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"Republicans vote to reaffirm party's opposition to gay marriage"

Posted: Apr 12, 2013

Republicans vote to reaffirm party's opposition to gay marriage

Adoption of hardline stance is seen as a slap in the face for the RNC leadership, which has been trying to soften party position

Reince Priebus
RNC chairman Reince Priebus has been trying to steer the party towards a softer, more centrist position. Photograph: Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP

Social conservatives have staged a counter-offensive within the Republican party, orchestrating a unanimous vote within the party's national committee that reaffirms its opposition to gay marriage.

The counter-coup was organised at the RNC's spring meeting in Los Angeles. A resolution, passed without neither debate nor dissent from the 168 members of the party's governing committee, affirms "its support for marriage as the union of one man and one woman as the optimum environment in which to raise healthy children for the future of America".

A separate resolution that was also carried calls on the US supreme court in its pending rulings to uphold California's ban on gay marriage, Proposition 8, and to back the Defense of Marriage Act, Doma, that withholds certain federal benefits from married same-sex couples.

The adoption of such a traditionalist hardline stance by the committee is a slap in the face for the RNC's leadership, particularly its chairman, Reince Priebus, who since the drubbing received by Mitt Romney in the presidential election last November has been trying to steer the party towards a softer, more centrist position. Last month he unveiled a 100-page "Growth and Opportunity Project", dubbed the autopsy, an act of unprecedented hand-wringing over the party's failure at the polls that called for a rethinking of the party's stance on gay marriage and immigration.

"There is a generational difference within the conservative movement about issues involving the treatment and the rights of gay people – and for many younger voters, these issues are a gateway into whether the party is a place they want to be," the report said. "If our party is not welcoming and inclusive, young people and increasingly other voters will continue to tune us out."

Now the right of the Republican party is mounting a predictable backlash to that call for a shift to the centre. Earlier this week a coalition of conservative groups sent a joint letter to Priebus warning him that if he continued on the moderate path outlined in the autopsy report he risked losing the support of the party's base support.

"The Republican party makes a huge historical mistake if it intends to dismantle this coalition by marginalizing social conservatives and avoiding the issues which attract and energize them by the millions," the letter said.

The letter, coupled with the rigid response of the committee in Los Angeles, suggests that the hardline right of the party does not intend to go quietly as the leadership tries to steer it towards a more electable position. Gay conservatives reacted with dismay, warning their would be consequences.

"Today's anti-gay marriage resolution = more evidence that the GOP isn't finished losing," tweeted Jimmy LaSalvia of GOProud. "The RNC is like the alcoholic who admits he has a problem, then continues to drink."


Devolving from radical predjudicial religious-based - self-righteousness

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and then the process into evolving into recognizing a simple concept we all bleed red blood is a long and complicated process. They are at a negative 100 and need to get to 0 just to get close to catching up with the real world which is probably at a positive 100 on the people are created equal scale (which most Americans seem to comprehend).

Now they have the self-inflicted ball and chain of the Tea Party to deal with, who seems to be bent on adopting the Bible as the Constitution, condemning people of color inferior and useless users, and not recognizing women as equals.

The Tea Party is a magnet to the radical conservative fringe, and they had/have a big voice, a constitutional voice, but the Republican Party gave them a megamegaphone. What a mistake.

Did they really think this fringe represented even a narrow cross-section of America?

Now they are stuck with them. The cancer can't be cut out, because voting lines were drawn to ensure Tea Party elected officials in Congress for who knows how long.

I don't think even Democrats enjoy watching this train wreck except to the extent that, although not a given by any means, 2016 looks very promising in view of the cannibalization of the GOP.

It seems obvious the RNC understands what they need to do, but they can't just talk the talk. People, even those who live in a "small world," aren't stupid, lazy, or sleeping. But if they were, measures instituted by Republicans to restrict voting hours that resulted in ridiculously long lines, etc., last election woke them up.

Still, the Republicans continue to try to underhandedly gain advantage (i.e., Montana bill to target voter registration and eliminate 3rd party as one example). These tactics will be amplified via social media, etc., the closer we get to another election, as well all the other inevitable GOP misspeaks, Rush-endorsed slurs, etc.

The continuing hopeful evolution of the GOP will be interesting. But I'm wondering if there's much hope. They can become engorged by the Tea Party or... I'm not sure what the "or" could be... because they've been welcomed into the GOP fold and their burrow is deep and winding.

A decade ago I read - Fanatical Husseincommie

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an article (can't remember where or who wrote it) that was critical of politicians of all parties and ideologies who draw lines of hate and fear in their electorate to gain power. Basically, it discussed how easy it is to do. Simply take the already present xenophobic fears of "outsiders" and "degenerates", blame all your problems on them and then the politician promises to fix them. The problem is that while it's easy to create, it's exceedingly difficult to stop or even contain or control. So they end up creating an angry mob whose momentum can't even be steered by its creator.

The Republican Party as a whole is living this today. They spent years making the enemy for their electorate. But now they can't stop their own handiwork from running amok. The Tea Party is the perfect example. They told everyone to fear the government. It worked. Now their constituency is afraid of them because (I'm surprised they didn't see this coming) they ARE part of the government and they made the government bigger and bigger every chance they got.

They told their followers that all Democrats are communists. So now when Boehner or any of the other "moderates" try to reach across the aisle they get blasted for it. Because they convinced people that it wasn't a political rivalry, it was a battle between good and evil. In such a context, how could compromise be anything but betrayal? Romney had to pretend not to have tried universal health care. They have to pretend that the deficit reduction we've already done isn't that far off from Simpsons-Bowles before the sequester. The Democrat budget is an old Republican budget sans more tax cuts for the uber-wealthy. They pushed themselves so far right they can't even see the other side anymore.

I have to wonder if as Boehner and his kind drift out to sea, will they look back and realize that it was their own electioneering that put them out there?

The Democrats aren't winning because they're good. They're winning because the other team's pre-game warm-up ritual injured all their star players and the only people remaining are the incompetent and potentially crazy substitutes no one ever thought would get a chance to play. I've been voting "not Republican" since '04 (before Bush I considered myself a liberal libertarian). I didn't even like Kerry. I thought he was a monotone, wealthy and out of touch career politician, but Massachusetts wasn't a smoking crater or a police state, so I figured he had to be better than Cheney.

Now for a few brief days here the Republican Party seemed to be introspective. Not for the right reasons, but it doesn't seem like even that is going to last. The sad thing is a potentially vital Republican philosophy of fiscal conservatism is being dragged down by the new Republican Party principles of faux Objectivism, Christian supremacy and universal xenophobia.

So much more in being dragged down and in a state - of stagnation

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because of this republican civil war.

Why should people who are still in a state of mourning after their children were massacred have to travel to DC to beg Congress to do something which should be just common sense, and really doesn't even go far enough, IMO, in the realm of common sense. I mean... how may streetsweepers does it take to kill a deer?

And regarding the 2nd amendment: You've expounded on this yourself (and so has the SCOTUS) why the any kind of gun for any person mentality (clearly the NRA platform--NRA having obscene control over elected officials for some reason) was not the intent of our forefathers. But I wonder why the constitutional defenders of the 2nd amendment don't jump to the defense of child pornographers and their freedom of speech. I guess that is just as obvious as it should be to ban certain weapons and ammunition clips.

It's just very frustrating that nothing at all is happening. I guess that's why I can't selfishly revel in the woes of the GOP... because it really touches us all in a bad way.

I'm really really sick of hearing about gays. Let - them do what they want.

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