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The GOP Platform Simplified
Posted: Jul 16, 2014

GOP platform - Well, that's going to go over well! - But I like! nm
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Good point, but after 6 years of nothing but the GOP saying... - sm
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We're against Obama, we're against Obamacare, we're against immigration, we're against equal pay, we're against the "takers," we're against raising the minimum wage, etc., the only thing they seem to be "for" is war and the status quo.
So, yes, I think their message is being received loud and clear.
Why do you post cartoons and nothing of substance? - Is that all you have?
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You either post cartoons or pictures, or make feeble (unsuccessful) attempts to discredit conservatives. Why not post something so we can have a meaningful discussion or debate?
There are actually lots of words on the cartoon. - Pick your topic and have at it.
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You asked: "Why do you post cartoons and nothing of substance?"
Answer: Pictures can be worth 1,000 words. Pictures with words can be worth 1,040 words (give or take a few).
You asked: "Is that all you have?"
Answer: No.
You asked: "Why not post something so we can have a meaningful discussion or debate?"
Answer: I just did, but rather than actually having a meaningful discussion, all I got were a few "softball" questions.
Have a nice evening. :)
Softball questions - But I like it!
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I was just enjoying the view for a few breaths and sort of wanted to see what response it got. Not much, so I guess it stands irrefutable. I agree, it says a lot. Lots of interesting topics.
My thoughts exactly - thank you - sm
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This is the mentality of the politicians. Republicans are trying to discuss and resolve issues while democrats are drawing pictures. For some odd reason they think this is funny or true, but its the farthest from it.
Time to vote the children out this fall. The whole country is starting to see this which is a good sign.
I heard this same argument in 2012.... - sm
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Just before the general election in November, and here we are almost 2 years later, and what has the GOP learned from their platform? Let's take one of the issues from the cartoon: "War on immigrants."
Maybe it is just me, but I'm pretty sure there are a large number of conservatives who don't want an immigration bill passed. This has actually been true since 2007 when the GOP killed the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 supported by President Bush (credit where credit is due). The Senate again passed a bipartisan comprehensive immigration bill in June 2013 by a vote of 68-32. This bill has broad support from President Obama, the business community, organized labor, and a majority of voters, yet it sits in the House and has not been brought to the floor for a vote, while Boehner blames the POTUS for doing nothing. So, yes GOP, people are noticing that you have a war on immigration and that your answer to the issue is to do nothing. So if Congress refuses to vote on immigration reform, the changing face of the electorate will. We live in a democracy in a country where approximately 55 million Hispanics call home.... and they vote. You can only go so many rounds before you inevitably do some serious, irreparable and irreversible damage to yourself and your party.
Now, another issue: The war on health care, ACA/Obamacare. Like the poster said here: "For some odd reason they think this is funny or true, but its the farthest from it." Pay no attention to those 50+ bills to reduce or repeal the ACA or the GOP suing President Obama over it; there is apparently no GOP war on health care.
Yes, the GOP is just misunderstood; there is no war on any of that stuff. Okay, I could go on, but enough on that; now I must get back to reading the conservative posts bashing the illegal immigrants and Obamacare, etc.
You forgot to ask why she answers and responds to her own posts. - Too funny.
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That's rhetoric, lefties. LOL
If it is your judgment that this is one poster, then let me assure you. - sm
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Whether you believe it or not, your judgment is incorrect. Someone responded to my post, and I responded to their post.
However, I do see an insightful post here, in that conservatives on this board must be responding to their own posts and assuming that liberals are doing the same. Well thanks for the very telling and informative post guys, but you are mistaken and incorrect. ROFL.
Never thought of that...nm and sm - but will admit to stupidity
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the person that said they were responding to own posts might have had the same prob I did. "sm" means see message and "nm" means no message.
I can admit to stupidity. I am a fairly intelligent person that every once in a while the really easy stuff slides on by.
BTW, got to thinking about it and noticed an awful lot of views on "nm" messages! I might not be the only one
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