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Obama and Offshoring...

Posted: Nov 4, 2010

Apparently he and his cronies are not against ALL offshoring.  This took place shortly after he took office:


Is Obama the Offshore Outsourcing President?

Yesterday Obama nominated the most notorious offshore outsourcing Senate advocate, Judd Gregg, for Commerce Secretary.

Today global labor arbitrage and offshore outsourcing expert, expert, Dr. Ron Hira, spells out the hidden multinational corporate offshore outsourcing agenda in an op-ed, The Obama administration promotes outsourcing:

We know from a recent EE Times survey that offshoring is the No. 1 career concern for EEs. The Obama Administration has been in office just a few weeks now, but we already know how it will address the offshoring of engineering jobs.


It will promote it.

EE Times, the Wall Street Journal and InformationWeek all recently published important stories on IBM's layoffs and the company's links to offshoring. IBM is now using the euphemism, "resourced actioned" to describe layoffs. The most remarkable aspect of the story was IBM's ability to take the Fifth Amendment on questions about the geographic distribution of layoffs, and even refusing to publicly state the number of U.S. workers it has.

Here's what the Journal published on Jan 27: "IBM Chairman Samuel Palmisano told workers in an e-mail last week that worldwide employment topped 400,000 at the end of 2008, up from 386,000 at the end of 2007. He didn't break out U.S. employment, and IBM spokesmen declined to do so."

IBM's unwillingness to publicly disclose its massive offshoring operations is no surprise, especially as it lobbies Congress and the Obama Administration for billions in taxpayer handouts as part of the economic stimulus package now being debated by Congress. What is remarkable is that the company is able to get away with it in the current job market with this President and this Congress.

InformationWeek reported on a new initiative by IBM, called Project Match, which is supposed to connect displaced U.S. workers with job openings in low-cost countries like India. But the catch here is, of course, that U.S. workers would be paid Indian salaries. How many U.S. workers can take those jobs and still hope to retire back in the U.S.? The answer is none.

So, where is President Obama, the politician who campaigned against outsourcing? The EE Times story that detailed the stealth layoffs and reactions of IBM workers, appeared on the same day that the President was chumming around with IBM's CEO Palmisano. Here's what President Obama said about why he invited to the White House Palmisano and nine other CEOs who are offshoring jobs:

"They make things, they hire people," the President said of the meeting participants. "They are on the front lines in seeing the enormous problems in the economy right now. Their ideas and their concerns have helped to shape our recovery package in order to get this economy back on track."

Can President Obama really be this naive? Or is it simply that he doesn't believe offshoring matters?

There is clear evidence that the latter is the case. On the very same day he was meeting with "CEOs [who] outsource American jobs"--a phrase he repeatedly and derisively used during his campaign, he named McKinsey's & Co.'s Diana Farrell to his National Economic Council, the inner circle of economic advisors in the White House. Farrell has done more to promote outsourcing than nearly anyone else in America.

Indeed, Chuck Schumer is also using McKinsey for financial regulatory reform government contracts. An conglomerate with their own agenda analyzing the United States regulatory financial system?

How in God's name can a organization which brazenly promotes global labor arbitrage and offshore outsourcing, in fact is in the business of offshore outsourcing, get so close to policy makers? McKinsey has issued debunked papers that are full of corporate agenda, incorrect assumptions, bad mathematics, and well, they should be an embarrassment to any researcher simply due to the inaccuracy of such reports.

Just sayin.  Don't take everything at face value.  He will say what he needs to say when he needs to say it, when in truth he is going to be for it when it is to his benefit and against it when it is his benefit to do so.  Don't look so hard at what he says.  Peel back the layers and look at WHAT HE ACTUALLY DOES.


Doesn't really matter - I heart Obama

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Now that the Pubes have a bigger finger in the pie their entire goal is to maintain the tax breaks in place for current off-shoring and to increase it. All about BIG business and saving THEIR money.

The rich will get richer and the rest of us will continue to struggle every single day.

Republicans oppose everything - for worker bees.

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Creating American Jobs Act. (All of the Republicans were opposed.)

This legislation failed in the Senate in September. There was proposed legislation ending tax breaks for U.S. companies that outsource and providing tax incentives to those that move jobs back home that failed. Democrats were short of the 60 votes required.

wellll if they were short of the 60 votes required that means.... - sam

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that a lot of Dems did not vote for it either, since they had 60 seats at the time. What about foreign companies who have plants here? If the Dems were really interested in saving jobs, why not give those companies tax breaks so that they don't have to move those plants to Mexico or their home countries? I mean, is it necessary for a line worker in an auto plant to make $30 an hour? Is it really? Why do you think employers WANT to offshore? HIGH corporate taxes!! Keep drinking the koolaid until we have no middle class left. They are COUNTING on you doing that.

You obviously did not get the meaning of what happened the other night either. The vast majority of this country does not agree with you. That is just the way it is.

Tell me...do YOU believe in individual responsibility? Do you believe that you should take care of your own needs? Why do I get the feeling that answer is no.

Please learn how laws are made. I don't understand it all myself but - Backwards Typist

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This is the summary of the law that was sent to the Senate.

S3816: Creating American Jobs and Ending Offshoring Act - Amends the Internal Revenue Code to: (1) exempt from employment taxes for a 24-month period employers who hire a employee who replaces another employee who is not a citizen or permanent resident of the United States and who performs similar duties overseas; (2) deny any tax deduction, deduction for loss, or tax credit for the cost of an American jobs offshoring transaction (defined as any transaction in which a taxpayer reduces or eliminates the operation of a trade or business in connection with the start-up or expansion of such trade or business outside the United States); and (3) eliminate the deferral of tax on income of a controlled foreign corporation attributable to property imported into the United States by such corporation or a related person, except for property exported before substantial use in the United States and for agricultural commodities not grown in the United States in commercially marketable quantities.

The Senate voted on CLOTURE, not the bill. Do you understand the meaning of cloture????  Reading too many newspapers and not understanding how laws work. I don’t understand it all myself, but here is the definition:  Cloture is the formal procedure that the Senate can employ to end a filibuster. If three-fifths of all Senators (60 if there are no vacancies) vote for the cloture motion, the Senate must take final action on the pending question by the end of 30 hours of additional consideration. During this 30-hour period, each Senator may speak for one hour and all amendments must be germane. In general, this means that each amendment must deal with the same subject as the text it would amend. The Senate often does not consume the entire 30 hours available for post-cloture consideration.

 When cloture has been invoked, no other business can take place until the Senate takes final action on the matter on which it has invoked cloture -- except, of course, by unanimous consent.

This is what DIDN’T pass. If cloture had passed, then they would have had to take final action; i.e., voted on this bill. With the elections coming up, do you really believe they WANTED to vote on this right away? That would have been taking a chance of it not passing. There are 2 amendments introduced by Senator Grassley submitted on 9/27 that will be heard once they are back in session ….uh, if they decide to WORK on it, but knowing the tactics being used, they might just hold off on it until the new Congress is in place; thereby, if it doesn’t pass, they can blame the pubs….but since the dems still have the majority in the Senate, it would be slightly impossible to explain it away if it did not pass. We shall see.

This is what I understand of how the process works but if I’m wrong, maybe someone who knows the law inside and out would correct me. 

filibusters and cloture - in simple terms
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The minority party in the Senate (has been Republicans of late) will threaten to block legislation by delaying it forever. The majority party (Dems of late) must then request a vote for cloture to force the official vote. The cloture takes 60 votes. There are currently 57 Democrats, 3 votes short. Besides that, Democrats do not very often vote lock-step, so it is very difficult for them to override a filibuster and get the cloture vote. Thus, Republicans have been able to block just about all legislation, not necessarily for the good of the American people. Hope this explains it.
But that doesn't mean a bill is dead, just stalled, right? - Backwards Typist
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At least that's my understanding. They can take it up again whenever they decide to do so. Or am I wrong and the bill is dead?

My impression is that it's just stalled because Senator Grassley's amendments weren't read yet and they were submitted for consideration.

Please provide some proof other than your crass comments.... - sam

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I guess you did not get the memo from the butt-kicking on election night either...the majority of the country is not buying that crap anymore. I am not sure there is more than 1 of you left on THIS board that does.

Bless your heart. You just can't STAND the idea of individual responsibility can you? Its just tooo harrdddddd.


Gee. All your statement tells me is you are a hater. - Candlelite

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I am a Republican, middle class, not rich, not religious. Your lumping Republicans as this kind of evil, rich, uncaring type is so unfair. You appear to be nothing more than an extremist yourself.

My doctor told me Obama will screw of the MTs. - Yelp

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She said he's offering all kinds of writeoffs to doctors who use the Dragon system and other programs like that. It will cut us out except for very little editing.

That was really rude, but then I guess that was - Evil republican

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the whole reason you said that. Can we have a little more civility on this board. Would you think it "cute" if someone called your side an equally revolting word like the "c" word. No, I didn't think so.

Since you have no idea whatsoever what the republicans are for you really should try and find out. Once you learn the truth you'll wonder why you ever listened to the hateful, fear-mongering MSNBC in the first place.

Here's a news flash dear, Wall Street and BIG business love the Obama administration. They are profiting at our expense. "THEIR" money will be safe while Obama is in office because they have bought him. Why don't you do a little research from some independent sites and you will see that.

But if you continue to listen to the faux reporters at MSNBC all you will get is loathing, hatred, and fear mongering.

I also hate to burst that bubble, but no matter what party is in office the rich will always continue to get rich and we will always struggle every day.

Here's something George Carlin once said that while he incorporated it into his comedy routine it is so very true.

"The rich make a LOT of money, and pay NONE of the taxes; the middle class makes a LITTLE bit of money, and pays ALL of the taxes; and, the poor are just there to scare the ***** out the middle class, and keep them going to those jobs."

That is true no matter whether we have a democrat or republican president.

It would also be nice if the hatred for anyone who is a conservative wouldn't be so strong you feel the need to call us that filthy word you did.

"When once the forms of civility are violated, there remains little hope of return to kindness or decency" ~ Samuel Johnson

Actually....the "rich" DO pay taxes.... - sam

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According to government figures, the top 25% as far as income in this country pay 85% of the income taxes that are paid in this country. Why people don't think that is enough is beyond me. The other 15% (that is you and me and the rest of the middle class and lower income levels than us) is spread across all of us. Which means the "rich" are the major funders of all those entitlement programs and spending that a lot of people are so fond of. The Dems better not hate on them too much, because we in the middle class, part of the remaining 15%, can't afford anymore.
Okay you got me there... (SM) - Evil republican
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I think I liked the part Carlin said about the poor people being there to scare the crap out of us middle income. ha ha.

Actually I do know that the rich do pay way more than we do in taxes. Didn't realize it was that much. Blimy man, how much do they want them to pay.

I didn't see the whole interview as I was working but I just caught a second of it with Brett Bair interviewing John Boehner and good for John B saying no raising taxes on ALL Americans. We should all pay our fair share, not punish the rich because they have done something with their lives.

I liked an analogy I read (I think here on this board) quite a few months ago. they said having the rich pay more percentage in taxes than everyone else is like 2 people going to the store. They both buy the same exact pair of shoes, but the one who makes more money at her job gets charged more than the other person.

I'm starting to like John Boehmer (unsure of spelling) more and more. He seems like a very good person, most humbled by winning.
John Boehner seems like a good guy.... - sam
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and I think he was humbled by what happened at the polls. Just have to wait and see if he stays that way. I just hope he (and the rest of them) don't cave). Time will tell.
For being orange - does he have hepatitis?
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No racial slur intended.
What are you talking about? - curious
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He's not orange. It's called a "tan". So do you say the same things about the Asians because their skin color has a yellowish tint, or any other people with a different skin color. My uncle has a skin condition similar to what Michael Jackson had. Big pink areas over 80% of his body. Would you make fun of him too?

No he does not have hepatitis. Sheesh!
That\'s no normal \"tan.\" And how do you know he doesn\'t - have hepatitis?nm
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It's been reported that he drinks - a LOT!nm
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Reported by who? Just curious. nm - sam
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See link. - mm
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Then complain about the source.

Wow! Joe Scarborough - said that?
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He is a Republican. Used to be a congressman from Florida. I do like Joe S., though. Seems honest at least.
I see what you mean - Uncle died from alcoholism
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He was about the same color. Again, nothing racial here.
I don't care if he is purple with polkadots... - sam
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As long as he leads those new brooms in the house to doing what they all said they would do that got them elected.

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