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O issued a statement on Libya, now he's off to Vegas.
Posted: Sep 12, 2012

An uppity...yeah, we know. The President of the United States - is black. "Stunned" as
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some may be now, I invite them to consider that their own grandchildren and greatgrandchildren will be wondering what all the fuss was Heck, most already are, warning each other not to get grandma started. Truly "stunning," huh? :)
Uh, I think most of the fuss is about the $16T in deficit. - backwards typist
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that our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will be paying because of adding $5T to the deficit over the past 3-1/2 years.
Don't forget, Democrats also voted for TARP started by Bush, definitely for the stimulus, cash for clunkers, etc., HCA, which is all on Obama and his party.
Whatever your post means. What? - Did you not get that (sm)
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Obama is an arrogant B*****D.? I couldn't care less what color he is.
Oh, you just didn't realize "arrogant" is code for "uppity"? - I see. NM
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You're thinking of Chris Mathews. I don't speak in - Codes.
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Yes, you do. Just the way people part-spell words - to get "away" with using them in public,
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everyone knows perfectly well what's really being said, obscenities or slurrs--which is the point.
Violation of board rules when you post swear words - even with the ****'s in between. nm
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Bad poster - I tried - can't remove - it wants the post password. - No idea.
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What the heck! - SK1
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How did commenting on the man's arrogance translate into a racial statement! That's quite a stretch and presumptive beyond the pale. (And no, THAT'S not a racial commentary either.)
What do you think he should do? - Kill the insurgents with his bare hands? nm
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Guess what? His leadership skills travel with him, - and technology allows him
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to keep up on all the latest global and national developments.
Leadership skills???!! - sm
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You've got to be joking. He's totally MIA and in denial, doesn't want to deal with the tough issues, trying to schmooze votes out of celebrities.
Leadership MIA - sb
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Has yet to make a definitive statement on the teachers in Chicago..Needs to go Reagan air traffic controllers on them! Releasing 400,000 children into the dangerous streets of Chicago is an emergency situation, I think. They cannot be left out there while the teachers demand more pay, more benefits and less accountability.
Yawn. It's perfectly appropriate for him to stand aside - and let Rahm E take care of it
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and if 400,000 children are running amok on the dangerous streets of Chicago, that's a parenting issue. A bit dramatic, dontcha think?
He should have stayed in Washington. - SK1
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That's all there is to it. He's the Commander in Chief first, a candidate second.
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