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Neighbor's barking dog

Posted: Sep 21, 2011

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to handle a neighbor's barking dog?  This is a hound dog who barks incessantly all day long at the house kitty corner to ours.  I've left a note at the residence about this and have called animal control when it continued, and he is still at it.  I've tried closing up my house and running white noise in my office, but nothing seems to drown him out.  It seems talking to them would be pointless at this juncture as they haven't done anything about it with the two prior complaints. 


Barking dog - cr

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Boy, can I relate to that! For a year I tried working graveyard while living right smack dab, within feet, of an incessantly barking dog. I'm an animal lover and also feel sorry for animals who are penned up like that - what's the point of getting an animal and then confining it to one spot? Usually they are lonely or hungry. Often I would throw food over and that would help for awhile. Since I had cats, I didn't want a confrontation with the ignorant, inconsiderate neighbors for fear they'd retaliate by hurting my cats. Thank God I was finally able to move away, but after having to quit my job from a lack of sleep. The combination of working all night with a dog barking all day was too much. It was a living nightmare.

I'd be tempted to go next door and "help him escape." - Minus his collar & ID tags, of course.

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Why? So he can be hit by a car? How cruel. nm - Punish the Owner instead

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Unfortunately, hound dogs are barkers no matter what - cindy

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but if the dog is left outside and no one every lets him in, that will contribute to it. I would talk to the owners and suggest that they put some toys in the backyard for him to play with. He might be barking out of boredom. Otherwise, you can call the police station in your area and ask if there is anything that can be done. I had a Bassett Hound next door and he just wanted to come in the house. The guy was home all day long, probably too doped up on his Percocet to give a crap. The dog finally went back to Ohio with his step daughter when she left. Good luck. I know it can be annoying, but it is not necessarily the dog's fault.

call code enforcement - sereneone

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If you live in an incorporated area there are usually noise ordinances.

Do you live in the city or country? - doggielover

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If you live in the city there is usually some kind of ordinance about noise, whether it is from people or animals. If you live in the country there is not much you can do. I live in the country and have five dogs. My neighbors across the street have three dogs outside and one inside. One of my dogs is a basset hound and barks at everything. The neighbors have three coon hounds and they bark all the time. Toys and rawhide bones work well for a while, but they are just doing what dogs do..bark. Please do not do anything mean to the poor dog. It is not his fault and the owner needs to be more responsible as a pet owner. Where I live I have gotten used to ignoring all the noises..barking dogs, tractors, 4-wheelers, farmers, cows, et cetera. I dont know what to suggest to you other than keep trying to get the owner to acknowledge his part and help with the situation. Again, please dont do anything to the doggie.

Barking Dog - NorCalMT

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I would never do anything to the dog, and I am not sure why someone would assume that I would. I do not blame the dog and don't believe my original post came across that way. We live within city limits and animal control has been contacted, but the owners still have done nothing about it. I wish people would do their research before getting a dog. I will just continue to call animal control daily until maybe the owners get a clue, which is doubtful.

doggie lover - sm

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I giggled at your response (tractors, cows, etc.) as I'm sitting here listening to the same. I also have fairly large and loud trucks on the street right below my house. I play a radio very low in the background and that seems to help me a little.

I had a diff pet issue in the form of the ugliest duck I had ever seen. Instead of staying at pond next door (neighbor's adult daughter bought the beast), it took over my front porch & pooped all over everything repeatedly. I cld numerous times to make her get the thing. but it wouldn't stay there. The boys delivering my firewood were here & thought it was cool, so I said, "If you can catch it, you keep it." Neighbors were fine w/ it as they hated it, too, but the daughter still thinks it just flew away.

Face to face sometimes works better - Dogs

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I had to do it. I have three and would DIE if they disturbed anyone. I left notes on the neighbors house and it did no good so I finally went over w/o make up on and drug my feet and told them that I was so tired, needed sleep and couldn't handle it anymore and I didn't want to call and get them in trouble so could they please do something. They started putting him in the house and it's much better.

A truly horrible and unfair situation - sm

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Was in the same situation with inconsiderable neighbors and the barking was ear-splitting. Visited them in person and they agreed they should bring the dogs in when they started barking. After about a week, it was as though conversation never took place. Called city's animal warden, city councilman, even mayor's office---things would improve for a while, then go back to before with the barking. Even had an attorney send them a letter. Finally called a different city councilman and whatever he said to these inconsiderate people finally made an impression because as soon as the dogs started barking, they started bringing them inside. The only thing you can do is irritate them as much as they are irritating you---Keep calling until you reach the right person or until you wear them down. I love all animals but people should not have a dog if they are just going to lock it outside, barking out of boredom and disturbing the neighbors. It is unfair to the neighbors as well as to the dog. People should not have an animal if they don't want to take care of it. Good luck to you.

Hope you get it solved - KSer

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When my daughter was born, my neighbors got a black lab puppy and kept him outside, chained to a doghouse. At night, the poor thing would whine and cry and carry on, and I felt so bad for it. However, I had a 3-year-old and a new baby (hubby was out of town for work) and I needed my sleep!

Finally, one night I had enough. I put on my robe and slippers, went outside and unleashed the puppy, carried him to their front door and continued to bang on the door until they opened it (they were ignoring me). Finally, I handed them the puppy and told them that as long as I wasn't sleeping, they weren't gonna sleep either (I was exhausted, lol) and asked who in the world gets a puppy and chains him outside. I told them that everytime that puppy whined, I would be at their door, in addition to calling the police on them and animal control. I never heard the pup again. They kept him inside!

See what hormones will do to you???

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