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You have heard me talk about my stepfather's pets before; Tiny (a Smooth Fox Terrier/Chihuahua mix), and Morry, our Amazon parrot.
Saturday night was Trick or Treat night, and I always go up and put some things out front that light up; orange light bulb for the door light, a lighted ghost holding a pumpkin and skull, a cackling witch on the bench out front, whose eyes flash red when she laughs, a talking trick or treat bag that lights up and laughs when you walk by, etc.
Tiny was in bed taking her nap, and Morry was in the kitchen playing with her toy bird that talks back to her. The first two kids came to the door, and of course Tiny barked when she heard them. Soon she got the routine down and never left the livingroom. She sat at the front door, looking out the glass storm door, turning her head from the left to right looking for kids. She stood up and gave a little bark to let us know they were coming down the street. Each and every time after each group left she sat up straight at the door and looked for more and told us when they were arriving.
Morry was in the kitchen, very excited and shouting at the top of her lungs. Soon all the kids were more interested in the pets, and not so worried about candy. A group of five darling little blonde girls, each dressed as a princess arrived. They just loved Tiny and all wanted to pet her. They saw Morry and squealed and laughed, and before I knew it all five ran into the kitchen. Their mom, of course, was close behind and apologized. I told her I just loved it! They were fascinated with Morry and didn't want to leave her cage. I told Morry to say "Bye" to the little girls, and she looked straight in one little girl's face and yelled "Go outside!" Well, that did it. I never heard such giggling in my life.
We had a great night, and if I do say so myself, we made a great team, all four of us! The kids just loved my decorations!