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If, heaven forbid, Obama gets reelected

Posted: Oct 3, 2012

to blame he "inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression" mess from? ;

Same old, same old. Bush, of course. Don't forget.... - he didn't know the economy was so bad.

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Then he shouldn't have shot his mouth off.... - SK1

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"If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”

Note to self: Don't make promises you can't keep.

It wasn't - at least not until

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Obama took the reins and flubbed up, big time, in the most amateur way.

Oh, we all created this "worst economy" over a good 35 years, so it's - good for years more. Enjoy the debate.NM

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By "we," do you mean individual citizens? - Jess

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So, what's your part in the takedown of the economy? ;)

Oh, absolutely. Although I never voted for a tax cut when we had bills to pay, - I spent too much and saved too little.NM

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Hannity's still blaming Clinton - Fanatical Hypocrite

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I'm still blaming Alexander Hamilton.

More seriously, while I've grown tired of every 4-8 years hearing "The last guy broke my country," excuse from presidents, it's not really an Obama thing. Plus, while the ground work of the current financial collapse was laid by Nixon, Reagan and Clinton for the most part, the actual start of the true recession was during Bush's administration. This doesn't change regardless of one's opinion of Bush. I'll say it, I don't really like GWB. I thought electing a dumb cowboy was a bad idea, even if I can't blame anyone at all for finding Kerry to be less... everything... I don't think the economy is really GWB's fault either. He did nothing to help it, stop it or staunch it except for the first round of bail-outs and two wars, and really put the last nails in the coffin, but the American people and all our leaders spent 50 years building that coffin and who can blame the man for thinking we wanted it in the ground?

On the other hand, would you ever vote for an honest man? The answer is no, even if you just said yes. Seriously, none of us would. Because an honest president would get up there at his podium for the state of the union address and inform us all that he has no idea what he's doing, none of the experts can agree, everything we do is an experiment even if we did it before because the conditions are never the same twice, and no matter what they do some of us are not going to get what we want. But we want to hear our candidate say "My plan WILL work." Will it? No one knows.

HUZZAH! Well said... - SK1

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You pegged it.

And if that person did exist: "an honest president would get up there at his podium for the state of the union address and inform us all that he has no idea what he's doing, none of the experts can agree, everything we do is an experiment even if we did it before because the conditions are never the same twice, and no matter what they do some of us are not going to get what we want...."

I would erect an alter in his honor.

At least you're honest about Bush - backwards typist

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I wasn't too crazy about him myself until I started reading up on him and paying attention to what he was doing as a President. Got to like him when I heard him speak without a written speech and/or teleprompter. He was good when speaking from the heart (like after 911 with the NYFD).

Truthfully, Clinton started the ball rolling with his house/mortgage for everyone, whether they could afford it or not. When Bush took over as President, there was a recession starting, which Bush clipped its wings quickly. By 2005, Bush tried to get stiffer banking regulations, which was shot down by the democrats who, btw, owned Congress by the time the bill came up for a vote....and therein was the major problem.

Then came the rest...and just when things are going to start getting better, along comes the Dodd-Frank bill, which does not help any bank but the "too big to fail" banks, while drowning the smaller ones in paperwork and regulations. Why do you think Dodd & Frank both retired this year? Because they knew once it was found out what their bill did, they wouldn't have a chance of being re-elected.

Okay. I would love an honest President. Guess I'm a bit crazy and some on this board will say I'm nutty than a fruitcake, but I'd rather know exactly where the country stands in relation to our problems and how to fix them, than to have them glossed over and being lied to. ;-)

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