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I'm at a loss as to what to get my FIL!!

Posted: Dec 17, 2009

Okay, my FIL is 75 and I am at a complete loss as to what to get him for Christmas.  He is living with one of his daughter's.  Dating a lady that buys him clothes.  He doesn't eat much.  Doesn't have any hobbies.  Has a bothersome neck and elbow.  Doesn't watch tv.  Hubby says to get him a roll of snuff (hate doing that) and a package of socks (how boring)!  He sleeps a lot and "piddles around" with nothing in particular. 

Any ideas would greatly be appreciated!!!!


FIL - JuneBug

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You TOTALLY described my FIL!!! Last year I got him a giant remote control and he LOVED IT, but you say he doesn't watch too much TV so...

What about a really awesome book? My husband was being a real wet blanket about me buying my FIL a coffee table/ picture book about WW2, but I got it anyway and he's always looking at it... It sits in the den, right on the coffee table too!

How about: a gift card for a nice dinner for he and his lady friend, a CD (music from his day), tickets to a movie or game or event...

Does he have a Leatherman pocket tool? - sigh

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ALL the guys in my family love these things.

Good luck!

How about an MP3 player, pre-loaded with all? - his favorite music? nm

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I like this one! - Stumped

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I hadn't thought about that. He doesn't read much either (didn't finish school) but a really nice coffee table type book with pictures and captions from his era would probably be nice for him.

Thanks for the great idea! I'm going to hit Barnes and Noble this weekend (my 8 year old son loves that store as well so i'll have him "help" me find something)!

Gift for 75-YO - Gemini

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A microwaveable heat pack. Where I live we have CVS Pharmacy. They call it "Bed Buddy" is a very reasonable price, less than 20 bucks, microwave and place around the neck, everyone loves them (including myself), no matter the age; it's a lifesaver.

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