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Super-PACS and "Wacko Birds." No, really.

Posted: Apr 9, 2015

Nixon once said what would prophetically become the mantra of the ultra-neoconservative: "People react to fear, not love; they don't teach that in Sunday School, but it's true." I am typically immune to most of those now-tired party tactics, much like the villagers in the story of the "boy who cried wolf." Instead, I have gone past annoyed with it and now straight to mystified by the never-ending gullibility of other villagers, who know there's no actual wolf, but just seem to want to live in fear anyway, all the time. Today, however, was an exception. Because I just read the scariest thing I've seen in a while that I'm trying to pretend isn't true. An actually true wolf story! And it's from the left? http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/groups-backing-ted-cruz-raise-31-million-in-a-single-week/2015/04/08/36defc18-de0c-11e4-a1b8-2ed88bc190d2_story.html Now that the WP says it, I am almost in a panic, for two reasons. Not because I think Ted Cruz is at all a viable candidate or an experienced leader at that level, nor is he an actual serious threat to anyone at all, now or in the next several centuries until after there's been some sort of apocalypse perhaps. But the first reason I'm scared would be because I agree with John McCain when he called Ted Cruz a "wacko bird" for his extremist black/white thinking and general Puritanical religious beliefs that call to mind Salem in 1692. (Ya know, the main reason we realized separation of church and state was necessary, as well as the need for a more precise and methodical justice system?) Secondly, I can't believe this man could actually beat out Jeb Bush for the party's nomination simply because he raises the most money through super-PAC donations! That's the scariest thing our forefathers never counted on nor intended - that lobbyists and PAC donations could still get Harvard-educated-but-still-a-wacko-bird Puritans elected to high political designations in 2016! As much as I don't see anyone worth a vote yet for 2016 and considered abstaining, I may end up voting for Hillary, just so she can be the cat that kept away the wacko birds, who beat out some actually sane Republican cats for the party nomination! I really don't like to vote someone in just to keep someone else out. However, it's becoming sort of an emergency. Modern civilization as we know it is apparently devolving more than I realized. I know, I've heard Hillary's a witch, but then isn't everybody according to puritans? The good news for some will then be perhaps Brother Cruz, under now federal religious freedom law, could now force her by law to embroider a scarlet "W is for Witch" on her chest. Then people can lock her in a real stockade and throw actual rotten eggs at her head all day in real life, rather than throwing stale, unoriginal jokes on political forums every day. And all those gays his supporters don't want served? Not to worry! Under federal religious freedom law, no longer will there be a need to ask embarrassing questions about sexual preference to determine whether you want to serve them or not - they'll be much easier to spot because they'll be forced to self-identify by embroidering scarlet letters too, giant "G's" on their chest as well! Ah, puritanical branding, hasn't our society missed it so? We haven't seen it in this country since 1692, but we did see it in the 1930s and 1940s in Europe, when people were branded with a golden star by another charismatic wacko-bird, but apparently, this idea is making a strong comeback! Yay! Aren't you excited??? Oh, good times are ahead for America, people! Because we're all going to take a super-fun trip back in time as a civilization, to a time when people actually cared less about their fellow man and the value of human life than now, despite the fact that some people still erroneously and inexplicably believe people had "greater family values" in times past. In fact, if Ted is elected, we will probably devolve much further, so that the next stop back in our trip in time will be when Emperor Ted "Nero" Cruz plays the violin while the once-Republic of Rome burns. And hey, for his more overly-sadistic loyal followers, you can now join in on the fun by feeding gays, Dems, independents and Christians who don't agree with you to the lions! Hooray! (And a maniacal "LOL, ROFL, LMBO" and "first belly laugh I've had all day" comments were heard from the bowels of the deep southern aspect of the romper room.) Or, perhaps you would prefer that he simply enslave them as reality-tv hunger-games gladiators in the coliseum for your entertainment? As always, Right-wing extremist choice (or else) only, of course! ;

Many still-sane Republicans will be voting for Hillary - see message

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That was a really great commentary although I could not find the article that was linked. Hillary out-classes all others with her experience and her leadership abilities. In comparison, between Hillary and all the Republican Whacko Birds, there really is no other choice but Hillary.

Sorry about that, try this - OP

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Thank you, glad you enjoyed! Greed always wins. Scary isn't it?

Sorry about that with the link. The direct link WAS working last night, but I've noticed if you edit the post for typos in any way, this happens. I thought maybe a letter was missing or something after editing typos, but I put it back in, in its entirely, and I still get a "page not found" that way. I'll keep trying and put it as a direct link in this comment as well.

Just in case, here's the address again to copy/paste:


That should work or you can also go to the Washington Post, yesterday's addition (story was posted at 6:18 p.m.)

Or, here's the copy/pasted article itself rather than going to all the trouble - thanks for letting me know:

The Washington Post

Groups backing Ted Cruz raise $31 million in a single week

By Robert Costa and Katie Zezima April 8 at 6:12 PM

GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz vaulted to the top tier of the 2016 money race Wednesday as supporters announced that super PACs backing his bid had raised $31 million in a single week.

The haul — which ranks as one of the biggest fundraising surges in modern presidential-race history — served as a sudden wake-up call for the rest of the likely Republican field, particularly Jeb Bush, who until now had enjoyed his status as the premier fundraiser in the contest’s early stage.

The influx of funds comes amid a string of successes for the first-term Texas senator, who announced his candidacy to fanfare last week and ranks just behind Bush in the latest polls. Cruz, 44, has quickly become one of the hard-right’s favorites in early primary and caucus states while leaping ahead of his conservative rivals with his launch.

Quite a few Republican veterans view Cruz, who helped instigate the 2013 federal government shutdown, as a wily gadfly with limited appeal to a broader electorate. But the prolific fundraising over the past two weeks suggests Cruz is running not as a longshot ideologue, but rather as a serious contender for the GOP nomination.

The Cruz fundraising also underscores the extent to which multimillionaire and billionaire donors are influencing the Republican race, where unlimited donations to super PACs are the rule and seven-figure checks have become routine.

So far, Cruz is surprising many — including himself, he said on the stump last week in Iowa. Cruz’s own campaign raised
$4 million during its first eight days, mainly relying on
small-dollar donations.

Dathan Voelter, an Austin-based accountant and attorney who is a close friend of Cruz, said Wednesday that four super PACs set up to back Cruz will take in $31 million by the end of this week; the figure was first reported by Bloomberg News. Operating under numbered versions of the name “Keep the Promise,” the committees submitted paperwork to the Federal Election Commission on Monday.

“Our goal is to guarantee Senator Cruz can compete against any candidate,” Voelter said in a statement, calling the arrangement of the super PACs a “powerful vehicle” that can “provide the appropriate air cover in the battle.”

Bush associates said that while they are impressed by Cruz’s ability to draw heavy-hitting donors, they believe the former Florida governor is better positioned to survive what could be a lengthy campaign.

“If Cruz can raise $30 million, okay, good, but at the end of the day, this is a marathon, not a sprint,” said former Pennsylvania governor Tom Ridge, a Bush supporter. “In time, the field will narrow.”

Cruz, a graduate of Harvard Law School and Princeton University, is best known as a tea party rabble-rouser, but he has also cultivated relationships with prominent Republican donors and has a level of comfort with Wall Street.

Cruz is married to an on-leave Goldman Sachs managing director and lives with his family in a high-rise condo in Houston. He spent the past year meeting with private-equity titans and moguls in New York, California and Florida. In January, he appeared at an enclave in Palm Springs, Calif., hosted by David and Charles Koch.

According to his advisers, Cruz’s argument to GOP donors in those sessions is that the Republican Party has stumbled in the past two presidential campaigns because it did not get enough conservatives to the polls. To get those voters off the sidelines, he believes the party should lurch to the right rather than the center.

Cruz’s pitch contrasts with the arguments of several others in the field, including Bush, who is expected to announce his run later this spring; Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who launched his campaign Tuesday; and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who is slated to formally enter the race Monday in Miami. All three say the party should expand by reaching out to voters who have not been in step with GOP hard-liners, whether on immigration, education or foreign policy.

Cruz is in the middle of a 10-city fundraising blitz this month. He held an event in Austin on Monday and attended a fundraising dinner in San ­Diego on Tuesday.

Cruz’s donor network is extensive, with hotbeds of support in Texas and New York. Last month, after announcing his campaign to thousands of young Christians at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va., Cruz was hosted in Manhattan by Rebekah Mercer, daughter of hedge-fund manager Robert Mercer.

GOP pollster Kellyanne Conway, who was at the Mercer reception, said Cruz was well-received by the conservative crowd, which included New York businessman John Catsimatidis and CNBC personality Larry ­Kudlow.

“He was in the belly of the beast, gave remarks and took questions,” Conway said. “Anyone who says he’s the tea party candidate is completely misreading him. That label is meant to be a slight, and it doesn’t capture his actual reach.”

But Rep. Peter T. King (R-N.Y.), a frequent Cruz critic, was incredulous that rich Republicans would devote parts of their fortunes to the Texan. “Honestly, I don’t know,” he said in an interview. “I can’t see him winning. The only thing Cruz will use that money for is dividing the party.”

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks FEC data, Cruz in recent years has raised more than $700,000 from the Club for Growth, a conservative advocacy group; nearly $70,000 from Goldman Sachs employees; and thousands more from other financial firms, including Credit Suisse and Berkshire Hathaway.

Cruz’s campaign made its first ad buys of the cycle this past weekend, purchasing national time during “Killing Jesus” on Fox News and ads in four primary states during NBC’s “A.D.: The Bible Continues.”

Federal law prohibits federal officeholders from directing or soliciting money for their would-be super PACs. No such restrictions exist for governors or others until they become federal candidates, providing an incentive for hopefuls such as Bush and Gov. Scott Walker (R-Wis.) to delay an official entry into the race.

Bush especially has been encouraging donations to the “Right to Rise” super PAC since he began to explore a campaign late last year. Some of his boosters, dubbing Bush’s efforts “shock and awe,” have suggested that his allied super PAC could raise up to $100 million by summer — a prediction Bush’s aides have downplayed.

Most other potential Republican candidates have seen their supporters form independent groups to help them. A super PAC called America Leads, which plans to back Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, was announced last month. Walker’s Our American Revival, registered under section 527 of the tax code, has been promoting him as he makes his political travels.

Zezima reported from Manchester, N.H.

Wishful thinking. Hillary is about as low class as they go - with no experience and NO leadership

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Compare Hillary with anyone and there are plenty of choices.

Democrats are distancing themselves from her. She has proved herself as a pathological liar, one who cannot lead, has no leadership abilities and no experience. Any foreign dealing she did were a disaster. She was one of the most incompetent SOS we ever had (Kerry follows close - one incompetent replaced by another). Between her lies, taking no responsibility for her doings, crooked deals, accepting millions from foreign sources (which of course the democrats scream and shout if a republican does that, it's only okay if a democrat does it), her lies, her obvious criminal activity of her email-gate, and the list goes on and on and on. The majority of the country does not want a communist in the seat taking the country down at warp speed. More and more democrats are distancing themselves from her and republicans certainly do not want her.


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Delusional thinking! - nm

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