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This is how the media works. (sm)
Posted: Sep 15, 2012

I must say I like the little bony butt cheeks - (not) - ::me:::
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I have to ask you this...Do you have a redundant colon? - nm
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I have colon problems but redundancy isn't - one of them.
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Could have fooled me. LOL! Using a code maybe? - nm
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Who cares? Besides that's not a political topic - what if
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She can use any moniker she wishes. I've seen double colons, triple colons, nm, sm, sm nm, None of this is "code". Maybe all the good monikers are taken. Maybe she has a fondness for colons, maybe it's quick to hit that rather than think up a moniker.
Besides what someone uses for a moniker is not political topic.
No - bootstraps
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this is what a losing constituency resorts to when they have nothing left.
Comfort cartoons.
Oh, my dear. You don't want to start comparing cartoons - do you really? I hope so.
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That's a fight I can win with both hands tied behind my back.
I am not your dear - bootstraps
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and this cartoon has nothing to do with policy, just another cheap shot, because that's all that the Republican Party and it's cartoonists have left.
I don't want to fight.
Me neither. You'll think what you want to think. - I'm sure your ideas are well defended
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...and I know a waste of time when I see it. I won't post any of the cartoons from your side because it simply wouldn't make a dent in those castle walls.
So why did you answer my post? - boostraps
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What castle walls?
I've never posted a cartoon or a link to act as a lazy surrogate for my opinion.
I'm not your dear - bootstraps
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and this cartoon has nothing to do with policy, just another cheap shot, because that's all that the Republican Party and it's cartoonists have left.
Typical condescending con comment. - sm
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and you're absolutely right about the cheap shots used by the GOP.
A malicious medium anyway. I'm not looking forward to the vicious - response to his reelection. Hobbies are
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supposed to be good for maintaining physical and mental health. I recommend a nice good-natured one to anyone who doesn't want her face freezing into that expression. Yes, THAT one.
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