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News Flash!! Hillary lied.

Posted: Apr 24, 2013



Like that's a shock - her lips moved - Same criteria for Obama

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Lives lost in Benghazi meant nothing to either one of them when it happened, and means nothing now. Hillary nothing more than Commie Obammie with a vagina. - Both are bought and paid for by Soros....try doing that research you knowledge/fact challenged Dems/Libs.

speaking of lies... did you forget this? - sm

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well I'm here to remind you every time you bring up the word "lie."

I'm sure the Kurds believe you - nm

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nothing to believe. it is fact and accepted as fact, even - by Republicans
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You can choose not believe it like the mother of the Boston Bombers doesn't believe her sons are guilty of the bombing, but it is a fact. Say it ain't all you want but the sky's still blue and Bush/Cheney and Co. have blood on their hands.
W didn't declare war on Iraq over chemical weapons - the US sold to Saddam
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to use against the Iranians and the Kurds, to date, have yet to discover those ever-elusive WMDs. The implicit misinformation in that Kurds invocation stands corrected. Question: Since when did the cons need to rely on a repressed Muslim/Alevi/Yarsan/Yazidi/Zoroastrian/Jewish/Christian ethnic minority living all over the Middle East and in the Western diaspora for justification to invade a sovereign nation that had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks?

Speaking of lies - I know I'll never forget this...

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"I did not have sex with that other woman, Ms. Lewinski"


"Well that would depend on what the meaning of is is"

or even more recently -

“Though I often disagree with Republicans, I actually never learned to hate them the way the far right that now controls their party seems to hate our president and a lot of other Democrats.”


“During this period, more than 500,000 manufacturing jobs have been created under President Obama. That’s the first time manufacturing jobs have increased since the 1990s.”


“I had this same thing happen in 1994 and early '95. We could see that the policies were working, that the economy was growing, but most people didn't feel it yet. Thankfully, by 1996, the economy was roaring, everybody felt it, and we were halfway through the longest peacetime expansion in the history of the United States.”


“The Recovery Act saved or created millions of jobs and cut taxes -- let me say this again -- cut taxes for 95 percent of the American people.”

or, or, or, or...the list goes on and the lies get worse:


The Impeached One's lips.



How many people died? How many Republican sex scandals - have there been?
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Not a good comparison.

Bush's war killed people.
But we give Obama a clean bill with his drones, right? - Truthhurts
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They kill civilians along with terrorists but that's okay with liberals, right? Can't be helped, right?

See my DoD answer to 'speaking of lies'.
You should really "jump start a much-needed reality check" - Truthhurts
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You are deflecting because you really have no answer for my question.

You defend the drone strikes by defending Obama using Republican sex scandals???? What does that have to do with WMDs?

You state Bush killed people....uh, did the drones kill statues?

No comparison.
I have mixed feelings about drones - Sugar Queen
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I know you weren't addressing me in this post, but it seemed like a good opportunity to make some statements about drones.

I am completely baffled by how we are supposed to safely remove key terrorist operatives in other countries without risking either our soldiers' lives or the lives of innocent civilians in the targeted area. A ground war obviously puts many of our troops in harm's way, and also tends to lead to civilian casualties. Using drones still creates civilian casualties, but without putting our own troops at such risk.

I cannot stand the idea of innocent people being blown to smithereens by a terrifying machine flying overhead. I can't imagine the fear of seeing an aircraft overhead and not knowing if these will be your last moments.

But how else do we do this? How do we make the world a safer place without making it a dangerous place as well?
It's really impossible to make the world a safer place - Truthhurts
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There will always be the head of some country who thinks they can control the world, inhabit and rule another country, etc. Think Moors, Spain, Crusaders, Roman Empire, France, and more recently Stalin and Lenin, Hitler, Khruschev, Iraq, Iran, N. Korea, and even China (yes, they always wanted to rule the world).

It's been happening since the beginning of time and will never end unless everyone on this planet disappears.
I agree with you. I guess - Sugar Queen
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the hard question for me is, do we get involved and risk our lives and the lives of innocent civilians, or do we stay out of it unless we have no choice but to act in self-defense?
You forgot to mention the United States - sm
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We occupy over 200 bases worldwide in other countries. WE have been the country "who thinks they can control the world, inhabit and rule another country, etc." We've been doing it for a long time now.
Wrong. We have been the country that other countries - Truthhurts
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regularly requested help with any uprising.

Most of the bases were built in other countries to protect them and are welcome there.
Not the OP, not defending drone strikes or Obama - with sex scandals or anything else.
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By posting links to other progressive sites expressing those same sentiments, it should be patently clear that many progressives, myself included, DO. NOT. SUPPORT. the drone program, regardless of who sits in the WH...Clinton, W or Obama. I agree with the assertions that these strikes are a significant contributing factor to radicalized Islam and an effective tool jihadists have learned to exploit. Are we clear here on where I stand? If not, feel free to launch another strike in your mission to prolong a brick-wall argument.
Fine. The poster did deflect to Republican sex scandals, etc. - Truthhurts
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I answered with a rebuttal. If that was so wrong, then I guess we are not allowed to debate, discuss, or rebut someone's post when they blame one side but not the other?

Okay. One-sided arguments must prevail. I will no longer prove any statements wrong or answer any posts. I will just post true articles. Howz that?
Please do not stop your posts because of Liberal lack of reality - in all things political
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You have great posts. Because the Liberals/Communists/Progs, all the same on this board, cannot stand the truth - that's their problem. Most of us that engage in polite discussion already know that when the Libs/Comms/Progs lack any facts, they immediately want to drive posters for the board so they can have their ideology dominate the board. I look for your posts because of the factual contect, skip their posts because of the lack of factual content and insults.
Is Farouk Hussain Obama, Mooch, King Farouk, etc. - the Rep ideology?
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Kind of hard to engage in polite discussion when that's the subject line of the thread.

Truthhurts is about the only one who doesn't use these derogatory terms for the most part, but sometimes his/her commentary is confrontational may invite hostility rather than discussion. Not a criticism, just an observation.

Sometimes I actually agree with some of her points, but since I've been hit with a "put that in your liberal pipe and smoke it" remark right off the bat, I'm not really inclined to engage in a conversation that actually might have an amicable outcome.

You observation seems a little off to me (lib vs con on board) because whenever a lib presents a fact, we get met with an insult or a slur against the president or a smart remark that has nothing to do with the subject matter, not a link (nonopinion page) to support whatever point they are making. Just scan the page.

Polite discussion - mbmt
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In your opinion, is your post an example of polite discussion?
She's just a cheerleader, so... - sm
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No thoughts of her own. Nothing like, "yes, I agree with you and this is why, furthermore..."

Just rah rah sis boom bah. Go team!!

Please and thank you ;-)
one word: Congress - ...
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these are not "Obama's" drones.
They certainly are. He sent drones into other countries - Truthhurts
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without the approval of Congress. Congress only expected it to happen in Iraq after 911 and by the CIA for sporadic strikes, but the military became involved, too.

The CIA and the military have reportedly long maintained overlapping “kill lists.” According to news reports last spring, the military’s list was hashed out in Pentagon-run inter-agency meetings, with the White House approving proposed targets.

Obama would authorize particularly sensitive missions himself. This year, it changed with recommendations sent to officials. Final revisions went through White House counter-terror adviser John Brennan to the president. Several profiles have highlighted Brennan’s powerful and controversial role in shaping the trajectory of the targeted killing program. . .

...and guess who is head of the CIA now and he has full control over the strikes in Pakistan now.

Congress is trying to limit the use of drones because they stated it was too broad but it was appropriate right after 911 and then when they received an unclassified memo the White House gave the Foreign Relations Committee (when they asked for the classified version) especially in the wake of the Al-Awlaki and his son's killing.

"Without those documents, it's impossible for Congress and the public to decide "whether this authority has been properly defined, and whether the president's power to deliberately kill Americans is subject to appropriate limitations and safeguards," the senators wrote." (Note: I don't believe they ever received the correct document.)

Holder was also noted to state "President Barack Obama has the authority to use an unmanned drone strike to kill US citizens on American soil. He argued that using lethal military force against an American in his home country would be legal and justified in an "extraordinary circumstance" comparable to the September 11 terrorist attacks and this has thrown Congress into a tail spin in February...but now there's so many other things they're investigating that this item has been relegated to the back burner.

oh and what about surplus at end of Clinton presidency - Bush?Financial disaster NM
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As liberal posters point out so often to conservatives - Truthhurts
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You are deflecting from the post, but if you must, let me remind you of this:

Clinton raised taxes during the first year of his administration and the dot.com bubble brought in a lot of tax money. Then there was the housing starts where Clinton lowered the conditions for the ability to buy a home...which everyone now knows was a complete disaster.

Clinton’s surplus INCLUDED Social Security tax on payrolls and made the total surplus look better than they would if Social Security wasn’t counted. That's "cooking the books." So, his so-called surplus wasn't as large as he stated. Add to that how Congress raided SS over the years and never paid it back and you have a total disaster.

Clinton ran deficits through all 8 years of his term - go to the US Treasury Department and look through the history of the total outstanding debt through Clinton's term.

How Clinton managed to claim a surplus was that while the general operating budgets ran deficits but Clinton borrowed from numerous off budget funds to make the on budget fund a surplus.

For example, in 2000, Clinton claimed a $230B surplus, but Clinton borrowed
$152.3B from Social Security

$30.9B from Civil Service Retirement Fund

$18.5B from Federal Supplementary Medical insurance Trust Fund

$15.0B from Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund

$9.0B from the Federal Unemployment Trust Fund

$8.2B from Military Retirement Fund

$3.8B from Transportation Trust Funds

$1.8B from Employee Life Insurance & Retirement fund

$7.0B from others

Total borrowed from off budget funds $246.5B, meaning that his $230B surplus is actually a $16.5B DEFICIT ($246.5B borrowed - $230B claimed surplus = $16.5B actual deficit).

Despite how often you post - this stuff
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the fact remains that W took a surplus and, with break-neck speed, transformed it into unprecedented debt that continues to feed upon itself as we speak.  I like charts.  Take a look at these and notice just how much Ws tax cuts and wars have contributed to the debt over the past 12 years.  


the fact remains that W took a surplus and, with break-neck speed, transformed it into unprecedented debt that continues to feed upon itself as we speak.  I like charts.  Take a look at these and notice just how much Ws tax cuts and wars have contributed to the debt over the past 12 years.




One. last. time. THERE. WAS.NO.SURPLUS. (nm) - Truthhurts
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surplus - surplus
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call it what you want, but whatever you want to call it, it disappeared when Bush took over
Thanks Truthhurts. Found this that is interesting - About the Impeached Ones faux surplus
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Takes a lot of research to finally get to some truth. Don't know why they cannot understand there was no surplus. They can say it as many times as they want that there was one, does not magically make it come true. Basically he stole from other funds to make it look like he had a surplus when in actually he never did. Here's what I found:

Clinton ran deficits throught all 8 years of his term, and one can go to the US Treasury Department and looking through the history of the total outstanding debt through Clintons term. I know it can be a bit too complex for them to understand, so here is a pretty simple explaination for them. Maybe they'll understand, but somehow I doubt it.

Every year Clinton was in office, the total national debt continued to climb.

How Clinton managed to claim a surplus was that while the general operating budgets ran deficits but Clinton borrowed from numerous off budget funds to make the on budget fund a surplus.

For example, in 2000, Clinton claimed a $230B surplus, but Clinton borrowed
$152.3B from Social Security
$30.9B from Civil Service Retirement Fund
$18.5B from Federal Supplementary Medical insurance Trust Fund
$15.0B from Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund
$9.0B from the Federal Unemployment Trust Fund
$8.2B from Military Retirement Fund
$3.8B from Transportation Trust Funds
$1.8B from Employee Life Insurance & Retirement fund
$7.0B from others

Total borrowed from off budget funds $246.5B, meaning that his $230B surplus is actually a $16.5B deficit.
($246.5B borrowed - $230B claimed surplus = $16.5B actual deficit).

If there is ever a true surplus, then the national debt will go down.

the national debt did not go down one year during the Clinton administration.

This was after Bush started TWO unnecessary - sm
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wars to the tune of a TRILLION dollars.

Both Clinton and Obama were trying to help everyday Americans who regretfully believed in the American dream.

And then we have the Republicans who would just as soon see poorer people as dead, the kind of monsters that would take from the poor so they can get richer and richer.

What cracks me up is that so many people who claim to be "Christians" are Republicans, who live their lives in the MOST UN-Christlike ways. They would have been the "money changers" in Christ's days, and according to the Bible, Christ didn't care much for them. He cared about helping those with less. He wasn't hateful.

And a report I would tend to believe-from the DoD 2006 - Truthhurts

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Baloney. US and Western powers armed Saddam - back in the 80s
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with the technology and materials Iraq needed to develop nuclear, chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction when it served their political agenda, then tried to do a 180 when the monster that decision became apparent. The agreement cited in your link "outlaws the production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons." Notably, it says nothing about sales and trafficking.

That is an entirely separate issue from invading a sovereign nation in the name of 9/11 and "protecting the homeland," based on bogus claims that were surreptitiously marketed to pols and the public at a time the entire nation was still grieving its tremendous loss. There is no ethics dossier the DOD can produce sufficient enough to justify the actions and deadly outcomes of the deliberate deceit from W and VP Vader.

This report verifies that there WERE WMD's - Truthhurts
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which refutes the other poster's post about so-called lies...which were none.

The open hostility towards Bush is well apparent on this board, but giving Obama a pass on his drone strikes is "two-faced."

You don't condemn Obama for killing innocent civilians, but will condemn Bush for trying to get rid of WMDs...

BTW, it was well known that WMDs were used by Sadam against his own people as a test before we even got into the war. Killed 5,000 people in Halabj with mustard gas, sarin, and tabun and Vx while the survivors still have medical problems. Before that, he attacked 7 other villages, arrested and buried the prisoners ALIVE. His total rampage killed around 180,000 of his own people.

But that's okay because you don't feel Sadam wasn't a murderer, but you believe Bush was even AFTER WMDs were found, right? (shaking my head again)
the WMDs for which we invaded Iraq - sm
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were alleged to be related to yellow-cake uranium. This NEVER panned out. (Never.) We have always known Iraq possessed - and used - chemical weapons. You are mixing metaphors here. Just because the acronym "WMD" appears in a sentence, it doesn't mean it's relevant to the argument you appear to be trying to make.
Correct. "Mushroom clouds" were thrown out by - Cheyne, Rice, etc.
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It was quite obvious we were talking about nuclear capabilities, not chemical warfare.
Hateful hostility against Obama crosses the line. RE WMDs - read this
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You must not have read the originally posted report on Bush's war. Here's an excerpt:

" The two main justifications offered by the Bush administration for the war against Iraq prior to its inception have by now been completely discredited. First, administration spokespersons repeatedly pointed to an imminent threat that Iraq would use weapons of mass destruction against the US or its allies, or would transfer these weapons to terrorist organizations. UN weapons inspectors in Iraq prior to the war reported that they were not finding weapons of mass destruction and needed more time to complete their inspections. The Bush administration, however, continued to assert that Iraq had such weapons, despite a lack of credible corroboration, and finally warned the UN inspectors to leave Iraq before the US initiated what they called a “preemptive” war. Secretary of State Colin Powell, in his presentation to the United Nations Security Council, asserted without question that the US had knowledge of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and proceeded to produce intelligence photographs of the sites where they were being manufactured and stored.2 His assertions turned out to be false.

In the aftermath of the war, no weapons of mass destruction were located in Iraq, despite extensive efforts on the part of UN inspectors and US military personnel. This wholly discredited the numerous pronouncements by members of the Bush administration that they not only knew there were such weapons but even knew where they were located within Iraq."

There's more posted below in the link.

At least the hostility for Bush is founded. All there is on this board is drive-by rude, inappropriate, unproven, disrespectful shots at the president. I'm just posting the facts about Bush. You can do the same with Obama and the drones, but I will remind others who choose to show outright disrespect for the president, just what a pitiful leader looks like.

"Hillary nothing more than Commie Obammie with a - "vagina" your words

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Your daughter must be so proud.

She is, but doubt you can say the same - hahahahah

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Interesting.. Honey Boo Boo reference deleted but - this insult remains
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No worries, Moderator, no doubt it hit a nerve with someone and was requested to be deleted.

This post is a direct personal insult, but I am not going to request it be removed because it only reflects on the class of the person who posted it.

Not only class but the level of intellect. - See if this gets
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Sure looks like you Wubbed the Wittle Wibs nerves pretty hard -- - Keep it up - gives them a taste of their own garba

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Speaking of garbage, I hear the Tsarnaev bros were - Infowars/Alex Jones fans.

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I guess they needed some inspiration from the ultimate conspiracy wizard.


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Ironic, isn't it? - sm

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Bush Administration all but allows the Twin Towers to fall by ignoring all kinds of intelligence, gives clearance for a plane of Arabs (the only plane allowed out, btw) after the terrorist attack, then abandons pursuit of Bin Laden... where were all these false flag accusers then?
Excellent question. - sm
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Not to mention two UNFUNDED wars which have contributed greatly to the deficit. A LIE to use as an excuse to invade Iraq also was used. Then all the illegal torture and more lies.

Why isn't Bush guilty of war crimes???

Yet, I come here and see nothng but blaming Obama for every single thing that happens, even though Obama inherited Bush's "legacy" of debt.

Meanwhile, the Republicans are beginning to moan and whine that the sequester is interfering with THEIR flights.

But the sequester is a Republican baby that needs its diapers changed very frequently.

Again, Bush's debt in EIGHT years does not - Truthhurts
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equal Obama's debt in FOUR years.

The sequester is also Obama's baby. He thought it up, he signed it into law, and he thought he would bluff his way into having his way again with only raising taxes. Didn't work, now did it? Democrats voted for the sequester, too, so you can't lay this only at the feet of the Republicans.

Now Obama and the Dems are squirming over this and the American PEOPLE are being punished for stupidity.
How does it come out when you add in the - cost of Bush's
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unfunded wars? They weren't on Bush's books but are now on Obama's.
not to mention families who lost fathers, mothers, brothers, - sisters, sons, daughters
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You can't put a price tag on human life and destroyed lives.
Not to mention, now Boston brother says - Iraq was part of his motive
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Thanks, Bush. Your are the gift that just keeps giving.
this is why Bush and Cheney do not travel abroad - sm
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human rights groups abroad call for their arrest due to war crimes. Criminal complaints have been filed in Geneva.
Yeah right - another politically challenged post here -- - Sure you have a direct link to
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to all talking points regarding B&C,'cause you sure don't post any facts.
Facts - sm
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From the article:

George W Bush has had to call off a trip to Switzerland next weekend amid planned protests by human rights groups over the treatment of detainees at Guantánamo Bay and the threat of a warrant for his arrest.

..."What we have in Switzerland is a Pinochet opportunity," said Gavin Sullivan, lawyer for the European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights, backing the claim together with the US-based Centre for Constitutional Rights.

"Bush enjoys no immunity from prosecution. As head of state he authorised and condoned acts of torture, and the law is clear � where a person has been responsible for torture, all states have an obligation under international law to open an investigation and prosecute." He added: "Bush will be pursued wherever he goes as a war criminal and torturer."

Legal proceedings under way in Spain accuse White House legal advisers, known as the Bush Six, of criminal wrongdoing for advising that the techniques were legal.

"Nobody � from those who administered the practices to those at the top of the chain of command � is under a shield of absolute immunity for the practices of secret detention, extraordinary rendition and torture," said Martin Scheinin, UN special rapporteur on human rights and professor of public international law at the European University Institute. "Legally this case is quite clear. Bush does not enjoy immunity as a former head of state, and he has command responsibility for the decisions that were taken."

The targeting of US politicians began in earnest during the Bush administration after the opening of Guantánamo Bay detention centre, the invasion of Iraq and revelations of secret CIA prisons overseas and rendition flights.

...In 2005, the then US secretary of state, Donald Rumsfeld, was threatened with arrest in Germany for war crimes relating to abuses at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Rumsfeld threatened to pull out of a prestigious defence conference in Munich until German prosecutors assured him that he would not be apprehended.
@ Yeah right: Guess you don't have - any facts, either,
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otherwise you would post them, right?
not only do we have to post the links, we have to read it for them - too (nm)
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She supported her post with a link containing FACTS! - nm
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not weally, silly wabbit - waffable

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we don't even know what the oiginal poster is weferring to.

Speaking of lies, let us not not forget - "I am Obama, and I am a US citizen".

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I am Barack Hussain Obama and I approve this message.

Did you know Paul Ryan sends out CCs of the president's BC - to birthers

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along with a form letter in response to their inquiries, dispelling them of any notion they may still be clinging to in this regard? You do now.

Yeah, I did hear the guy who created made it available for - anyone who wants a copy

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just keeping it real.
This bunk can't get so much as a whisper - not even from
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the most conservative of print and broadcast media. The die-hards living in the parallel universe have so much of themselves and their worldviews invested in lies and hatred, they are too deluded to realize the contribution birtherism made to the erosion of overall GOP credibility, especially when they tried to propel it into mainstream party dogma. Ryan and other GOP reps who face re-election every 2 years have a lot to lose by their association with their loon factions. Alas, their too-little-too-late rejections of perhaps the dumbest conspiracy theory of all times just fall on deaf ears.

The occasional reappearance of birther froth is both encouraging and uplifting. Nice to know the lunacy that helped tank the GOP in 2012 is alive and well. Carry on.

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Follow the link below: ...

Biden Lied Saying He Voted Against Two WarsOct 13, 2012
joe-biden-falsely-claimed-he-voted-against-afghanistan-iraq-wars-during-debate Now, how could he be so ignorant to not know this could be fact checked? What a huge lie !! He looks at us ... directly into the camera over and over saying to trust him, and then he outright lies to our face! This man could be president. What a scary and disgusting thought. ...

Poll: Has Anyone Ever Short-circuited (lied)Aug 07, 2016
Just watching Democrat talking heads spin Hillary's statement she short-circuited her answer to Chris Wallace without using the actual word LIE on morning news shows. So have you ever told a small white short-circuit or even a big black short-circuit?  Have you ever had someone you know short-circuit you?   Tell the truth, don't short circuit OK   ...

Obama Lied About Nothing Will Change With CurrentOct 02, 2013
Mine doubled and deductible more than quadrupled. http://dailycaller.com/2013/09/28/ten-states-where-obamacare-wipes-out-existing-health-care-plans/ President Barack Obama famously promised, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” He later got even more specific. “If you are among the hundreds of millions of Americans who already have health insurance through your job, or Medicare, or Medicaid, or the VA, nothing in this plan will require ...

Confirmed: Chuck Schumer Lied To America AboutJun 26, 2017
Two longtime members of the Senate are not happy with each other, and both happen to be named “Chuck.” This past week Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) called Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) a liar, for his blatant attmept to smear President Trump when Schumer knew full well that the FBI was NOT investigating the President. Byron York has the timeline at the Washington Examiner: The same day Comey testified, March 20, Grassley tweeted, “FBI Dir Comey needs to be transparent + tell the pu ...

Fox News Makes News (and Cuts The Interview!Nov 26, 2012
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/26/fox-news-interview-guest-network-wing-republican-party_n_2192506.html This is a link to an actual Fox News clip of an interview that they cut off after 90 seconds.  Now there is that good ol' freedom of speech.  ...

He Lied, Was Condescending, Interrupted The Moderator And That Awful SmileOct 13, 2012
That silly old Romney ...

Planned Parenthood Lied About Providing Prenatal Care.Jan 24, 2017
A just-released investigative video from Live Action shows staff at dozens of Planned Parenthood clinics telling investigators that they do not offer prenatal services - contrary to the claims of their top executives. TheBlaze.com ...

Axelrod LIED About What Mitt Said To Obama On Concession CallFeb 05, 2015
Lying must be a prerequisite. ...

Breaking: Obamacare Architect Admits Obama Lied About His Signature LawNov 10, 2014
"One of the main creators of President Barack Obama's "signature legislation," the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACU) a/k/a Obamacare, admitted to colleagues at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that Obama and he lied to the American people. Dr. Jonathan Gruber, who appeared on national television selling Obamacare to Americans conceded that in order to gain support for a government takeover of healthcare insurance and distribution it was necessary to avoid transparency, accor ...

Leaked Cables From Israel's Spy Agency Show Netanyahu Lied In Speech To The United Nations.Mar 01, 2015
It has recently come to light that Benjamin Netanyahu lied in a speech he gave to the United Nations. In 2012, Netanyahu gave a speech to the U.N. about the state of Iran’s nuclear weapons program. A recently leaked spy cable from Mossad, Israel’s spy agency reveals that Iran was “not performing the activity necessary to produce weapons”. The cable was included with hundreds of secret documents leaked to the media. The leaked documents come from multiple spy agencies including, Mossad, B ...