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Boy gifts

Posted: Jun 13, 2011

My daughter was invited to a birthday party for two 12-year-old boys.  The moms said no gifts, but I would really like to send her with something.  I have all girls so really don't know what boys like.  Any suggestions on something cool for a little gift that a 12-year-old boy would like?


confused and amused - what the?

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I'm just wondering what part of no gifts do you not understand? So to heck with the parents wishes and do whatever pleases you, right? Amazing...

meow - Jackie

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I didn't come on here to get slammed. I was going to send a TOKEN gift, not some big elaborate thing. Sheesh....

yeah, but - AARPMom

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the mom said no presents, probably so the boys don't focus on the kid bringing the presents and block out all the other visitors, causing hurt feelings amongst other guests. But you can send token gifts if you wish.

Wouldn't that still be a gift? - ...

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No gifts means no gifts, didn't sound like confusing wording to me. Even if you just give something small, a gift is a gift, just because it didn't cost a lot of money, it doesn't count?

If your kids walk in with a "token gift" that's still a gift, in turn making all the other kids feel like crap because they didn't bring anything, making the mom mad because you didn't follow her wishes, and probably pissing the other parents off for making their kids feel bad that they have no gifts.

But hey, if it sounds like a good time to you... go for it!

I would bet that the mom just didn't want.. - people to feel obligated to bring a gift.

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Especially since there are two boys and going to children's birthday parties gets expensive if you do it very often. She probably didn't want people to not come, just because they could not afford a gift. I second the flashlight from below or I know that my friend's son who is that age is into the Tech Deck skate board toys. I always buy him some sort of a ramp or accessory.

Whatever the reason the mom said no gifts....sm - oldtimer

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her decision should be respected. DO NOT send a gift. That would be rude in my opinion. If you feel you must do something, invite the boys to an outing with your family to go swimming or for a barbecue.
I disagree. I actually think it would be rude - NOT to take a gift.
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Just my take on it. Clearly, everyone has a different opinion on this, but I would NEVER go to a birthday party without a gift.

First of all... - sm

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You never go anywhere empty-handed. When I got married, I said no gifts so that people would not feel obligated. We just wanted everyone to come and have a good time, but people brought gifts and we were very thankful. I certainly was not mad that people did not follow directions. I feel it is plain good manners when invited somewhere to bring something, a bottle of wine, flowers for the hostess, dessert for the kids, whatever.

I would send my daughter with a card with a gift card for the local ice cream joint, batting cages, mini-golf, something like that for maybe 10 bucks a piece, just a token.

Good for the OP to show her daughter grace and manners in a world where they are much needed.

p.s. Don't send a bottle of wine..hee hee.

Thank you!! - Jackie

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I was also raised with the same values...you go somewhere, you take SOMETHING!

The party is for 2 boys from 2 different families. One of the boys has had a tragedy in his family recently and a lot of these kids will be seeing him for the first time since it happened.

Thanks to those of who who have been helpful in your replies.

I had three boys.... - Old part-timer

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Having had boys, I know by that age, they get really tough to buy for. (That may be why mom said "no gifts", since people ask what to get when they RSVP for a party.) Anyway, as far as a little token gift, maybe a gift card to a local movie theater? The other "fall back" gift that my sons still give each other or anybody else is a flashlight. They claim *everyone* can use a flashlight!

gift - anon

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If the mom said no gift, I would want to respect that. Instead, why not bring something to the party to share that everyone can enjoy that night? Call the mom and ask her.

This sniping at Jackie is ridiculous, and there's an easy compromise. - Hi there!

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If you want to get them a little something, do it--just wait until the party's over to quietly leave your gift for the boys. (Leave it in the car until you're ready to go home.) Simple--no "trauma" for the other kids, no justification for parental outrage and you still get to recognize their birthdays in a small way. I'd bet money that you won't be the only one to bring a present, anyway.

As for gift ideas, I had to organize our Christmas family reunion and got stuck with the same 12-year-old boy challenge. I bought one of those medium-sized "super-soaker" water guns at the drugstore, and you wouldn't believe how excited he was when he unwrapped it!

Great idea! - Old part-timer

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I forgot about the super-soakers. They're always a lot of fun and as they usually don't survive the summer, that's a great idea!

I might bring a pinata... - something all the kids can enjoy. NM

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Gifted Boys. - Carded.

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I'm not a mom to humans, so I'm out of my comfort zone. How about an iTunes gift card? If the boys like Subway or McDonalds, for example, you could get their gift cards. Or, get a Visa gift card; the boys can then buy whatever they choose. Whatever gift you choose, I'm sure the boys will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Carded - mthead

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I have a 12yo boy and an 8yo boy. The 12yo loves itunes gift cards and the 8yo loves Target, Walmart or Gamestop gift cards.

Walgreens has numerous gift-card options. - Wal*Mart Gift Card Queen

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A couple of Boy Barbies - GI Joe

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It's fun to see the looks on the boys' (and parents') faces when they unwrap that!

Even more fun is to dress them in Girl Barbie clothes and arrange them sitting together in a little basket having a picnic.

What would be the point of that? - Dont get it

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If she didn't want to get a gift, she wouldn't get a gift, not just give them something bizarre to see their reaction.

Seeing their reaction IS the point - Bizarro Is My Middle Name

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Lighten up.
I'd never invite you again - Dont get it
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You don't exactly sound like a fun guest but rather like you're deliberately trying to be a jerk. It would be the last invite you get from me!

Tranny Joes? - Don't Ask, Don't Tell

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