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Watch "2016" free....
Posted: Oct 24, 2012

Saw it. A convoluted conspiracy theory film. I'm...sm - VTMT
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sure you have also heard the conspiracy theory out there that Romney has been preordained since his youth by the Mormon church to be president and save the US? No lie to big if you are working for the Lord as a Mormon.
To VTMT - me
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The 2016 documentary is very enlightening, not a conspiracy theory or propaganda. People who KNOW Obama were interviewed including his brother, George. I found it telling that the grandmother "Sarah" (I think that was the name) was going to give an interview until the half-sister to Obama told her not to give the interview, and the police escorted them away for their safety. Hmmmm....It is very worth the watch. Might make those with rose-colored glasses take a second look at their candidate.
Yet, Me, Obama's brother said he was misrepresented and - did not agree with how he was portrayed. This
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is a pack of lies and misrepresentations from one end to the other, and everyone recognizes that except for those who want to be lied to.
BTW, look up the page. A right-wing group that wanted to mail out 2016 to independents to sway them against Obama had it tested with a focus group and found that would have the opposite effect from what they hoped.
Not everyone swallows malicious lies whole. Most people do not. THERE's your enlightenment.
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