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Yes, yes, 1000 times yes. Wish you were here
Posted: Sep 16, 2012

I'm surprised you're not trying to - resurrect
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Timothy McVeigh... a true GOP patriot.
Not just no - but HELL no
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Bush is the one who created this mess. He couldn't fix his way out of a wet paper bag.
Wrong... all went to pot when the dems took over - last 2 years. Obama has destroyed it all.nm
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Groundwork laid long before dems cleaned house. - Why do you think
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they were able to gain 33 seats in the House where they gained control and add 5 more seats in the Senate? You do remember they called it a "sweep," don't you? Voters saw the writing on the wall, but they never did expect to ever live to see the day the GOP actually sit down at the table and gobble up the crow they served up on election day 2006.
That only happened because of the war... the direction - of it .. Dems took over and major fail ! nm
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"Only happened because of the war?" Wow. - sm
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I don't think I've ever heard the debt-exploding deadly disastrous whoops-no-WMDs-after-all debacle minimized so blatantly. It's getting too close to my bedtime to launch into a rebuttal on the scores of economists who beg to differ with your other simplistic dismissal, but suffice to say the politics and arithmetic implied there simply doesn't add up.
Bush didn't bother to get funding for the war. - sm
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That's one MAJOR reason he left such a large deficit for President Obama to try and clean up.
Took Bush 8 years to bankrupt this country. It might take Obama 8 years to fix it.
Another Con president means more wars. I, for one, am sick of all the wars.
But from the news, it looks like we could have - WW3 starting soon.
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Around 20 countries hate Americans and calling our president a terrorist and chanting in Australia, "Obama, Obama we loved Osama". Yes, it is just a handful of people, but still, American Embassy and 4 Americans were killed.
I do not recall it being this bad when Bush was in office except for a flying shoe thrown at him. Al-Queda caused the 9/11, but other countries were not chanting Bush was a terrorist.
Bush can't even leave the country for fear of - sm
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being arrested for war crimes by other countries.
Being skeptical and completely untrusting of the GOP, it wouldn't surprise me if THEY had something to do with it. There's a reason they call them "cons."
I believe WW3 will be here soon, too. - sm
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It's what the cons want. Then they can retreat into their private bunkers (already stocked with enough food for a LONG time) while the Americans who can't afford the elite bunkers die of radiation poisoning. They will then re-emerge, and America will not be the land of the free, but rather the land of the RICH.
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