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I don't know why he makes the effort to appear on these programs. His answers to questions are always the same "It was Bush's fault." He should just make a recording of his answers and play them.
On Meet the Press, he stated:"It takes a long time to dig out of the avalanche of bad decisions the preceded the Obama presidency. And, let's understand this-- once thing they saw in the debate was Mitt Romney's plan is to go back to a failed economic theory of tax cuts for the very rich despite the fact that he denied the existence of tax cuts or the existence of math, the notion of 'let's go to war on Sesame Street and give Wall Street a big wet kiss--that's exactly what got us into this mess. That's what we spent 4 years digging out."
On This Week, he stated: Well, I don't think that was a gaffe (talking about Biden’s latest), George, because I think what the vice president was talking about is what he's talked about every day, which is a series of eight years of horrifically bad economic decisions—Well, we've been digging out from what was an avalanche of bad economic decisions over the past eight years during the Bush administration. What Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan want to do is take us back to that exact same failed economic theory, top-down tax cuts, eviscerating the investments we know we need to grow our economy from the middle out, rather than from the top down.
Now, from what I read and understand in R&R plans, this is NOT the case. Romney does NOT want to give Wall Street a "big, wet kiss." He wants to REFORM Wall Street just like President Bush wanted, and tried, to do in 2005 but the dems blocked him every step of the way. The dems thought everything was hunky-dory and there was nothing wrong with Wall Street or Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac. Just like the Senate dems are doing in Congress today against the House pubs.