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Game change on HBO

Posted: Mar 12, 2012

I watched this film on HBO last weekend.  Somebody obviously does not like Sarah Palin!!!  They certainly made her to appear very ignorant and stubborn with campaign manager, Steve Schmidt.  Evidently John McCain did not like they way they portrayed Palin on film either.  He says he does not plan on viewing this film, as it is an assault on her character.  I am certainly not a fan of Sarah Palin, but feel disturbed after watching this.  This just tears her apart -- you really have to feel sympathy for her. 

Has anyone here watched this film?  I am interested to hear what others think about the Game Change.  



Havent watched it but thanks for saving me the trouble - I like her

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The garbage she and her family have endured is criminal..She is a good lady who has taken on both politically corrupt parties in Alaska and won..I respect the heck out of her..

Do your research - sm

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She was in way over her head and was not presidential material. Hope the Republicans don't make the same mistake this time.

She had more experience then Obama - and VP is nothing more then a figure head

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shes a heck of a lot smarter then Biden also,
Agree. Obama had no experience, and it shows. - Huge failure, he is . nm
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Why do you say such things? - mbmt
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I read comments like this one and wonder how anyone could say what you just said and really believe it.
Because we have been living in this country the past 3 years - AP - sm
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Not the poster you replied to but I want to respond. Posters are writing what has been happening for a reason. We are living through it. It's not good. Everything is getting worse. And no, it's not Bush's fault. After three years in the office the troubles, problems, bad leadership, bad decisions, all that is his doing.

Just to touch on a few things:

The spendulous bill. It was an absolute disaster. It did nothing to stimulate the economy. The money went into the pockets of the politicians, bankers, and wall street. Nobody in the private sector benefited. AND while that was going on congress men & woman were getting payouts/bribes by the democrats to vote for what they wanted. There is so much more wrong about that issue, but those are just a couple things I can think of off the top of my head.

Dividing the country - Giving speeches and announcing that the republicans are the "enemy". Can't tell you how wrong that is. If Bush or any republican had gotten given speeches and were telling the audience that the democrat are "enemies" what you think? You would have done a what the ***. I'm sorry, it doesn't matter what party you are in. You don't get up and give a speech and tell them the other parties are the "enemy". No wonder there is so much hate with the liberals. Your own president is starting it.

Racial division. Campaign Obama said he would bring us together and overcome that. He has not. He has done more to divide the country racially. We are heading back to what the country was like during the 50s and 60s. I don't know if you were old enough during that time. It took a long time to get past that and now we're right back in it. He (and the democrats like Pelosi) are turning issues about race when there is no race involved. He is the one dividing the country. He said he wouldn't do that, but he failed at that.

Our brave fighting military men and women. Morale is so low because of the way they are being treated and the bad decisions being made. They do not trust his leadership and rightly so. He has not done anything to earn their trust. Trust is something that isn't handed out immediately. Trust needs to be earned. He has not done anything to earn it.

Voter registration/fraud/intimidation. Double voting, black panthers standing at voting places intimidating white people and not letting them in to vote. What they did was a crime and yet they were let free. Which then brings me into his cabinet people.

Geither, Holder, Napolitano to name a few. The criminal/wrong doings they have done I won't go into. Then their is the Czars and their backgrounds.

The worsening economy. More people losing their job, more family's losing their homes. Jobs continuing to go overseas - at his doing. Other companies are given stimulus money (i.e. right into the pockets of the CEOs - bribery to vote for Obama, put two and two together) and then within days they fold and hundreds, if not thousands, people out of work.

Rising has prices, rising food prices, rising energy costs. Everything is going up in costs, except Americans are not getting raises to cover the increases.

Beer Fest.

Telling other countries that the American people are selfish and greedy. Done nothing to support and encourage the country. Nothing to better our relationship with other countries.

Spreading the wealth. Telling Americans they need to work more hours so that money can go to the people who don't work. People we don't even know and we're supposed to put in more hours at work to be taken and spread amongst everyone so that everyone in the country will be equal. Nobody will have more or less than anyone else. We will all have exactly the same thing whether or not we work for it. Sure doesn't give many people an incentive to do better. Of course he (who is part of the uber elite rich) and his buddies in wall street, CEOs etc will not live like the rest of us.

Frat parties and date nights. Showing off all their bling and announcing to the country the lavish parties they are throwing while the country is suffering. This is exactly why MO is referred to as Marie Antoinette.

Then there is the first lady. The outlandish tax payers spending frenzies she goes on. Taking a separate airplane (at tax payers expense) because she wants to leave ahead of him. Then there is the food nazi.

So, those are just a few things to answer your question. We are not sitting here plotting what mean things we can say about him. We have legimate concerns about his leadership abilities (rather lack of leadship abilities), he's turning Americans against other Americans, insulting large groups of Americans, bribing politicians, giving CEOs and bankers money in their pockets to get him re-elected and on and on and on. We have legitimate concerns and as citizens of this country who pay taxes and vote we have a right to bring up our concerns and talk about them without you or any other liberal insulting us because we don't tote the party line and agree with everything and anything they do, especially when it involves us in a negative way.

Things are not good and until the liberals wake up and realize they are part of the problems there will always be a war against anyone not in their party.

Whether or not you or any other posters on this board want to believe it, it is not okay to insult and make fun of posters because they don't believe the same thing or have different ideas or have voted for someone other than a democrat.

It is not okay to call us ignorant and stupid and toothless and that name that means a guy putting his genitals in your mouth and all the other nasty names put forth here. And then when people answer back act all innocent like "what? what's wrong?"

I say this because I've been living in this country for the past three years. The man I voted for did a total 180 degree turn and everything he promised in the campaign. Well all that never came to light.
Very good post (nm) - Zville MT
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Thanks - those were only a very few small things. More inside - AP - sm
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I could not touch on everything. It was late when I posted. I think we can all agree that no matter who is elected president whether it be democrat or republican or someone from another party, man or woman, black, white, asian or whatever race, we can all agree we want them to succeed. After all when it boils down to it if they succeed we succeed. If they succeed we get jobs, we get to keep our homes, we can put food on our table, clothe or children, send them to school. Nobody ever want a president to fail. But when they do fail you do have to "man up" (or "woman up") and say so. People make mistakes. It happens. Now I do realize that no president is in charge. They don't make the deicisions. Obama doesn't, Bush didn't, Clinton didn't, etc. There are people over him that tell him what he/she is going to do or say. The president is just poster boy/girl that brings us the bad (or good) news. Now, when I say we need a new leader, a new president that means new people behind the scenes (although truthfully I don't think that regime changes. The people in power are not going to give up power. I think the same people are in charge of all parties. But I think if the country lets them know this November that we are sick of their BS. We've had enough of their Nazi tactics for the last 3 or so years. Then maybe they will wake up and cool it.

Another point I had forgot to write which I think is very important and should go at the top of the list is:

Starting a war without Congress' approval. They screamed that Bush started a war without congress' approval, which in fact he DID have congress' approval, yet they don't get approval and turn around and say "Well Bush did it so we can" (when in fact they know that to be a lie).

In a hearing we learn from Pinetta that they don't need congresses approval, they will go out of the US and get their orders from foreign permission.

Saying they can assisinate or indefinitely detain Americans on American soil without any due process of the law. - And they wonder why we refer to this as Nazi tactics? Anyone who speaks against them or finds information against them. Well just glad I'm not a reporter.

Those are a couple more and probably even more important than the others I wrote.
Older than dirt - mbmt
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Even though I do not agree with most of what you posted, I want to thank you for your response. It always amazes me how two people who were brought up in the same country and probably about the same time in history (1950's and 1960's) could have such different opinions, but of course everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Thank you mbmt - that is one of the most respectful thing - an lib on this board has ever said
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I was born in the 50s. I too don't understand how people can have such different opinions and see things differently. My sis for instance just joined some cult religious group. She tries to explain to me what she believes which is way different than what we were raised on. We went to the same church, sunday school, etc.

I will just remain baffled on some things. :-)

Just wanted to say thank you for a respectful post.
According to the Constitution - Next in line for president
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What a disaster she would have been.
What a disaster - OBAMA IS - TOTALLY INCOMPETENT -nm
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Nicole Wallace, who was assigned to her during the campaign... - Uppity Voting Woman

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said the film was very accurate. So did Steve Schmidt today, to the point that he is having PTSD flashbacks about the whole fiasco. Nicole Wallace has NOTHING good to say about Sarah Palin. Nicole Wallace, long-time Republican, wept because she was unable to bring herself to vote for McCain/Palin.

Palin had no idea who or what the Fed is. Palin thought Saddam Hussein attacked us on 9/11, for God's sake!!
Nicole Wallace on Rachel tonite - Researcher-nm
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HA! Give me a thumbs down, but these are Repubs saying this about her. - Uppity Voting Woman
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Nicole Wallace benefited - mightly financially
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not sure I believe much of what she says or Steve Schmidt for that matter. They both have their own agenda.

Beauty Queen -vs- Constitutional Law Professor - See resume

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Sarah Palin, after graduating from high school, Palin enrolled at the University of Hawaii at Hilo.[22] Shortly after arriving in Hawaii, Palin transferred to Hawaii Pacific University in Honolulu for a semester in the fall of 1982, and then to North Idaho College, a community college in Coeur d'Alene, for the spring and fall semesters of 1983.[23] She attended the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho, in late 1984 and early 1985, and Matanuska-Susitna College in Alaska in late 1985. Palin returned to the University of Idaho in the spring of 1986, and received her bachelor's degree in communications with an emphasis in journalism in 1987.

In 1984, Palin won the Miss Wasilla beauty pageant.[25][26] She finished third in the Miss Alaska pageant,[27][28] playing flute in the talent portion of the contest,[29] and receiving both the Miss Congeniality award and a college scholarship.[19]

She was elected to Wasilla City Council in 1992 and became mayor of Wasilla in 1996. In 2003, after an unsuccessful run for lieutenant governor, she was appointed Chairman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. She was the first woman to be elected Governor of Alaska, Palin held the office from December 2006 until her resignation in July 2009.

President Obama: After working his way through college with the help of scholarships and student loans, President Obama moved to Chicago, where he worked as an organizer to help rebuild communities devastated by the closure of local steel plants.

He went on to Harvard Law School, where he became the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. Upon graduation, he took a job teaching constitutional law at the University of Chicago.

Barack Obama was first elected to the Illinois State Senate in 1996. During his time in Springfield, he passed the first major ethics reform in 25 years, cut taxes for working families, and expanded health care for children and their parents.

Elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004, and then became President.
Governor versus Community Organizer - AP
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You can ignore the facts all you want. Funny thing though. Facts don't disappear. They will always be there.
Senator -vs- governor - Those are the facts-nm
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Yes she was a Governor. Yes he was a Senator - AP - sm
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Never said otherwise. But if you are going to try and downplay her qualifications (which was Governor since you want to leave that out). Then its fair to say he was a community organizer. She wasn't just some beauty queen she was a Governor and that is her experience.

Facts are facts and those are the facts.
...and she quit before her term as governor was up! nm - VTMT
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So what - she was still a Governor - AP - sm
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That is so minute. Doesn't matter when she quit. She was Governor. She balanced the budget and she Alaska prospered because of her decisions.

Can't ignore the facts.
She was the governor of the state of Alaska...sm - oldtimer
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with a population of 700,000+ people, not such a great accomplishment or resume for someone seeking to be VP or President of a country of more than 300 million people, to say nothing of the fact that she was a quitter and was just unqualified. She was sworn into office in Dec 2006, ran for VP less than 2 years later in 2008, and resigned from office in July 2009 after serving 2-1/2 years as governor.

The main feeling I am left with is that the McCain for president organization did her wrong and put her in a very unfair position.
more accomplishments than a community organizer - nm
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and a US Senator, Harvard Law School graduate, constitutional lawyer, and...nm - and 3 years experience as pres. nm
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Obama was more than a community organizer - mthead
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He was also a senator.
And Palin was more than a beauty queen she was the Governor of a state - Which trumps a senator
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Being a Governor of a state that balanced it's budget is a lot more experience than a senator/community organizer.

Sorry to burst your bubble. She was perfectly qualified to be VP. Obama had no qualifications. In fact even he said it himself.
All I can say is.... - mbmt
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Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or Independent, is there really any doubt about who the more intelligent and capable one of the two is? It was obvious Sarah Palin was in way over her head.
I disagree with you - what you stated is your opinion - not a fact
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Whether you are a D,R,or I there is a doubt about a lot of things. Whether or not you want to believe it SP is an intelligent and capable woman. Well of course she is. To state otherwise shows the ignorance and hatred that most libs have for anyone who is not a liberal. Just look at all the posts filled with lies about her just within the past day. Where does the absolute evil hatred come from.

I think they are both intelligent and capable. Oh Obama is capable of course. Just look at how far the country is being destroyed. Unfortunately, that is not the capability the country wants.

I think Obama got in way over his head. His inexperience and lack of leadership skills is a major role in the downfall. I do hope next election people will learn to not vote for someone that is not experienced. We need a leader who knows how to lead. Obama is not that.

As for SP - she had no idea that they would mercilessly tear her and her family to shreds.
Priceless - OldtiredMT
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We are all entitled to our opinions. I was raised Republican and am an independent now.
You think Obama got in over his head, and given his education, ability to think calmly, refuse to engage in the SP hate mongering, you really think SP is a better choice? Man, it's scary to me how little some people know about Washington, DC politics... I have said it before and will keep on saying it.. What President Obama inherited from his predecessor was a lot more than any of us bargained for. It's no different than becoming a CEO of Ford and finding out "oops" more issues than you were told. SP is an independent spirit, but so am I. .... doesn't make me VP material. The public tore her to shreads because of things she said/did...
Alaski improved with Palin - USA DECLINED WITH OBAMA
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If Dems even bothered to read what was accomplished in Alaska and citizens benefited, they might be able to have an intelligent conversation, but no one on this board expects that. Just look at the mess Obama has created in less than 3 years.

Added 5 trill plus to debt.
Unemployment at the highest level consequently since depression.
Highest gas prices in history.
Bows and kisses the behind of ME rulers.
Wasted BILLIONS of dollars on failed green energy.
Routinely employes Communists in the White House. (Yeah get your panties in a bunch, try reading their bios.)
Constantly apologizes for USA.
Lies continuously in his speeches.
Obamacare total disaster.
Stimubust total waste of money.
Dodd-Frank costing the general pulbic millions in fees.
Take of business that govt. has no business being in.

She was in Hawaii and lives close to Alaska? - Maybe a KGB plant.
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Have you ever heard of an "airplane". - AP - sm
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You see its this machine that hold a lot of people. You walk into it and it has seats. You sit in your seat and it takes you to the destination you want to go. It's similar to a train in that aspect, except an airplane has wings and it flies in the air, sort of like a bird (without feathers). You can board in any city in the world and within hours you go go another city.

Airplanes were built in 1903, so after 98 years I'm surprised you never heard of one.
Have you ever heard of an "airplane", Great post - you just can't fix stupid...LOL
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I swear I have better conversations with my special needs cousin - AP - sm
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Are they really that incapable of thinking and reasoning and logic. My mom used to having a saying that all that hatred they are holding in is is so hot and so disturbing its melting their brains. Now I understand what she was talking about.
Who is "they"? - NM
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They is the posters who won't listen to reason - AP - sm
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Have no facts to back up what they say. The ones who say a Fox News article is not credible but a Media Matters or MSNBC or other liberal article is credible. The one that don't back anything up but will insult others that don't agree with them. You tell them about something happening now. Obama signing a new bill or law and they come back with It's Bush's fault. Those are the ones I refer to as "they". When I talk to my cousin or my aunt talks to my cousin (and my aunt is a liberal). My cousin knows what is going on in the country. She at least ask question and compreheds what we say.
Never met a good conspiracy theory I could not embrace! - TY! - Teapot - nm
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Palin vs. Obama - mbmt
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President Obama wins hands down.
Obama wins - only a pie eating contest; not - capable of anything else
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It was very sad how the McCain campaign and the R - took advantage of her. nm

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I feel bad for McCain b/c I think he could have - mthead
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won if they hadn't picked her as his running mate. I like McCain and I think he would have made a good president.

She also says Russia is visible from - Alaska. Point? NM

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She is correct - Yes you can - - Do your research - sm

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If you did any research you would know this to be a true fact. You can see Russia from parts of Alaska. Russia and Alaska are divided by the Bering Strate, which in some areas is about 55 miles. In the middle of the Bering Strait are two small, sparsely populated islands: Big Diomede, which sits in Russian territory, and Little Diomede, which is part of the United States. At their closest, these two islands are a little less than two and a half miles apart, which means that, on a clear day, you can definitely see one from the other.

So, yes, she was correct you can see Russia from Alaska.





Media is obviously bought and paid for by Soros! - nm
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You would never see those kinds of facts on the right-wing rags.
Russia and the US - sm
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I think most of us understand that you can see Russian territory from certain places in Alaska. This fact is not germane to international relations, however. That's why people poked fun at it. Most people understand the geography part.

Russia is visible from - Alaska - She was making a reference

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to the fact that many Americans had no clue how close Russia was to America. She also had gone to explain that Russia now has missiles that can be launched from their shore and hit the Alaskan shore. Lame stree media was more interested in trashing her constantly, yet Palin was right on both both counts. The limited distance between Russia and America now is more of an issue because of Iran's nuclear capabilities and Iran courting Russia in the destruction of Israel and America. BTW - The missile detectors that could destroy a Russian air strike before it would hit American shores was disengaged by Obama.

Palin film - Heard it was not based in fact

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Heard from several involved in the film (not McCain or Plain) that there was HUGE literdary license taken and many situations portrayed never occurred. Would not waste my time with it either. BTW - They want to make Palin look stupid, yet she can buy and sell any of them now. Yeah for her.

Open-minded research never hurt anyone - Independent thought

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to form those opinions you need many varied sources, don't you think? Unless you only really research sources that will reinforce whaat you already think.

Actually, nobody has said that. Many on that campaign has - confirmed the accuracy of both book and movie

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This was my take also. I really do feel sorry about - how she was used. nm

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I saw Steve Schmidt, I believe, on the news - mthead

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this morning. He said the film reminded him of why he liked her so much, but he said she had no business anywhere near the White House. To be fair, he also said John Edwards had no business anywhere near the WH, either. He said he learned a lot from that campaign; that is, you shouldn't put someone on the ticket to address one campaign issue but rather you should put them on the ticket to address the country's issues, and that was where they made the mistake with Sarah. When asked whether she should be on the ticket this election, he flatly said no, because her knowledge base was so small in the last election and she hadn't done anything at all to rectify that or her other shortcomings.

Steve Schmidt - Just one man's opinion - with an obvious ax to grind

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and millions to make. Was not impressed with him either.

I don't think THEY made her appear - ignorant SM

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BTW, although people think ignorant is not a nice thing to say, it simply means a person does not have the knowledge on a subject. Thankfully, anyone can open a book and learn.

read the book - film faithful to that

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can't change the truth no matter how much you personally like someone, or should i say personally project feelings onto someone.

Palin film - OldtiredMT

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I did watch this film, twice. I was a little surprised it was as "in your face" as it was. Then, doing some homework online, listening to Steve Schmidt himself, and other staffers, it was termed as "frighteningly accurate." She was given a script, ran with it to a point, no knowledge of foreign policy or domestic, and call me a nitpicker, but being able to see another country from yours does not make you qualified to become involved in anything outside of your hometown. While all this was actually going on, so many independent news people, including FOX, were stunned by her lack of knowledge. Granted, VP may be a figurehead, but 1 heartbeat from being President. I thought her incompetent then, and do now. Say what you want about Obama, but being a mayor and half-baked governor, who quit her job, doesn't make you a better candidate. Being a senator, Harvard grad, Editor of the Harvard Law Review does...

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The Daily Caller:  "Obama, Sebelius Blame ‘Right-Wing Media,’ ‘Billionaires’ For Obamacare Failures..."   I can't stop laughing. Will Obama ever take responsibility for any of his failures? ...

The Obama Administration Scandal GameAug 29, 2014
This is pretty good.  Nixon versus Obama.  Some people really do not have a clue.  How sad for our country.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omFNIUqtIGQ ...

Memo To Obama: GET IN THE GAME OR GET OFF THE FIELD.Dec 05, 2015
x ...

ESPN Announcer Pulled From Game Because Of HisAug 23, 2017
I've heard it all now. This is what happens. People kowtow because they're afraid of backlash or whitelash or blacklash or orangelash or whatever it's called now. Simple insanity at it's finest. Thanks, libs. "Political correctness" is destroying this country. I don't think it's correct. ...

Typical Game By Beck - Only Tell Part Of The StoryOct 16, 2009
And then the part you DO tell, make it as inflammatory as you can.   Link to the full story in which he goes ballistic over Anita Dunn quoting Mao.  He conveniently neglects to mention the context in which she quoted Mao, OR the fact that many Republicans read Mao, too.   http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/10/16/beck.dunn/index.html ...

Benghazi-Boat--Conservative Game PlanMay 11, 2013
It is so obvious the intent of the Benghazi broken record from the TP Republicans is to smear Hillary Clinton.  It is the same dirty strategy they used to smear John Kerry.   I guess they never learned to play fair and  theyhave no integrity.  Just smears and name calling.  ...

Whistleblower Reveals How Insurers Can Game Healthcare BillJan 21, 2010
By Brad JacobsonWednesday, January 20th, 2010 -- 10:42 am Though Senate bill cuts 'pre-existing conditions,' it still allows insurance companies to create 'pre-existing' categories to raise rates The Democrats' healthcare overhaul, billed as a monumental game-changer for Americans' health insurance coverage, provides numerous loopholes for health insurance companies which will allow them to raise rates to protect profit margins, a health insurance whistleblower sa ...