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Impeach Congress
Posted: May 28, 2013

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IMPEACH OBAMAOct 28, 2012Interesting site http://impeachobamatoday.blogspot.com/
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Trump’s statements about James Comey could be evidence of obstruction of justice — a central charge in the impeachment proceedings against two presidents in the last 43 years.
1. Trump's admission that a factor in his decision to fire Comey was Comey's continuing investigation of Trump's Russian connection. “If shown that Trump removed Comey to avoid being investigated? Yes impeachable: abuse of power, corruption, undermines rule of law.” -- Harvard University law pro ...
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At The Impeach Trump Rally In Chicago, Jul 09, 2017Hitler!
The entire “anti-fascist” crowd applauded the Fuhrer and his words of National Socialism.
The idiots applauded Hitler.
This is the transcript:
Ladies, Gentleman, and non-binary members of this congregation:
I would like to thank everyone for coming out today to support the constitutional rule of law, I stand here today, a veteran of these United States armed forces, and a proud 21st century patriot. I would like to take this opportunity to talk about this oppressiv ...
Impeach Obama? DNC Raises Fear In New EmailMay 25, 2014Before the fur starts to fly, yes, I know this is five months old, but I do not believe this particular article has been posted here before. I just heard this woman on the radio for the first time the other day and rather like what I heard. Her website has a wealth of information. ...
Impeach Trump's Impeachers. They're Dirty And Crooked AsJun 17, 2017The rush to impeach President Trump is on by an opposition party that lacks the votes, evidence or legal basis for such a move. But since when did an illegal left-wing coup need any of those things?
No Dem has been more honest about the real motive for impeachment than Congressman Ted Lieu.
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The purpose of the document might suggest Clinton, or at least those closest to her and in her circle, are interested in impeaching Justice Thomas.
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Bruce Fein, Constitutional Lawyer, Impeach Obama? (long)Apr 09, 2011I'm not up on this guy, but he seems to be all over the 'net in one capacity or another.
Read his discussion, which starts back in the beginning of the making of the Constitution with examples of cases. This is very long but I tried to summarize his article. Please see the following link if you want to read the whole thing.
1. Article II, Section IV of the United States Constitution provides: “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the Un ...
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How Will Congress Pay For The Surge?Dec 03, 2009Thought this was an interesting article. How do they plan to pay?
http://standeyo.com/NEWS/09_Economy/091202.how.2pay.for.war.html ...
Wow! How About We Send This To Our Congress?Jan 11, 2011This is a must watch! It made me want to cry.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZBTyTWOZCM ...
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http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/pl ...
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Congress Should Not Be Paid DuringOct 03, 2013But they are. Let's stop that. See petition below. ...
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It just came across the bottom of the screen that if the health care repeal passes, REID will NOT schedule it on the Senate side. That's like saying to heck with what the people want, (I don't want ...
Check To See If Your Representative In CongressJul 15, 2011
Check to see if your representative in Congress is on this list. This is a trend analysis of the data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics using their average net worth calculations.
“The List” of the Elite 80 : Skyrocketing Net Worth
Avg ‘04
Avg ‘08
Growth ‘04-‘08
% Change
2009 Net Worth
Gutierrez, Luis V (D-Ill)
Scott, David (D-Ga)
$2,90 ...
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Link ...
An 8-minute Video On Our Do-nothing Congress.Aug 05, 2013I posted this as a response on another thread, but I think it deserves it's own thread. It very clearly lays out our 113th congress' lack of productivity and some of the records it is breaking--for instance, the record of the 112th congress of passing the least number of bills since the 1940's.
As we were losing jobs, certain members congress were formulating a plan to block, filibuster and obstruct any legislation the president approved of.
Pete Sessions had the ner ...
Where Congress Stands - LinkSep 03, 2013link ...
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No Mr. Lefty, Congress Did Not Say Keep Obama Apr 07, 2017There are lies that just will not die and the chance a lie will not die increases exponentially if it is a leftist talking point. My gosh, we’re still hearing that Planned Parenthood gives mammograms and that no WMD were found in Iraq. Now that Trump has launched a strike on Syria in retaliation for its use of chemical agents on a civilian target, the Obama fellatistas are out en masse claiming that Obama, too, could have done that if only a dastardly and racist Congress had not forbidden him ...
Changing The Channel On Congress.May 12, 2017watching the Senate intelligence committee hearings Thursday morning, I got so frustrated I started looking for a good cartoon show.
What's so aggravating about these staged Congressional hearings is that you know what the Republicans and the Democrats are going to say before you even turn on the TV.
If it's healthcare reform, the right side says it's going to replace Obamacare with something that works - but then they can't sell their conservative ideas to the public a ...