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Weinergate ---hahaha... what a mess.

Posted: Jun 1, 2011



Another Breitbart production featuring James O'Keefe - sm

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sporting bulging briefs, skinny white legs and his handy-dandy cell phone camera. The last few weeks have been really unkind to the GOP media-wise, so what better time to crank up their news fabricators, sharpen those #2s and prepare another truckload of yellow journalism, with just a smidge of career-busting libel thrown in for good measure? After all, it has been more than two whole months since O'Keefe sabotaged NPRs Senior Vice President and CEO with his most recent deceptive video and he has been known to use cell phone cameras in the past to do his dirty work (like when he was caught red-handed and arrested for tampering with the phones in Senator Mary Landrieu's office).

Strictly a theory, but I would not be the least bit surprised. Whenever Breitbart opens his mouth, lies have a way of falling out all over the place.

oh, there you go. You have no idea. Gee, talk about - conspiracy theories and cynicism..nm

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There is a difference between - sm

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speculating on possible explanations and declaring with absolute conviction that a (conspiracy) theory is absolute fact, to the exclusion of all other versions of a story.  The poster stated clearly that it was a theory, and did not claim to KNOW anything.  Conspiracy theorists do the opposite. 

No one knows at this point exactly what happened.  What we do know is the story was filtered THROUGH Andrew Breitbart.  Given his and O'Keefe's close connections and track records, the scenario described in the previous post is at the very least quite a plausible explanation and is fairly logical.  Another angle would be an O'Keefe Twitterverse copycat wannabe.  Whatever the case, it certainly has served the purpose of distracting from and breaking the continuity of the strongly favorable democratic message the media was reporting in the days and weeks prior to these allegations, not to mention GOP ethics scandals of late, Ryan's free fall from grace and the ongoing circus side show that is the GOP primary candidate selection process.    

Project Veritas, O'Keefe's muckraker organization, has the stated mission "to investigate and expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions in order to achieve a more ethical and transparent society" and to "uncover the truth."  The ethical, transparent and truth components of this statement are comical, considering the deceptive practices (undercover masquerades, extreme editing out of context, distortion of facts and the like) he employs in his purported journalistic practices.  

Folks who follow his stories and support his views have no shortage of loose cannons within their ranks, so the supposition of a photoshop prankster is a whole lot more believable to me than the idea of Anthony Weiner jeopardizing his career and marriage ala Christopher Lee style with such low-level nonsense.  Seriously...have you seen his new bride?  They have not even been married a year.  It makes no sense to me that he would be out there trolling for this kind of trouble.     


What I find comical is that a man - like Weiner
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won't answer the question on whether or not the crotch shot is him or not. I'm pretty sure that we all would be able to recognize ourselves in our undies. Also, for him to go from his account being "hacked" and wanting an investigation and changing his mind and wanting no investigation and calling it a mere "prank"....seems feasible to me that Weiner has something to hide. All I can say is that I feel sorry for his wife. Obviously there is more to this story that Mr. Weiner doesn't want out in the open.
Agree..and Weiner is a perfect name for this guy. - or weasel... either one.nm
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How about this? - LMAO
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Weiner's weasel seen on Twitter. Bahahaha!
Oh, thats a big barf !! - LOL .nm
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Extremely funny though! - LMAO (nm)
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In a sort of junior high school way. - nm
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so much for the photoshop prankster, LOL - YourWords
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"Folks who follow his stories and support his views have no shortage of loose cannons within their ranks, so the supposition of a photoshop prankster is a whole lot more believable to me than the idea of Anthony Weiner jeopardizing his career and marriage ala Christopher Lee style with such low-level nonsense. Seriously...have you seen his new bride? They have not even been married a year. It makes no sense to me that he would be out there trolling for this kind of trouble."


Wow....how obviously one-sided and biased - you are

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Weiner first said his twitter account was hacked and then went on to NOT want an investigation for some reason and he refuses to say it wasn't him in the picture. If it wasn't him in the picture, why does he keep dodging that particular question?

I think this whole thing is ridiculous. The only thing funny is that we keep hearing the word "weiner" over and over again and I'm sorry...but that makes me laugh.

I personally feel that Weiner (ha ha) is lying. I believe that is his weiner (ha ha) picture and that he posted it and now that he is in trouble he first tried to say he was hacked and then when he realized he would get in trouble for reporting something false like that....he has now changed his story to...it was a prank. You would think a smart guy could look at a picture like that and know one way or another whether it was or wasn't his bird legs, weiner (ha ha), and boxer briefs....I mean really.

Speaking of one sided - Pot-kettle alert

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Rachel Maddow’s exploration of the technical aspects of hacking and the specifics of this particular case lend very strong support of Rep Weiner’s hacker claim. The fact that making a tweet appear to originate from a source different than its true origin is easily reproducible and that certain background data they obtained from the original tweet is NOT identical to the one released by Breitbart casts the doubt in a much different direction than you are trying to presume.

What he said was he saw no reason to call “the authorities” and instead opted for hiring a private investigator on his own dime to find out what happened. That investigation is ongoing, so your connection between his alleged avoidance of investigation and your next leap is a non sequitur. The option of bringing charges based on tangible valid evidence to them at a later date remains open. Did I mention he has hired an attorney for advice on possible civil and/or criminal charges?

One can only speculate on his reasons for not making a definitive statement thus far on who is in that picture, which is precisely what you are doing. Rep Weiner has neither denied nor confirmed that the person in the photo is or is not him. What he has consistently said is that his Twitter account was hacked by a prankster, that he did not send the tweet and that he does not know the person to whom it was sent, who by the way backs up this claim. For anyone interested in a little truth, I have provided a link to Genette Cordova’s full statement below. Interesting stuff that tends to severely undermine earlier media speculation that he and she were intentionally following each other on Twitter, were lovers, etc. Guess that is what happens when one jumps to unfounded conclusions.

Furthermore, the man is no dummy, so I am quite sure that he understands the impression he is creating by not denying the possibility that the he is the person in the photo and instead stating that he cannot state “with certitude” if it is or is not him. Rep Weiner was married for the first time to a knock-out bride 11 years his junior in July of last year. Since we are all adults here, I think it is not that difficult to understand there just MIGHT (again, pure speculation on my part) be photos in his possession that were meant to stay private between himself and his wife, and that were not intended, as the media would suggest, for lewd distribution to a perfect stranger. Just how these authentic or photoshopped creations could have made it from a private setting to Breitbart’s website is anybody’s guess at the moment, though I do find it positively fascinating that the tweet and the photo was allegedly INTERCEPTED before it ever made it to its destination.

Hence, in the interest of getting at ALL the truth, he has opted to wait for the results of the investigation before making further definitive comment…at his own political peril, I might add. Most mature adults would probably be inclined to base their final conclusions on ALL the evidence once it becomes available, including that which the investigation will produce, before making statements that may end up making them appear quite foolish. Immature adolescents….not so much.

What is not a matter of speculation is the Andrew Breitbart connection, since he has openly and proudly claimed responsibility for the Twitter snapshot version provided to the media. For the more informed among us, this casts much deeper suspicions on the veracity of this story, except of course those who prefer to believe he is a liar, revel in the amusement/entertainment aspect of the muck and try to control their giggles, tee-hees and laughter whenever they hear the word “weiner.” By the way, being hacked and being the victim of a prank are not mutually exclusive concepts, so your interpretation that he changed his story shows a certain amount of prejudicial bias, unless your idea came straight from Breitbart’s Big Government headlines: “CBS News Legal Analyst Says Weiner Likely Not Pursuing Law Enforcement Investigation to Avoid Statements Under Oath.” Same difference, with the added feature that Breitbart has a vested interest in keeping the heat on Weiner and off of himself.

Finally, I will be the first one to admit that I am biased in favor of Rep Weiner, not because of his progressive politics (views which I totally share), but because of the sincere passion he brings into the chambers of Congress on a daily basis. Is he bombastic? Yes indeed. Foul-mouthed? On more than one occasion. In spite of those very human flaws, he strikes me as a brutally honest individual with a high standard of personal integrity. The most controversial events of his career have been taking a loan from his parents to contribute to his campaign coffers (FEC violation) and parking tickets, and let's face it, he never has been much good at PR relations. This stupidity emanating from the media is much more in keeping with THEIR playbook (and is spot on with that of Breitbart) than it is with his. I wonder. Could you also admit your own bias and explain its basis?

just one - anon
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I only have one question:

If Weiner and others believe that Breitbart and/or others (O'Keefe?) are behind this, why would he not pursue a full-fledged investigation immediately?

He could put an end to all this nonsense with a call to the FBI (or whoever does this kind of investigating). The FBI could probably find the truth in about 15 or 20 minutes. He's just making it worse by not answering the questions.

Blaming this on the right-wing conspiracy, and the left, once again, looks silly.
What part of the Breitbart connection - are you not getting?
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The photo was deleted from the Twitter account. The intended recipient never saw the original tweet. Breitbart just happened to be in the right place at the right time to intercept the transmission, capture a screenshot and release it to the media via his website. I agree with the OP. This news story came straight out of the middle of a 500-acre cow pasture on a humid summer morning judging by the noxious smell in the air.
not getting it - anon
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What part of why wouldn't Weiner take down Breitbart in a heartbeat if he could and why is he not answering simple questions are you not getting? The person(s) involved in this (if it wasn't Weiner) should be arrested by the feds. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. On the other hand, if it was Weiner himself, he has to explain why he lied. It's really quite simple.
All in good time. - sm
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I am content to wait for the internet security investigation to take place and for the attorney in waiting to digest its findings. I would imagine Rep Weiner has been advised to refrain from comment until then, as is customary when legal proceedings are pending. No matter how hard you try, you cannot extract Breitbart from this equation. The hoax is as transparent as the day is long and has failed to distract from the ongoing GOP fiascoes as described above in previous posts.

A few good examples as such would be how they announced yet another candidate who is such a yawner no one felt it worthy of even a short post on this forum. Maybe they are afraid to bring it up lest they have to deal with the added distraction of is-she-running-or-is-she-not SP showing up to steal his thunder. SP bilking Sarah PAC funds out of her contributors to finance family vacations just like she did before she quit her job as governor. No wonder she hasn't announced. Once she does, she would have to account for how those funds are being used, but for the time being she is enjoying a veritable free-for-all. How about those helicopter landing pads on NJ school baseball fields and 100-yard limo rides to the stands? GOP members running far and wide from their own budget plan disaster? And the list goes on....
sooner or later - anon
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I just knew that sooner or later Palin would be involved in the Weiner conversation. The Palin obsession continues.

No one is defending Breitbart and I've never tried to extract him from the equation. Hardly. I want to know what happened. Unlike many dems I watched on TV last night, I could never defend bad behavior by saying things like, "Well, remember when so-and-so did this? Surely Anthony can't be as bad as so-and-so." They just can't (or won't) stick to the topic.

My only point is that it's frustrating for me to hear some people defending bad behavior, deflecting, and not answering simple questions.
Your mind is made up - before all the facts are in
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so stop with the disingenuous I-wanna-know-what-happened schtick.

Until we know exactly how this security breach occurred and who all were involved, the only bad behavior we can be certain of is that of those who rush forward with prejudicial statements such as yours, founded on the presumption of guilty until proven innocent. Otherwise, there is nothing else to defend at this point.

The only person obsessed with Palin is Palin, but unfortnately she keeps turning up like a bad penny in every nook and cranny. The discussion about Breitbart, internet security breach, legal issues and so forth cannot be complete in the absence of plausible motivation. This is perhaps the most transparent of all aspects of this story and has been explained in detail in the previous post.

In fact, exactly what this hoax was intended to distract from (the why, not just the who) is the real meat and juice of the story. The unfavorable runaway news cycle showcasing the obvious disintegration of the GOP from the inside out, Obama's favorable approval ratings, unsuccessful attempts to undermine the political capitol he gained with the elimination of OBL, the Golden Fleece Ryan handed the democrats in the form of his proposed Medicare dismantle and its ensuing GOP stampede north, south, east and west, the state of the GOP primary vetting process, etc, etc, etc, are all very much a part of this story.

The frustration you say you feel over deflecting is shared by those of us who see just how incapable some are of seeing the entire picture. That said, I encourage you to carry on with this line of thinking, because sooner rather than later, the truth will prevail. It always does. In the meantime, I am content to wait and watch as this story continues to unfold.
facts - anon
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Here are some facts. Enjoy.

What on earth makes you think anything useful - can be gleaned from
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this tangential rant recounting the minutia of tweets between underage girls who lie and confess and lie and confess in a matter of minutes under the so-called supervision of their parents or by tracking the second-by-second speculation of numerous individuals bent on generating a political scandal? Thanks but no thanks. For me this read is a complete waste of time and energy. If you care to break it down for us and be a bit more specific about what you think is "fact" here, we may be able to converse. Otherwise, all I see here is complete nonsense.

The Dan Wolfe info was reported on Rachel Maddow a few nights ago. She used it as a basis to explore the technical aspects of the ease with which a Twitter account can be hacked or pranked or whatever the current acceptable vernacular may be. This guy would be an appropriate example of a James O'Keefe wannabe channeling his inner Breitbart as referenced in my previous post.

Whatever. The facts I referred to will be what comes out of the private investigation and the attorney's response those results. Until then, there is no tangible reason to believe anything other than what Rep Weiner has said, that he did not send the tweet. Beyond that, I do not care one way or the other who is in the photo, whether it be Rep Weiner or the hoaxster.

What he or any politician does in his private life does not affect how I assess their job performance in Congress. In today's superficial sound-byte-driven, dumbed-down, race-to-the-bottom, culture (at perpetual war with itself) that promotes this kind of smut and calls it news, I find the concept of superimposing ANYONE'S phoney baloney arbitrary sacred sense of ethics into the mix to be beyond ludicrous. My interest lies strictly in how it got out there, what motivated the hoax and the curious timing of its release that seemed to conveniently coincide with the end of the worst couple of GOP news weeks in recent memory. Someone with an ax to grind with Rep Weiner would also come as no suprise.

Like I said before, I am content to sit back and wait for the results of investigation and to see if any charges will be brought against the person who is responsible for the utter stupidity behind this noxious, deplorable piece of yellow journalism.
results - anon
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I guess the "person who is responsible for the utter stupidity behind this noxious, deplorable piece of yellow journalism" turns out to be your man himself. Ouch.

understand - anon

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Help me understand this deflection. Breitbart and O'Keefe are involved in the "production?" Does that mean they were involved in hacking the Twitter account of a US Congressman? Wow, that's quite a stretch, isn't it?

Have you ever noticed when someone doesn't want to deal with something, they will call it a "distraction?"

Do you think that he was hacked? If so, do you think it should be investigated? If not, why not? After all, if Breitbart and O'Keefe are involved, wouldn't Weiner (hahahaha) want to have them prosecuted and sent to jail? (I certainly would)

I'm just speculating here but I would guess - sm

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that Mr. Weiner (hahahaha) doesn't want it investigated and is changing his story from being hacked to calling it a mere prank because he did it and he knows that if they investigate the "hacking" and it is found out that there was no hacking...he would be busted for reporting a false claim...not to mention the trouble he would get in politically for posting WEINER SHOTS on twitter.
agree - anon
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I think that is exactly what happened but why would some people want to make Weiner out as a victim of a right-wing conspiracy? Time to be a big boy and take responsibility.
Because it is much easier to blame - sm
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someone else and deflect attention to them instead of being a man and owning up to your own stupidity. That and many of those on the left will fall for it instantly because they are all about blaming the right for anything and everything.

LOL!! Weiner just admitted he tweeted the pics. - So who ya gonna accuse now?!! nm

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I was cracking up yesterday - Mr. Weiner

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I've never heard weiner said so many times. I couldn't help but giggle every time they said it. It was like Pee Wee's Playhouse and yesterday's secret word was WEINER!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! lol

I am betting all you all will be very surprised. - Weiner is a smart guy

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I bet he is setting up Breitbart or Fox for a big downfall.

setup - anon

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I just hope he puts an end to this silliness soon. I don't know what he's waiting for.

Nope, turns out Weiner is just that... and he lies. - Are you really surprised? nm

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