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Jon Stewart with Condoleeza Rice and Whoopi and Bill O'

Posted: Oct 14, 2010

I was surprised to see how much I liked Condoleezza:


Whoopi, Joy and Bill blow up:



Saw that and Joy pouted during the whole interview - Backwards Typist

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because the audience felt his answers to some of the questions were good and were applauded. So, Joy hassled him about the 911 and when Bill said it was done by Muslins, she got furious and her and Whoopi walked off stage, wherein Barbara gave them a bit of a dress down because he was the guest. Bill did state that 911 was done by Muslims, but neglected to add the word "terrorists" after that word.

Face it. Joy will do anything she can to argue with Bill. Did you ever see her show? Awful. She absolutely hates Bill, and this isn't the first time she tried to get 'the best' of him and failed. I found it hillarious.

Would you find this hilarious, too? - SM

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What if someone stated emphatically that it was the Christians who had blown up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma, in essence blaming all Christians for this terrorist act? Would you find someone's outrage at that statement hilarious?

Also, would you be vehemently opposed to having a church built within blocks of where the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building previously stood? After all, Timothy McVeigh and his cohorts were devout Christians.

I didn't say I found it hillarious that Bill left out the word terrorist - Backwards Typist

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I found JOY hillarious. Pouting from the very beginning of the show and trying to get the best of Bill.

Stop trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.
Oh please... - SM
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It is obvious that Joy doesn't agree with O'Reilly, and she has every right to show her disdain for him and his ridiculous comments. If anyone is trying to make a mountain out of a molehill, it is you!

Now, please answer my question about Christians blowing up the Alfred P. Murrah Building. If we are supposed to be outraged about the construction of an Islamic Community Center five blocks from Ground Zero, should we also be outraged about having churches near the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building site?
I used to like Joy, but she is a spoiled brat. I wish - she would have walked out and
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STAYED OUT! Her own show stinks too. Joy should change her name since it sure does not fit.
I thought Whoopi looked like she - swallowed a hairball
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I don't see why Joy gets put down so much. Whoopi behaved probably worse, actually getting bleeped. However, it is unfortunate that all Japanese were blamed in WWII, just as all Muslims are being feared now. The last time I looked the Christian bible was just as scary as some things in the Koran, and Christians have done some pretty terrible things too. How far away could the mosque be built? Apparently there is one 4 blocks away. What is the limit for you?
Twist and turn, twist and turn... please, go - get some common sense!.nm
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Joy is sickening, actually. Dont know why I ever liked the woman.nm - Independent
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The first time I ever heard her she called pregnant women fat pigs - Never listened to her again
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I thought you have some nerve calling anyone fat or a pig, let alone pregnant woman. She's no beauty queen.

She's disgusting and nothing she could ever say would interest me. She's rude and obnoxious. You don't agree with a guest fine, they are still a guest invited on the show. She should sit, politely say she doesn't agree and leave it at that. I don't even know what the conversation was about, all I kept seeing was her and whoopie leave the set on some news story (didn't un-mute it). And since I don't care for her the story didn't even insterest me.

But calling pregnant woman fat pigs???? Someone should have told her to look in the mirror and she would have seen one.
Pregnant women are fat! - sm
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Most pregnant women take the opportunity gorge themselves, since they know that they are going to gain weight anyway. Ultimately, many of them gain much more weight than they should during their pregnancy. This is not healthy for the mother or the baby.

During the first 3 months of pregnancy, you do not need to change the number of calories you are eating. Normal-weight women need an extra 300 calories each day during the last 6 months of pregnancy.

Each of these healthy choices has about 300 calories:

* 1 cup of non-fat fruit yogurt and a medium apple
* 1 piece of whole wheat toast spread with 2 tablespoons peanut butter
* 1 cup of beef and bean chili sprinkled with 1/2 ounce cheddar cheese
* 1 cup of raisin bran cereal with 1/2 cup of non-fat milk and a small banana
* 3 ounces roasted lean ham or chicken breast and 1/2 cup sweet potatoes
* 1 flour tortilla (7-inch), 1/2 cup refried beans, 1/2 cup cooked broccoli, and 1/2 cup cooked red pepper.

Just one of the above items is all you need to add to your food intake each day during the last 6 months of pregnancy.

I have no idea whether Joy Behar ever made the statement that pregnant women are fat pigs, but I don't care if she did. Most pregnant women are much too fat!

Well Spit Fire - Hideous1

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No, Tim McVeigh and his cohorts were NOT "devout Christians." I don't really see any comparison at all. We've got crazy people in the US who claim to be "Christian" but he Bible still says that "by their fruits you shall know them." Christians are called on to be at peace with everyone we come into contact with, as much as it is within our power. The Muslim's holy book tell them it is okay to lie to an infidel (which is ANYONE who is NOT of THEIR religion) and that it is okay to KILL an infidel. They also are taught about "honor killings" or suicide bombings, with the assurance that if any Muslims die during an "honor killing" they're just helping their bro or sis in Mohammad get to heaven sooner. THAT is strange and wrong. We had no problem with the fact that the men who flew the planes into our buildings and wrecked our fields were Muslim extremists fulfilling their idea of "divine retribution" or Jihad on us EVIL infidels. Now, all of the sudden we're not allowed to say that something about the Muslim faith influenced these Muslim extremists to do what they did? It's crazy. Might as well go bury our heads in the sand. It is what it is. Crazy religious people are everywhere. Political correctness wants to take away our freedom of speech and thought, but the facts still remain. And don't get me started on how the women are treated in these third world countries with the completely out of date religious ideologies! I mean, stoning a woman to death! PLEASE! Where's the guillotine?

You are ridiculous. Like Whoopie and Joy, you - prefer the "gotcha" moment

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when you know darn well what he meant. Just like the example --we were attacked by the Japanese.. we dont say "Japanese terrorists". You are really laughable. The Muslims who DID attack us on 911 did it in the name of religion, so putting their religious symbol there is very very insensitive and inappropriate. You disagree with that? !
Japan is a country not a religion. - SM
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The Japanese did attack us during World War II. The United States was at war with the country of Japan. The attack on Pearl Harbor was an act of war, not an act of terrorism. The United States is not at war with Muslims.

It seems like you are the one who is truly laughable, since you don't know the difference between a country and a religion and an act of war and an act of terrorism.

I think the Islamic Community Center has the right to build wherever they choose, and you are the one who is being insensitive and inappropriate.
OMG. That wasnt the point... LOL -nevermind!!.nm - WasteOfTime
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Its hard to criticize Condoleeza. She has real class.nm - CK

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