The Fiscal Times Headline for Today:
Posted: Jun 5, 2014
by Edward Morrissey
"Relentless Incompetence: Americans Are Giving Up on Obama. Over the last several months, the American public has had a hard and clear look at the executive talent inside the White House, and has begun to despair for real leadership and competence.
When leadership fails, people stop following. It appears in the sixth year of the Barack Obama presidency, that moment has arrived.";
"Relentless Incompetence: Americans Are Giving Up on Obama. - ProMT
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I agree with this article.
State the Obvious - sm
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ProMT apparently agrees with ProMT.
Okay. LOL. Well, I did read it and found it very interesting, and I disagree with ProMT and ProMT.
I'm an American, and I'm not giving up on Obama, not by a long shot, but I have actually gotten a takeaway from the endless droning of the GOP: With their relentless campaign to impeach every Democrat president, I'll most likely never vote for another Republican as long as I live.
My second post was an addendum - ProMT
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because you are required to type something in the "reply" box. Gee, I did not quite think I had to label it an "addendum" since my Alias is the same. Maybe I better find another website with more intelligent people.
No problem. - sm
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I must have read the post before it was actually edited. When I wrote that comment, it was nothing more than a very short post by ProMT that said nothing more than it agreed with the posted article by ProMT, add to the fact that the "addendum" was already written into the OP when I read it. I actually thought it was kind of cute and was just kidding around.
If people are not intelligent because they can't read minds and somehow know that a post will be edited but it just hasn't happened yet, well okay; you got me there, I'm not a mind reader!
The degree of pettiness - ProMT
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on this board is sad. I guess if one is unhappy, it somehow makes them feel better to pick apart, make fun of, or criticize a comment or one who posts a comment. I am very blessed that I do not possess that trait. There is so much more to life. Be happy and thankful for what you have, and if you are unhappy/miserable, make some positive changes.
Repeat: No problem. - sm
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I merely explained why I posted what I did and said "no problem." When I read the post it was different. I don't feel it necessary to label and lump people into little descriptive boxes nor lecture using terms like "unintelligent, petty, sad, unhappy, miserable" or assign all that other stuff to someone I've never met and couldn't possibly know.
Thanks for posting it. It was a very interesting article that I just happen to disgree with.
No problem. 
If I was in the minority "by a long shot".... - sm
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Just my opinion, but if I was actually in the minority "by a long shot," there'd be no need to relentlessly bash away at the current POTUS whilst simultaneously bashing at the most likely person to be the 2016 nominee of the Democratic Party.
This may be deflection by a troll... - sm
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...someone trying to grab the thunder from your post, which is outstanding BTW as noted by someone else.
That's okay, cos I'll never vote for another democrat - we're even
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And no, it's not campaign every democrat. Nobody tried to impeach Kennedy, or Clinton during his first term.
Impeachment is there for a reason. Otherwise. It's impeach any president who has done something that is impeachable. We now continue to count with the current "dude".
BTW - Nixon was impeaches and I'm pretty sure he was not a democrat.
So, please, as the saying goes "go cry me a river".
If we were actually even.... - sm
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If we were even, it would have been a lot closer election in 2012, and you'd have no need to keep up the character assassination of President Obama and Hillary Clinton.
BTW, Nixon was never impeached.
Reply - your only right about one thing. - we're even
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The election was pretty much tied in 2012 until the stunt.
I never mentioned or talked about Hillary.
There was no "character assassination".
You're only right about one thing. Nixon was not impeached (I thought he was). He at least had the decency to resign. However the fact remains that he was going to be impeached.
and he was not a democrat.
Close...... Not so much. - sm
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Original thoughts and discussion are welcome on political chat boards, and people's opinions are not limited to containing only words used in the post they are responding to.
I may not agree with someone's opinion, but I will always respect their right to give it. 
I guess if you are into that sort of thing - sm
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Since you have just instructed me that I'm allowed to give my opinion here.
Pretty Colors - sm
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I wasn't instructing you in any way that you were allowed to give your opinion, just that everyone was allowed to give their opinion and not generally limited in word selection, including me.
Wow, the 2000 election. I had forgotten that Governor Bush won New Hampshire in 2000. Those 4 electoral votes made a huge difference. Now that one was really close and brings back memories. Thanks. 
Well I just thought since your little graph thingy didn't mean anything - I'd add to it. - nm
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Thank you for this!! I wish I could "like" it a zillion times!
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