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Female dog, spayed, has a problem with (sm)

Posted: Apr 9, 2011

her anal glands needing to be expressed every few months or so, or she becomes very uncomfortable.  I have tried flaxseed oil to no avail.  I've had dogs all my life and never had a problem with this before.  Any help out there?


Some diet changes might help - sm

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My vet suggested we add a tablespoon or 2 of canned pumpkin to my dogs diet everyday (not pumpkin pie filling, but the canned pumpkin--the goal is to get the highest fiber pumpkin). That helped, but when we discontinued the dog biscuit treats and the rawhide chews, the problem pretty much disappeared. For treats, they just get a few of their regular kibbles or a raw carrot. (I buy the baby carrots that are ready to eat in a bag) They didn't care for the carrots at first, so I marinaded the first batch in beef broth and then baked them. They decided they like them and now they just get them raw. The problem seems to be gone.

Slightly indielicate - Shipwrecked

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Carrot are great snacks, along with raw apple and celery. I sometimes freeze applesauce with cinnamon in little paper cups.

For the anal glands, I also add some 100% wheat bran to their food. I order it online since I can't find it in the grocery store. My dogs are little, and they get maybe 1 tsp. The theory is it makes their poopies slightly abrasive, which cleans the anal glands.

Pumpkin yogurt - cindy

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I give my dog a small bowl of pumpkin yogurt every day. Not only does this help the anal glands but also gas. Pumpkin is great for dogs for their digestive tract. I buy a large container of plain nonfat yogurt and the canned pumpkin (plain pumpkin like posted above not the filling) and mix them together. My do absolutely loves yogurt of any kind. He is also a huge fan of bread and sometimes I make him pumpkin muffins, as he gets glucosamine chondroitin and sulfate with a Mobic daily for his joints. (He is 13) Your dogs poop will turn orange from the pumpkin, so don't freak out.

My dog is kind of wierd and his favor foods are bananas, bread, yogurt, green peppers and ice cubes. Every time I fill my glass with ice, he gets up and walks over and waits for his ice cube. He needs exercise so this is great for him, it makes him use his muscles in his hind legs and he is a getting a no calorie 'treat' and stays well hydrated at no extra cost to me, what a deal! I know it is wierd but Shadow is one of a kind!

Thanks for all the responses. I'll try them. - Dog lady

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Molly thanks you too. :)

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