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Under Obama, American's way of life continues to decline
Posted: Mar 11, 2015
Everything is worse.

And the damage is not fully listed here - Nothing is improving
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Despite the endless spin to have people believe otherwise.
Some of these numbers have since changed, but only for the worse.
^ Either an outright lie or extreme inattention to detail. - The chart is 3 years old. LOL - sm
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I just bought gas for $2.15 a gallon.
Unemployment rate is down to 5.5
And those two are just right off the top of my head.
Yeah, it's worse than what that shows. Unemployement rate has gone up - They came out and said so
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Gas goes up and down. Has nothing to do with the O
Then why put it on the list and blame him for it? - sm
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The price of gas is only Obama's fault when it is high.
The economy is getting better slowly every day. Tune in tomorrow when conservative naysayers start to take credit for the improving economy they've been blaming on Obama for the last 6-1/2 years since he took the oath of office. It'll happen.
Over 100 million - sm
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working age adults are out of work in the United States. If you don't believe it, Google it.
Then ask yourself what's the population of the United States. If over 100 million people are not working, where is the tax revenue coming from?
Google it? We already lived it. It's called recession. - sm
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It didn't exactly start with Obama, and conservatives only seem oblivious to world events when they push this tired, old narrative.
If they're worried about tax revenue, perhaps conservatives can allow the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy to finally expire, as those unequal tax cuts are the number 1 reason driving the deficit. True fact.
This is from January 2012. Got anything about 3 years newer? - sm
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Here you go... - Link inside.
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Excellent article. Thanks for posting. Too bad that it is - sooooo bad though.
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Propaganda does not equal research, and - sm
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Conservatives on a mission to blame Obama for income inequality are on a fool's errand. Tax cuts for the wealthy aren't exactly Obama's invention.
That's called trickle down, supply side economics, and it's the conservatives' handiwork started under their Patron Saint Ronald Reagan in the early 1980s.
We know that. That is why she didn't list a liberal site. - nm
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Conservatives: How do you know they have hit rock bottom? - sm
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You know conservatives have hit rock bottom when their answer to every issue is to point the finger and blame the other guy rather than defend their own positions.
Also known as the blame game.
Of course, there is no defense of the type of pure hateful propaganda and anti-everything Obama rants like those on American Stinker.
...and Obamabots continue to defend the sinking ship's captain - Independent
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and accuse anyone criticizing him of racism.
Two problems with this argument - sm
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The ship's not sinking under this captain, and the only name-calling I see going on here is that of "Obamabots."
This conservative false narrative of America as a sinking ship and Obama driving her into the rocks is an absurd attempt to pin the failures of the previous administration on Obama, and this perpetual argument that conservatives are somehow innocent victims of the left-wing meanies is getting old.
I hardly recognize the GOP I once knew; they have been replaced with a bunch of whiny victims with no idea whatsoever about what their party stands for. They are infighting and fractured and can't agree on the issues, so the only thing left for them to do is whine and complain and blame it on Obama. Meanwhile, it is sad to watch them floundering around. They are anti-this and anti-that, but sooner or later you have to stand for something instead of just being against everything.
Their entire sad routine consists of trashing the current president while pining for the days when America was thriving under the conservative watch of George W. Bush...... scratch that, make it George H.W. Bush......... no, no, can't go there, scratch that, make it Ronald Reagan......... yes, much better, sort of, maybe mostly.
They can't move together in any type of substantive direction because they can't even agree amongst each other what direction they want to take, so the trashing the opposition and longing for the past under Saint Reagan is the only thing they've got left.
Thank you for posting the truth. - sm
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This racism defense has outlived its usefulness and is such a pitiful excuse to witness. Unfortunately, true racism is out there for all to see, but to put criticism for BO's policies in the same category as racism is just hateful and indefensible. They have nothing else anymore. This is their fall-back excuse now that the blame Bush excuse is all used up.
Another example of how "well" we are doing under Bozo.(sm) - me
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You can't blame that on Obama - Repub deregulation of the labor market
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Caused increased offshoring, minimum wage not increasing, corporations allowed to use CEO bonuses as tax writeoffs.
All these things which cause minimum wage workers (like ourselves) to apply for food stamps were enacted during the 8 years of Republican reign, so NOT Obama's fault.
Obama and the Democrats have tried to put bills forward to punish offshoring or even to not reward them with tax writeoffs, but the Repubs will not budge from helping their rich corporate owners, they get all their bills written directly by ALEC which is an organization trying to do away with labor rights completely in this country.
No way can you blame Obama for the food stamp explosion.
Repubs are talking the talk but not walking the walk on the middle class. If ONE Republican politician is for raising the minimum wage, not cutting benefits, stopping tax breaks for companies who offshore, that would impress me. Not one that I know of. Do you?
Oh, dear. Do you know who signed NAFTA into law? - Hint: Bill Clinton in 1994, saying....
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"This means jobs. American jobs. Good jobs."
It ain't what we know that's the problem, and it ain't what we don't know. It's what we know that ain't so.
Yet all these years to change it and instead - it is now worse
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I agree trade agreements are not good, and now they are trying to get another one through. Again, Repubs are all for the TPPA too, as well as President Obama (which I cannot understand).
Trade agreements and offshoring have proven to be very wrong for poor and middle class, yet what party keeps pushing for less tax for the wealthy, offshoring of profits allowed and inversion of corporations, corporate welfare, tax breaks for offshoring, dismantling social security and medicare? These policies are promoted by Republicans and if they had wanted to change things during all those years they could have, instead they added worse anti-worker and blaming the poor legislation, and they blocked a bill that would have ended tax breaks for offshoring jobs.
Again, IMO talking the talk but not walking the walk.
NAFTA is the Republicans' handiwork started by Reagan, signed by Bush 41 - sm
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and approved by House and Senate, then signed by President Clinton.
NAFTA was a bipartisan idea championed by Ronald Reagan. North American Free Trade Agreement was signed by George H.W. Bush in 1992 and then ratified by Bill Clinton.
NAFTA passed the House 234 to 200. House Democrats voted against it 156 to 102.
Republicans supported it 132 to 43.
The sole Independent—Bernie Sanders—voted against it.
In other words, a Democratic president signed a bill against the wishes of 60% of the House Democratic caucus.
Republican margins in favor of NAFTA were about 3:1 in the House and Senate, and 75.79% of Republicans votes for it.
So pinning NAFTA solely on Bill Clinton alone when it was a largely Republican bill doesn't quite tell the truth about the votes.
It was signed into law BY CLINTON, and supported by 102 DEMS - Can't dance around it.
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Yes, it had support from Republicans, but the original post to which I was replying implied that it was ONLY CONSERVATIVES who were responsible for "sending jobs overseas", and that simply IS NOT TRUE. You'll find a LOT of Democrat involvement in the globalization of American industry. LOTS.
This is what I mean when I suggest that people ought to get their facts straight instead of spewing party garbage.
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