few feet from where the shots were fired.
Dislikes? How pathetic of you - SM
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I just love when someone makes a good, rational point of this board the people who can't defend their despicable behavior simply "dislike" the post. All the back and forth on this board on this topic, and all we hear is black lives matter. All the comments posted about blacks and crime are not addressed. Guess if that was my behavior I wouldn't be able to defend it either. There is no excuse to act so uncivilized. Too bad too many don't respect themselves enought to act human. You will never make a better world or situation for yourself if all you know is violence. Go ahead. Dislike this all you want. It is cowardly.
Denzel Washington is an excellent example of - a role model, not just for blacks, but
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for all of us. He's a classy man and a great actor. It takes guts to take a stand in Hollywood. He's a Christian and puts God first. I'm not turning this into a religious response. I just thought it was worthy to note.

There are a lot of wonderful black role models. Unfortunately, if they aren't liberal or left leaning they are marginalized.
Could not agree more - SM
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I never intended to say all blacks act out and are terrible. They are certainly NOT. My issue was with the ones who turn to crime and burn cities, etc. There are wonderful role models in every race. Love Denzel Washington as well. Dr. Ben Carson is at the very top of my list.

changes - sm

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Jobs programs, Mission St. Louis, Heal St. Louis.

More diversity in representation in the City of Ferguson itself, city council and police department.

Awareness of the corporate community in providing jobs for black youth.

Not to mention the much-needed publicity/visibility of the issues which causes slow, but steady change.

My husband, who is not exactly a liberal bastion (but he does live with me, so he must have some tolerance) was livid about the Sandra Bland issue, he feels Michael Brown was executed unnecessarily, and just recently said he thinks the police need to be without guns (which I even think needs a bit more thought process), but the pendulum does swing. Emotional issues.

Just like the changes that have happened since Malcolm X, MLK, et cetera, those horrific events brought to the forefront changes that needed to happen--and I dare say there are not near as many lynchings and most everywhere black people are allowed in the schools, they ride the buses, eat at the lunch counter, et cetera.

But without the light on these issues nothing would have changed. Those issues were forced with some kicking and screaming of some of the same mantra as the complainant's post.

Put light on the REAL issues. - sm

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No family structure. No fathers. Too many baby daddies. No jobs because all they know from generation to generation is welfare and having a handout. A lot of people have the mentality that they can "make more" by being on the dole. I've heard it over and over again, "Why should I work and pay for child care when I can get more from the government for housing, health care, child care, food stamps," and on and on it goes. And, of course, the black on black crime. That MUST stop first before any of this BLM fake hysteria can be taken seriously.
Can I ask where you hear it - over and over again?
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Because I have not heard any of this at all from anyone, except maybe Fox News and other right wing outlets.

Are you a social worker or community worker? Have you got family members who tell you they "make more" being on the dole?

Would any of that be your personal experience? Somehow it doesn't sound like it.
Let me step right in and give you some examples - of where I have heard it, numerous
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Years ago married to a guy, black, who was married prior, had 1 daughter. The daughter was on section 8, 3 kids, on food stamps, any and everything free she could get she would. Her mother died (ex-wife) and the job she had working in a private home offered to the daughter. The daughter took the job, hardly showed up, did not want to work. When food stamps said going to have to get training, job in order to continue to receive I personally heard her say, "Heck, I ain't going to any school." The mother (ex-wife) got food stamps, welfare and also ran an illegal alcohol and drug house. Oh, another note- the daughter who did not want to work was living with a guy who worked for the city and yet got all the extras you and I both pay taxes for.

Another person who worked for me doing housework (black) had 2 sons who did not go to school, stayed in the streets, thugging and the woman allowed her own sister to claim these 2 on her income tax when the mother drew welfare, food stamps, etc. and the children lived with the mother (not the sister). This woman would always show up at anything free that was being given away just because. This woman also did not want a "real" job because she said got too many freebies and if she had a "real" job the stamps, welfare would be taken away. I have heard it, heard more and if you think for 1 minute it does not go on you are just kidding yourself.

I know years ago the more children you had the more the welfare was increased each month. I think that was changed, I hope it was changed because I saw welfare fraud. I knew of and called on a tax fraud one time and no one seemed to care. I knew the people, had all the information including SS numbers but might as well talk to the wall.
Current events - Old timer
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Thing have changed. Apparently you are talking about things more that 20 years ago.

"One of the most notable myths that exist about welfare is that people can collect welfare indefinitely and are not expected to ever get a job. This is completely false. In 1996, President Clinton approved the Welfare Reform Act. Since then, welfare-to-work programs continue to be a priority. Adults who are physically and mentally able to work and are receiving welfare benefits are provided with resources to get a high school equivalency diploma and to be placed in jobs."


Unfortunately after the Bush economy debacle and there were so many job losses and jobs sent to India and China, many people have not been able to find jobs that pay enough to support their families. Ask any medical transcriptionist/editor.
You just verified my posting because people - still on the dole now
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You started off "things have changed" and wound up with "after Bush jobs losses and jobs sent people not able to support their families." Old saying, what goes around comes around, so still welfare, food stamps after all these years. Now remind me again, talking about things over 20 years ago?
Apples and oranges--Wage stagnation - see message
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There are many people,MTs included, who are being taken advantage of by the corporate policies of keeping wages low to the point that the government has to subsidize workers.

This is a corporate problem, not the problem of "welfare lovers who do not want to work."
Wrong - JC
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Sorry to say you are wrong about this I know of two people who have been on welfare for over 20 years. That may have been the plan, but it was never enforced - at least not everywhere!
So what is your definition of welfare? Disability? SS? - see message
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I know people who were on disability 20 years ago and never did grow new legs or raise their IQ enough to hold a job. So, yeah, I guess you are right.
Are you serious or just kidding. No one said one word - about SS or disability
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Why throw those words in? We spoke of welfare, as in people having loads of babies and then not working and getting money on the dole (which has gone on for years now) and still does. There is no talk about SS or disability. Be for real.
Pretty impressive--people having babies - see message
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I know of no people who have babies for 20 years just to get welfare. You must live in a very fertile area.

What kind of welfare are they getting? TANF, SNAP, Food stamps?
The myth - The convenient myth
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Moreover, so-called black-on-black crime has decreased over the decades. In the past 20 years, black-on-black homicides decreased by 67 percent—a sharper decline than white-on-white homicide—and "[a]mong black youth, rates of robbery and serious property offenses are the lowest in more than 40 years," according to Demos. Throughout the country, crime has continuously fallen since the 1990s. Plus, black-on-black crime is hardly unique. Most crime is intra-racial. Around 90 percent of black homicide victims are killed by black offenders, while white people kill each other at roughly the same rate.

Opinion piece. - No facts.
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No thanks.
Have there been facts on this subject to this point - that I missed somewhere
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Perhaps you should sell your house and move - sm

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to a neighborhood with less diversity before your home value plunges because of the black influx. Oh but wait, you won't be welcome in a "whiter" neighborhood because your husband is of color and considered a "thug" by the white folks who live there.

We have more diversity in our community than - most to be sure

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My husband grew up with a silver spoon so to speak while the "privileged" white person, that being me, was more on the poor side. My neighborhood has the right mixture of all races but like I said, he prides himself on being one that believes in work, having nice things and living a good life. Laughable to even think one would consider him a thug. We just don't care for a bad efflux and when you see someone walking their dog, especially a pit, well does not take much to put that 2 and 2 together. The HOA home costs on the upper end so we don't sweat it that much. So thankful, would hate to be neighbors with the people I hear talking on the Ferguson, Miss news casts.

Exactly, her husband is prejudging based on - skin color but he is supposed to get a pass?

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Irony itself. You have expressed the ridiculousness of this.
We do not just get the pass, we have the pass - because know how to conduct
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ourselves. As far as moving, we love where we live and like I said the cost of the houses here on the high end so that should help to keep riff raff out. When every night nearly all the crime you see just happens not to be white, we both prejudge. Have no issue with that.
No worries, then. The Blacks who move in should - be upscale...nm
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ALL LIVES MATTER! Not just black, white, yellow, green... - HRN

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There's a discussion on the politics board on this subject. Started about the White House aide who shot at her boyfriend because she thought he was cheating. This is college educated African American woman who grabbed a gun and threatened her boyfriend and shot the couch to scare him. Now you tell me, was that black woman thinking about her boss, Obama and how Black Lives Matter?

It doesn't matter if you are in the streets of Ferguson or in the White House, the reaction of the black culture is always the same...violent. The "black stereotype" that we white folks supposedly created, isn't a stereotype, it is reality. And we didn't create it, the black community did. I turn on the news, and there is the black community in Ferguson, in Baltimore, in Washington DC burning businesses, looting stores, throwing rocks at police officers, shooting at their boyfriends...

Tell me what I am supposed to think. Tell me why I shouldn't be afraid to live in the same neighborhood. Tell me why should I believe black lives matter when it seems no lives matter to the black community.

Am agreeing. Once I see the black community - thinking their lives matter

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and I like you don't have to watch endless rioting, killings, carjacking, lootings and especially the black on black killings here in Atlanta?? When I see different then I might care more. Until then nope am not buying that even blacks think their lives matter. Watch "The First 48 Hours" and see how endless the black crime is. They don't care, I don't care.
instead of rioting - and interrupting politicians
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maybe work from the home out. Such as convincing your 14-year-old sister that being a single teenage parent is not wise even if it is family tradition. Insisting your your brother the baby daddy of 3 kids by 3 dif women to support his children? Helping the neighbor by watching her child while she works instead of him out on the court with the pre-gang bangers. Yes, black lives matter. Show it within your family units.
Wonderful post - Breakdown of the family unit
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I truly believe that much of the problem in this country is a result of breakdown in the family structure. Not speaking here just of blacks either. Who is giving children guidance and instilling in them respect for God, people, property? When I am out in public and I see parents grabbing their kids by one arm, slamming them down, cursing at them, etc. I think of my mom and dad. Our family in many ways was dysfunctional, and yet we had mealtime together, went to church, were taught right from wrong, love and respect for animals, etc. I had one mom and one dad. There was never a constant stream of live-ins on drugs, and in and out of jail. The country has gone down horribly. The neighborhood where I was raised was clean and respectable. I would not walk thorough it now in the daytime. Homes look horrible and it breaks my heart.

SMH-Black Lives Matter should change name - Notice-Black People are Getting Killed Unjustly

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Notice-Black People are Discriminated Against A Lot.

They never meant they mattered any MORE than anyone else, it was just that The Controllers of Society don't seem to think they matter at ALL.
Again, if they thought they really mattered, then - why all the black on black killings?
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No pity party on my street for people out of control, robbing, thuggish, killing, carjacking, looting, etc., etc. Learn how to act like you matter, then you probably will be treated as such. Until then.....
They don't matter to themselves. - SM
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This is a fake crisis bought and paid for by Soros and his ilk to stir the pot and divide the country.

controllers of society - mt
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The case of Sandra Bland is so tragic. A very minor traffic violation resulting in her death! It's very hard to believe she committed suicide. She wasn't doing anything wrong.
Just never know why people take their own - life
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Robin Williams.
Robin Williams - mt
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was getting old and had a new dx of Parkinson and something else, I believe. But Ms Bland was a young woman. I think she was heading to a new job. Looks like she had a nice family. She didn't do anything wrong.

I don't know what the explanation could be for what happened but I just don't believe she committed suicide. Something else must have happened.

This incident to me is very shocking. It scares me regarding traveling, which I used to kind of enjoy. Getting out and driving on a sunny day. Never know what might happen.
I will be sure and tell my husband about - driving because
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he drives one of the 18 wheelers, for a living! He might need to reconsider his trade that he has done for the last 15 years. I never knew people scared of driving now, ridiculous. One thing though, my husband has been stopped several times, never ran, never back mouthed, always nice and polite when asked to show license, insurance, get out of the vehicle. I guess there could be some difference then because he does not fear being stopped, ever or apparently not driving.
Getting old and diagnosis of Parkinson's so you - just should kill yourself
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Your statement is just ridiculous. News flash- if living right now we are all getting old. As far as diagnosis there are more people every single day that have worst diagnosis than Parkinson's. Your statement does not make sense, older, diagnosis. Healthy people every day commit suicide and leave no note and no one knows why, just the way of some.
I never said he should commit suicide - mt
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because of diagnosis. Just giving a possible reason. All I know is what is said on the news. He had some diagnoses and also struggled with depression.

I think Ms Bland would likely be alive if she hadn't been stopped. The policeman comes out of nowhere right up behind her. She thinks he needs the right of way for some reason and she quickly moves over. He stops her for making a mistake, but she had probably been taken off guard by his coming up behind her suddenly and didn't signal. She had some defiance in her personality regarding the cigarette and then he became frightening, yelling for her to get out of the car. Then put her on the ground. Then took her to jail for several days. Apparently she had everything she needed in her cell to hang herself, if that is what happened. I find this story scary.

It was not her first attempt. - sm
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She attempted once before.

If she would have obeyed the law in the first place, she never would have ended up in jail.

Nuff said.
So because they perceive that they are being discriminated - HRN
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against, this justifies criminal behavior such as rioting, looting, assault, etc.? So I'm supposed to watch Ferguson on the news and feel sorry for those people because they were suppostedly treated unjustly?

They are a culture of children - throwing temper tantrums when they don't get their way.

The leader of this country is a black man! He didn't get where he is by rioting, looting, burning down businesses when he felt he was treated unfairly!

Giving in to this kind of behavior is a detriment to the black community. It's reinforcing bad behavior and it's sending the message that the black community lacks the intelligence to achieve their goals without resorting to thug-like behavior. It flies in the face of everything Martin Luther King stood for!

I was really against racists until I actually started to live - around black people.

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Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason.

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Last Update: June 12, 2014 575 US troops died in Afghanistan during the Bush presidency. By August 18, 2010, following two troop surges initiated by President Obama, that number had doubled. Today, over 1500 US troops have died in Afghanistan since President Obama took office—and yet, little in that war-torn country has changed. These numbers should give us pause. While the Administration has publicly conceded that there is no military solution in Afghanistan, and claimed that it support ...

Talking About Animal Rescuing Below And We Hit The Jackpot TodayNov 16, 2009
Purina and PetSmart really both need a pat on the back. The combination today gave the rescue over 4,000 lbs of cat/dog food combination, litter and the like, all the head person had to do was to go get it. There was absolutely no charge to the rescue group. Is that not a nice thing for them to do? ...

The Facts That Pubs Are Talking About Biden's SmileOct 12, 2012
says a lot about who won the debate.  As usual Ryan has no details, sounds like a parrot.  ...

Stephen Colbert Talking To Hillary CartoonJul 27, 2016
Did anybody happen to catch this on Stephen Colbert last night?   Too funny!  ...

Since We Are Talking Food Today, I Want To Know, Besides A Meat Dish,Mar 26, 2016
I would like to keep simple and my appetite is not as big as it was. I like to fix the Knorr pasta sides, simple and quick. I am trying to cut back on meat but would like to have a little something more than just the pasta. Any suggestions? ...

Bill Clinton Talking About Immigration In 1995 Nov 19, 2016
This video clip is of Bill Clinton speaking for greater border control, deportation of illegals, no benefits for illegals, etc., during his SOTU speech in 1995. A very nice find I saw elsewhere recently. ...

Paul Ryan Talking About 2012 Budget CutsApr 03, 2011
Just FYI: I know some of you don't like Fox News, but try to tune in at 2 p.m. today for Chris Wallace (Fox News Sunday).  Paul Ryan is on and he gives very detailed information about budget cuts for 2012.  This budget will be released Tuesday, so this is kind of a sneak peak for anyone that's interested. ...

It's The Arithmetic, Stupid! Clinton Buried GOP Talking Points Sep 05, 2012
6 feet under, right where they belong.   ...

Wait - Is That Bill Cllinton Talking About Illegal Immigration?May 18, 2016
Follow the link. ...

Planned Parenthood Taped, Talking About Selling BodyJul 15, 2015
eating. It's disgusting, I couldn't listen to the whole thing. Talking about babies as if they are commodities. www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjxwVuozMnU ...

Planned Parenthood Executives Talking About Selling BabyMay 26, 2017
You know, sometimes she’ll tell me she wants brain, and we’ll, you know, leave the calvarium till last, and then try to basically take it or, actually, you know, catch everything, and even keep it separate from the rest of the tissue so it doesn’t get lost,” Ms. Nucatola says. Ann Schutt-Aine, director of abortion services at Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, says she’ll hold a fetus in place with forceps to prevent partial-birth abortions. “If I’m doing a procedure, and I’m s ...