Obamacare Funding Running Low For Patients
Posted: Feb 16, 2013
Tens of thousands of Americans who cannot get health insurance because of preexisting medical problems will be blocked from a program designed to help them because funding is running low.
Obama administration officials said Friday that the state-based “high-risk pools” set up under the 2010 health-care law will be closed to new applicants as soon as Saturday and no later than March 2, depending on the state.
But they stressed that coverage for about 100,000 people who are now enrolled in the high-risk pools will not be affected.
“We’re being very careful stewards of the money that has been appropriated to us and we wanted to balance our desire to maximize the number of people who can gain from this program while making sure people who are in the program have coverage,” said Gary Cohen, director of the Department of Health and Human Services’ Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight. “This was the most prudent step for us to take at this point in time.”
The program, which was launched in summer 2010, was always intended as a temporary bridge for the uninsured. But it was supposed to last until 2014. At that point, the health-care law will bar insurers from rejecting or otherwise discriminating against people who are already sick, enabling such people to buy plans through the private market.
From the start, analysts questioned whether the $5 billion that Congress appropriated for the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan — as the program is called — was sufficient.
Initial fears that as many as 375,000 sick people would swamp the pools and bankrupt them by 2012 did not pan out. This is largely because, even though the pools must charge premiums comparable to those for healthy people, the plans sold through them are often expensive.
But it was also because the pools are open only to people who have gone without insurance for at least six months. The result is that, while only about 135,000 people have gotten coverage at some point, they are proving far more costly to insure than predicted.
Many people who are uninsured go untreated, exacerbating their medical problems. When they finally do get coverage through a high-risk pool, they are in immediate need of expensive care.
“What we’ve learned through the course of this program is that this is really not a sensible way for the health-care system to be run,” Cohen said.
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Until people are enrolled and paying into it, paying out - will be a rob-Peter/pay Paul business. nm
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We once tried a thing called "Social Security," paying - out before paying in. TOTAL FAILURE.
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Nice naive liberal idea, but every sensible person could see it'd never work. They never learn.
Like OP with the ACA now, many conservatives once knew/hoped - SS would never work. :) nm
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In other words, "sarchasm." ;) - and very well done
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I LOL'd. Really should have been no ambiguity with the "TOTAL FAILURE" especially, but on a board like this, I can well imagine some not catching it right off.

scroll down to the source on these posts... - Fairminded
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and then get a very large container of salt.
You mean The Washington Post or the author of the article? - a lib
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I don't know anything about the author of the article, but I have no problem with The Washington Post as a source in general (and one of my favorite political columnists, Eugene Robinson, is there). The Washington *Times,* on the other hand, I definitely do take with a grain of salt.
Actually i take large grains of sand with ALL media - - Fairminded
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but you are right washington times is worse than wapo.
It's not as liberal as it used to be, but it's miles better... - a lib
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than the sources that many conservatives are posting on this board, so I sure don't want to dissuade any of them from going to WaPo for their source material rather than the absolutely unreliable sites I've seen cited here. I don't even follow through on the links to more than 10% of the articles the conservatives post here. But if they use the Wash. Post or the NYT, e.g., I'm happy to give their original sources a gander.
Oh, wait, are you doing reverse psychology, trying to get them to use it more? ;) (j/k)
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