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offshoring needs to be abolished

Posted: Apr 4, 2015

I would like to see offshore work not happen and keep jobs in USA.  I know this is a big request but it was heavy on my chest today and had to vent.   Our government standards are going downhill, so sad.  Well just had to vent.


"Government standards are going downhill" - sm

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because of who sits in the big chair. This is what happens in socialist governments.

You sound like you harbor a lot of hate - against your leader

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Have you ever even been to a socialist country? Let me answer that for you- no. I have and you should get down on your knees and thank your lucky stars above that you live in a free country and able to do as you please. The socialist country I visited meant everyone whether you were young or old required to work a job, required not should I. I was amazed to hear I made as much as the president of the country (then, not now with our wages like they have gone down). The only difference was he was provided perks, cars, free home where he lived, etc. You were not allowed to say anything you disliked about your country, nothing or you either landed in jail or even worse. Food was so scarce there. You could not just pop into the store and buy what you wanted. You might be able to get a loaf of bread for a week or then maybe not. Even if you were female, in this country you had to serve time in the military, male, female did not matter. Forget if you had plans to get married in the summer at an early age, say 18. The country had other plans for you. Like I said, after my 3 weeks in this country I was glad to get back to home where I know I am really free and live the life I want, not what someone else wants me to live. You have no idea what you are talking about when you even try to compare our way of life to a socialist one.

You have no idea where I have been. - sm

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You also have no idea what I have experienced in my life. That's all I will say on this matter other than socialism is ramping up in this country. Ever hear of Bernie Sanders?
Green behind the ears or else would - know the difference- NM
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Oh, personal attacks are acceptable now? - nm
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I guess that's where you stoop when you cannot prove your points.
Guess U prefer rude and obnoxious as your character traits - Would rather be green behind the ears
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Pretty obvious you have no clue as to the "difference".

Offshoring has been going on since the late 1970s - justright

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Sometimes we don't realize things until they hit us personally. This started way before the present president. Just saying.

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