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Robert Gibbs to Donald Trump: Where are the tax returns?
Posted: Apr 27, 2011
Let the fun begin...

Me to Timothy Geithner - where are YOUR - tax returns?? nm
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Already released...it's Donny's turn now. - Thanks Donny
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You birthers and teabaggers are more fun than a barrel of monkeys!
So are you kool-aid drinking deniers. You do - realize that birthers and
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teabaggers were a big part of the shellacking (your boy Obama's term) in the mid-terms, right? Nothing that happened today is going to make them vote for your guy.
All I see is a guy with as much money as Obama took him to the mat and he had to pony up the long form. And then get on national television and mock the American people once again. Yep, Thanks Donny, for opening the door to heightened stupidity which Obama ran through with his kool-aid drinking deniers on his heels.
I LOVE it!! Talk about more fun than a barrel of monkeys! Obama really needs to have a kegger for your guys on the White House lawn...lololol
Yes, and nothing about knowing he was born here - makes me want to vote for him.
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Obama is a huge disaster as president, a total tragedy for the USA. Get out, Obama.. go back to Chicago and organize something since you certainly cant help the nation.
That's exactly what a lot of us have been saying - see message
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It has nothing to do whether he was born in Hawaii, Kenya, Russia, or Australia. It has everything to do with the disaster happening to our country. The birthplace doesn't make a difference and the color of his skin doesn't make a difference. My daddy, and my cousin, and my brother-in-law and my 2 sister-in-laws, and my uncle, and my SO's cousins being out of work, my 3 neices and 2 nephews not having health insurance, my best friends son who is fighting overseas, the companies closing down and moving jobs overseas, the mounting deficit the uncontrolled spending, etc etc is what matters.
We despirately need a leader.
Yes, the state I live in continues to worsen. Obamas - stimulus money here has dried up,
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and the same people he thought he was putting to work are out of jobs.. again. It seems Obama can never think deeply enough for the long haul, just throw a quick fix at something and pray.
Obama likes to create class warfare as well..a shame.nm - :-(
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Mr. Trump has not announced he is a candidate yet - only then would he release them
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If he announces he is a candidate then he should show them. There would be no reason to release them now. You did know that didn't you?
And yes, we get it...you get enjoy insulting others and calling people filthy names and then sit back and smile knowing you just insulted people. Sorry, I just don't understand what is so enjoyable about insulting people and snickering about it. Guess that's why I don't understand the minds of pedophiles, child molesters, and people who torture and hurt innocent animals.
OMG...you are hilarious! - ROFLMAO
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Comparing people who don't agree with the birthers and teabaggers to pedophiles, child molesters, and people who torture and hurt innocent animals might be the funniest, most ludicrous thing ever posted on this forum.
Congratulations...you've outdone yourself!
I didn't compare them. But guess you did - ROFLMAO too (see message)
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Guess you didn't read my message. Go figure. Here let me repeat. You can read it slower so maybe you'll understand.
I said I don't understand what enjoyment people get out of calling people nasty filthy names and then smirking about it knowing they have just insulted people by calling them the filthy and nasty name (you know birthher and teabagger). Since people know how vile and disgusting those names are I don't understand why they enjoy calling them that. Usually if I was to call someone a filthy name and they asked me to stop I would. So I don't understand the mentality of the enjoyment people get from calling people nasty names knowing well aware they are insulting them. I could call the people who do that all sorts of names, but since they wouldn't like it I don't. It just doesn't give me enjoyment to hurt others. Ahhhh, that's where you made the connection. I see now. Clever you. Yes, I don't understand the mentality of those other kind of people either. I also don't understand the mentality of politicians who promise us they are going to work for us and then once get elected show us they only care about their financial gain of being in politics.
Funny how you made the comparison. Now that's the funniest thing I've read on this forum in a long time.
Thanks for the belly laugh.
Oh yeah...silly me. That's how we found out - our Treas Sec is a tax cheat.
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thanks for correcting me on that.
I demand a certificate of live birth for Trump's hair! - nm
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It is only a phobia if the fear is irrational. - EEEK!
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Or at least its AKC papers - no1joe
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I'm convinced it's a sleeping Pomeranian. Regardless... I demand it's proof that its an American sleeping Pomeranian!
Like Obama, I hope!! (not tomorrow, in 2012) - although...if he wants
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to pack up and go now I would help load the U-Haul.
I demand it be licensed as "hazardous material" - nm
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Only if we can license you at the same - time. nm
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Gibbs? Are you joking me? - Who cares what he has to say
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The guy was incompetent. Who cares what Gibbers has to say.
P.S. Donald Trump has not officially announced he is running. Only then would he be required to show his tax returns.
panic, panic, panic, panic....ROFL
Exactly. of ALL things to dry to divert - attention Obama picks
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THIS one. Talk about wagging the dog...LOL. Trouble is...dog bit back.
If I were him I would seriously question my advisors. LOL.
Trump is not going to run...he is just making himself look - ROFL
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like a fool, and self-promoting his show. He wants people to watch the season finale of The Apprentice so only then he can say he decided not to run. I wish he would run, then I know for sure Obama would get a second term. Trump is a joke.
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Bring it one Trump1
If he runs he will show it - and not wait 2 years - But alas, he already has shown it
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Uh oh! Trump birther in the house! - geez. lol. nm
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