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birds of a feather

Posted: May 2, 2017

Why wouldn't this bill be passed?  I think it should be a requirement to see taxes.


I'm under audit, too, I don't have a bottom line yet, - I can relate. nm

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This was about a bill that requires anyone - running for office to show taxes

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Why shouldn't it be required? I imagine his audit will be the biggest audit ever and will use that excuse through his whole presidency. I don't care to see your taxes but I do care to see his.

I care to see everyone's taxes. Taxes - should be public knowledge

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We would like to see all the cheats so they can be prosecuted.

I want all corrupt polticians to disclose taxes - and undergo lie detector testing

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Speaking of crooked birds of a feather.

Well which crooked politicians are we talking about, all of em? - nm

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They are all corrupt, it is the nature of the job - They lie and make promises they will not keep

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Show me a politician who does not lie or take money from special interest groups in exchange for special "favors" from the politician. Ever heard a politician who wants to get elected make promises he cannot or will not keep?

Yes, all of them. I don't even think it should - be a bill. It should be

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put to vote by the people of this country, just like their raises should be voted on, not given by themselves.

So do I. I believe that is what the bill was - for, all politicians

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