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Party like it's 1776. Congress declares pizza

Posted: Nov 16, 2011

since it's slathered with salt-saturated tomato sauce.  A wink and a nod to Big Potato guarantees freedom fries will be piled high on lunch trays, and compliance with healthier sodium content standards will be delayed.  Multigrain has been put on hold.  Food lobby interests and blind hatred for POTUS and FLOTUS trump concerns over record increases in childhood obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes.  Partisans must be patting themselves on the back, high-fiving and jumping for joy. 

TP/GOP says healthy school lunches are too expensive.  Gee, I wonder if their deep budget cuts to education have anything to do with that?  Just when you think the bar cannot get any lower, it does.  We need Perry's exempted illegal "landsape technicians" down in Texas to gather up their shovels and start digging some trenches so said bar can go subterranean. 

Meanwhile, one week out from deadline, the supercommittee is discussing uncocking that debt reduction trigger. 


Future World--Have you thought? - sm

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What is the world going to be like when today's Seniors believe they may have to continue working until they are 80, and the obese, unhealthy kids will be unable to work past the age of 45? Being a bit older, I don't recall so many of my classmates being so overweight. I have often felt fat in my life, but when I go to the mall, I almost feel tiny when I am near today's teenagers. I think we were much more active growing up, and perhaps ate more "real" food. Maybe it is just all the muffin-tops I see jiggling out there.

Will kids look back at these times and wonder where were the parents letting them eat this junk? So many people say we should cut Medicare and Social Security because we are worried about our kids future. I think their worries could be better directed towards healthy pregnancies, nutrition for growing children, lifetime activity, education, and community service.

I have heard Michele Bachmann saying the government should stay out of children's lunches--should the government stay out of safe water and food? Is it okay with her to eat and drink pesticides and herbicides and fatty junk foods? When I worry about the future of our kids, I worry about the Republicans.

Things were so different when we were kids. - Zville MT

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It's not really fair to compare those days to these days. We didn't have video games or computers - we went outside and played all day. My mom had to call my brother and I in for lunch (probably would have skipped it if she hadn't). We went to fast food restaurants very rarely and my mom would make cookies once a week for snacks. The difference is we ate the cookies and then ran it off.

I think a lot of it comes down to parenting as well. I'm not blasting parents that have to work, but my neighbor's kids are home at least three or four hours after school, all day Saturday, and all day during the summer (they're 14 and 8) with no parents - if they haven't been taught, who's to stop them from filling up on junk food all day? And they're not allowed to go outside, which sucks for them in the summer, so no chance of getting any exercise. And yes, they are both overweight.

It's not the government that should dictate what gets eaten when, it's the parents and IMHO, they should be doing a better job parenting. You're right - these obese children will grow up to be obese adults and have medical problems and disabilities that will prevent them from working and they'll be dependent on adults like my kids, who have been raised to understand the importance of healthy food (and actually eat healthy). I worry about the future of our kids, too, but not totally because of politics - I worry because there are too many parents who just don't give a rat's patootie what thier kids do or eat and those are the lessons that are going to stick with those kids the rest of thier lives.

Yes, Bachmann and her cohorts would prefer - sm

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there be NO regulations of any kind. The safety of Americans is something she simply doesn't care about, nor do her colleagues in the GOP.

Have you thought that maybe if these children's - parents had them outside playing, or

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if my 5-year-old (who is very very thin, actually underweight) had more than 2 days of PE per week and one 20 minute recess per day in a full day of kindergarten that children would be thinner. We had PE every day of the week and recess 3 times per day in a half-day of kindergarten. Kids play video games instead of playing outside. There are a lot more reasons for obese children than what is in their lunches.

Ummm, I think it takes a village. - sm

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We are talking about our children's health. The partisanship over this particular issue infuriates me.

The school lunch program has been in place since 1946 and has endured all these years under both democratic and republican administrations. Like it or not, it DOES have a political component to it, since it is a federally subsidized program. The GOP would like to cut corners and "get by" with as little as possible in deference to tax cuts for the wealthy, maintaining corporate loopholes and kowtowing to special interests. Some TP freshman would just as soon have disadvantaged children pull themselves up by their boostraps or go without all together by eliminating the program. They MAKE ME SICK.

Clearly in this immediate case at hand, they are serving the interests of Big Ag and food manufacturing lobbyists, NOT our kids. I find that DISGUSTING. Parents and teachers should do their part, no argument there, but as long as MY tax dollars are being spent for this purpose, let me be the first to step up to the plate and express my outrage that they have had the gall to place frozen pizza into the vegetable group on the food pyramid.

FYI, I will hold the democrats equally responsible for this if they allow it to pass. I'll be praying for gridlock when this idiotic bill makes it to the floor of the chambers.

But it's ridiculous to think that we can cure childhood obesity - one meal a day.
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If you feed a child salad for lunch and then he goes home to gorge himself on Ho-Ho's and Ding Dongs, it doesn't matter. I know that my child's school gives them a choice between a salad and something else every day. The problem is that the "something else" is often chili cheese Fritos or some other incredibly healthy food, but if we subsidize lunches and give out salads, chances are we will all be paying for kids to throw away their lunches. I really do think that the answer to childhood obesity is exercise, not diet. Kids really should be able to eat just about anything without becoming obese, as long as they are exercising. I am not saying that I only feed my kids junk food or advocating that people should not try to make healthy choices for their children, but that is why I pack my child's lunch. I don't think that the schools or anyone else should be the food police for my child. Taking more and more control away from the parents is not the answer.
Let's not do nothing. Let's do everything, - or at the very least, SOMEthing
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The aim is to promote healthier lifestyles whenever, wherever and by whomever. Government does not have control over whether or not kids exercise, what parents do or do not allow them to eat, or what they sneak into their mouths when nobody's looking. They do have direct input into subsidized school lunch programs and guidelines regarding content of that one meal.

My issue with this is elected officials who allow these decisions (whether it be to fund or not to fund, or the nature of the guidelines themselves) to be guided by common sense versus corporate interests such as Big Ag and food lobbyists. In this case, they have chosen the latter. Declaring frozen pizza a vegetable? Come ON!

The idea is to do what we can, whenever and wherever we can to address the growing problems associated with childhood obesity and its attendant health impacts on them. So far, this is a deliberately missed opportunity, driven by Congressional partisanship, special interests and ultimately, the buying and selling of government institutions. In my book, providing healthy school lunches should be a no brainer but, once again, Congress has flunked this most basic of tests. No wonder their approval ratings have plunged into the single digits, currently standing at an abysmal 9%. Especially where our kids are concerned, I am not content to sit around and watch that bar sink even lower than it already has.
Excellent post. Everything you write is true. - nm
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The problem is that this is a one-size-fits-all - approach to feeding kids.
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Not all children are obese. As a matter of fact, not even MOST kids are obese. It does not make a lot of sense to spend a bunch of money to cater to the 1%. Isn't that exactly what all of you liberals are against?
As an MT, you are familiar with the concept of healthy lifestyle, - aren't you?
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This is exactly the kind of dumbed-down partisanship that has our country paralyzed. Fat, thin, tall, short, black, brown, white, blue, green, or hazel eyes, blond, red, brown, black hair, kids, teens, adults, seniors...ALL can benefit from promoting healthy lifestyles. This is not a TP, GOP, OWS, democratic, independent, libertrian, socialist, communist or WHATEVER concept. It is common sense.

Your post is juvenile and grossly uninformed.
That's just not true, though. - My child needs high calorie
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meals. He is underweight and we have actually had problems with the school because they feel that since they are the food police, that if he does not eat his sandwich, he should not be allowed to drink his protein shake or eat his protein bar that I send in his lunch. The problem with this is that he needs all of the calories that he can get. I actually had to get a pediatrician's note to get them to leave him alone. Obese children are not made from school lunches. If that were the case, wouldn't all children who eat school lunches be obese? The school lunches already have nutritional guidelines to which they must adhere. I am all for intervention for obese children, I just think that you all are attacking the wrong area. That money would be better spent getting the children outside to exercise more often.
Get a grip, will ya? - Your issue is between you
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and your local school staff and has nothing to do with federal guidelines. I trust you straightened them out on that. Did your pediatrician instruct you on the difference between healthy and harmful ways to promote your son’s weight gain? Adding multigrain and fresh fruit/vegetable choices while cutting back on (saturated) fatty, salt-, cholesterol-, and sugar-laden processed foods (fried pies come to mind), chemicals, preservatives and presenting a balanced meal is not going to reduce your son’s calorie intake. Did the MD who wrote the note to your school also recommend pizza as a vegetable, and french fries 5 days a week? You do realize they tried to eliminate french fries on just one day, but Big Potato screamed bloody murder, so they caved on this very modest and reasonable suggestion.

I see nothing wrong with requiring parents to document their child's special diet needs, especially medically based, such as peanut allergies, diabetics and the like. This hardly makes them the food police, and sounds more like responsible oversight to me. Speaking of diabetes, if you have any concept of how that is managed you will quickly realize that under the current set-up, it is not possible to construct a diabetic-friendly lunch meal from the choices offered. I think that needs to be addressed in ways that can accommodate the broad spectrum of healthy nutrition for all students.

The remainder of your post has been addressed in the let’s at least do SOMEthing post. Arguing against making school lunches healthier is lunacy. The existing guidelines are not written on stone tablets, come up for review on a regular basis and should be reliably responsive to change in line with evolving medical science. One basic operating premise is that weight loss, and for that matter, general overall health, does not occur in a vacuum. Diet without exercise or exercise without diet yields limited results at best. No one is suggesting school lunches are THE answer.

There should not even BE a funding discussion that involves choosing one or the other (exercise versus more nutritional lunch meals). These are our children. We are charged with the responsibility of nurturing, protecting and caring for them. We expect this orientation from ourselves as parents, our families, communities, schools, churches, and from our municipal, county and state laws. To draw the line and have it suddenly cease to exist at the federal level with either-or arguments that only serve to nurture, protect and coddle lobbyists and special interests and preserve privileged tax structures for corporations and 1%ers is partisan drivel that IMO is despicable.

Get a grip, will you? - There ARE guidelines in
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place regarding school lunches. I still think that sedentary lifestyles are more to blame for childhood obesity than school lunches. My point is that attacking the smallest part of the problem is stupid, especially when it comes at a high cost. I really think that all of this should come down to parenting. To be honest, I don't think that local, state or federal governments legislating any of this is the answer. The answer is parenting, not school lunches. I just find it funny that everyone is arguing about a pizza in a school lunch, all the while cutting and cutting and cutting PE programs and recess time. It's like spending dollars to save dimes.
I can hardly make a comment to this, but will try - sm
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There are so many people who seem to believe that because something is true for them, it must be true for everyone. So, I will try explain. Diabetes runs in my family and we seem to have a "fat" gene. You don't believe it exists? I have exercised heavily all my life and I am still a little overweight. Have you ever heard of the mesomorph, ectomorph, etc., body types? I was discussing my weight struggle with a friend and was telling her my exercise routine (averaged 1 hour a day of HEAVY aerobics), plus at that time worked at a physically active job. She looked at me in horror and said she would be a toothpick if she got as much exercise as I did. I am married to a skinny guy. We had similar activity levels and ate similarly (I do the cooking) except he has never exercised a day in his life and has a sweet roll and a beer every day, which I do not have.

I grew up on a farm where we had animals that had different genetics. One critter would gain weight just by looking at a feed pail, another could eat all day and not gain an ounce. We had to weigh each critter's feed and feed individually. We called the chubbies, "easy keepers". My hubby jokes and calls me an "easy keeper". Luckily, I love him dearly.

I have 2 dogs, same mother, different father. One eats three times what the other one does. The dog on the reduced-calorie diet outweighs the other and they have almost exactly the same activity levels.

Now that I am a sit-on-my-butt MT, it seems like I mostly eat cottage cheese for protein and salads. I am not gaining, but I am not losing either. I walk for an hour most days. My knees are giving out from overuse (a lifetime of obsessive jogging/aerobics, walking, and extra weight).

Parenting. I did not have a mother. I am sick of people saying kids need good parenting, when there are kids who just do not have parents, or the parents do not know how to parent.

So be smug and tell the obese kids to go out and get some good parents. And if you are fat, it is because you sit around too much. I am sure that all the people who are like I was/am will thank you for your advice.
Don't sell yourself short. You posted an - outstanding comment. Thanks. nm
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I absolutely believe that some people gain weight easier than - others, but given that, do you really think
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that shaving a couple hundred calories off of a school lunch is going to make a difference? I, too, have been heavy most of my life and now am exercising a good 1-2 hours per day of very heavy exercise and am finally able to keep those pounds at bay. Guess what, I still eat things that taste good. We hear all of these arguments about school lunches, mostly coming from the same people, about how we must subsidize lunches and breakfasts and some even think dinners because kids aren't getting enough to eat. Now, we must reduce the calories because they are getting too much to eat. We can't have it both ways. Know what I think? Many parents don't parent because they expect someone to always tell them what to do. Perhaps, if people were forced to make their own decisions, they might make better decisions. I just don't think that intrusive government is the answer to every question. Sorry.
Usual short-sighted policy belief - sm
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Do you really think a kid is going to make a good decision about whether to eat cardboard pizza or a real food salad? If your kid is taking lunches to school, they are probably trading them for that high nutrition pizza. As another poster wrote, basically, we can give the corporations the $$$ to supply the public schools with crappy, no-nutrient foods--the kids will be more likely to grow up with bad eating habits that will,in turn, cause future health problems, which will then feed that corporate health-care system and pharmaceutical system you are so fond of. Just like the subsidies to oil companies are keeping us dependent on polluting energy and involved in oil production as a "defense policy." Just like teaching abstinence prevents abortion and children living below the poverty level. The same bunch who thinks that the individual worker should have no power through a union, but that a corporation should be a person--but does not come under criminal law. Sometimes I wish we could just separate into two countries.

It made me so sad to see three young adolescent girls at the drug store yesterday, pooling their money to buy some stupid weight loss pills. Yup. They are probably eating pizza and candy and then paying some pseudo-pharmaceutical company to try help them take that weight off. Maybe they don't have parents, I don't know. They sure could use some education, though.
What? Parents? I'm surprised you're not trying to - drag the church into this.
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If we could rely on parenting, we would not be having this conversation. They are about as effective at promoting healthy lifestyles in their kids as they are at enforcing virginity and abstinence. Just as there should be as many alternatives as possible to achieve birth control, addressing the US obesity problem should be coming from all fronts. Aren't you the one who called out the OP for a one-size-fits-all solution?
And by the way, calling my disagreeing with you - doesn't make me uninformed
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any more than your slinging a bunch of names at me makes you right.
The uninformed observation does not arise from - your differing viewpoint.
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I am taking issue with your grossly inaccurate metaphor suggesting that childhood obesity is so minimal that it is comparable to the 1%. To be clear, that would be found in your parting shots where you try to construct a funny-ha-ha lib slam.

Uninformed is a state-of-mind malady, closely akin to misinformed. Fortunately, both are correctable. Let's take a look at which children you are trying to dismiss as not being worthwhile to "spend a bunch of money (on) to CATER to," keeping in mind that the diverted savings are in no way destined for playgrounds or enhanced PE/exercise programs, but instead are earmarked to CATER to ever grander TP/GOP visions of individual wealth, corporate greed, preserving DC lobbyist status quo and staking claims to campaign war chests filled to the brim with Beck's fool's gold. That would be Glenn "I-say-let-them-die" Beck (when speaking of the morbidly obese). It is difficult to say whether his open hostility is genuinely directed toward obesity or just your run-of-the-mill thinly veiled disdain for POTUS and FLOTUS initatives. But let's not digress.

The US is tied for last with Malta in the childhood obesity race to the bottom. Of the roughly 1 in 4 children (that's 25%, not 1%) who are either overweight or obese, 17% of them have BMIs in the 25-29.9 overweight range, and the remaining 8% are medically obese with BMIs of 30+. The 6-11 primary school age group represents the highest overweight/obesity incidence as compared to teens and the age 2-5 cohort. Speaking of age cohorts, when the 2-5 age group, 6-11 age group and 12-19 age group(s) are combined, we find that 35% of ALL overweight/obese Americans are kids...hello, more than 1 in 3. So, as you can see, that 1% dig of your is....well, misinformed. While we're at it, may a well throw this into the mix. There are more medically obese Americans (34%) than those who are simply overweight (32.7%), and nearly 6% of us are morbidly obese. This math tell us that healthy and underweight folks are decidedly in a shrinking minority.

Since you like to reduce all this down to dollars and cents, crunch this: Diabetes generates more than twice as much health care cost burden than 4 other obesity-related conditions COMBINED (heart disease, osteorthritis, gallbladder disease and high blood pressure). Here's how the expense breaks down. Out of $135.5 BILLION in obesity-related expense

Diabetes = $98 billion (72+%)
Osteoarthritis = $21.2 billion (15+%)
Gallbldder disese = $3.4 billion (2+%)
Heart disease = $8.8 billion (6+%)
Hypertension = $4.1 billion (around 3%)

Before we are done dismissing these kids as not worth spending a bunch of money on, I think its worthwhile mentioning that, aside from those conditions mentioned above, they are at much higher risks for sleep apnea, GERD, cancer, low self esteem, depression, being targeted by bullies, and suicide, just in case the human misery and suffering index means anything to you.

Slinging a bunch of names at you can never make anyone right but stating these facts, which speak for themselves, tend to support the original premise. You appear to be misinformed.


Oh, if it's a Democratic idea, gridlock WILL - sm
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occur, just as it has occurred each time an "important" issue of the American people (such as the Public Option that was denied by the Republicans), as well as ANYTHING brought before the Republicans that was pro-middle class/poor was struck down by the Republicans.

It's what they have threatened, and their threats are very vocal, their filibusters numerous, and their otherwise continued fight for the rich ONLY.

I have heard that schools have cut a lot of PE programs - sm

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PE and after-school activities have been put by the wayside to try keep up with the academics. Not a good long-range plan, for sure. All kids, not just the rich, should have access to nutritious food and activities that encourage physical fitness, music, art, and hobbies to help create great individuals. The poor should not be further entrapped because the parents are forced to work more than one job and the kids have to eat junk food in the cafeteria.
My 8yo gets PE once every 6 days - mthead
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They get one "special" a day, which is either Art, Music, Spanish, Health, Technology, or PE. The school lunches are very healthy, but the PE schedule really has me peeved. I think I had PE every day or every other day as a kid (60s and 70s).

My 12yo, on the other hand, has PE every other day.

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