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Heaven ?

Posted: Aug 22, 2013

Do you think people who commit suicide go to heaven?

Before anyone freaks out, I'm not considering this myself.   Today's the 10 year anniversary of my cousin's suicide, so I'm in a bit of a philosophical/theological kinda of mood.


yes if they believe in Jesus - anon

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So sorry for your family's loss in your cousin's suicide. I do believe that those who do take their life do go to heaven if they do believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. John 14:6 says "I'm the way, the truth, the life, no one comes to the Father except through me."

Agree - Trampled underfoot

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Suicide is a result of mental illness (even if that illness was only temporary or spontaneous) and as Christians, we are not held responsible for our illnesses.

Most definitely do. - It's a painful exit from a painful life. (nm)

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Saying good bye to this world and going into the after life at our own hands would be a last resort from unbearable misery, real or imagined, by people not unlike any of us, just prematurely drained of the strength required to life this life.

I think it is Catholic - dogma

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that suicides cannot get into heaven, but in light of modern advances in science, we now understand that many suicides are the result of a disease, depression. I'm not religious, but I figure if there were a heaven they would let everyone in unless they were the most horrible, unrepentant person in the world. If you say all you need to do is believe in Jesus to go to heaven, does that mean that if Hitler decided to believe in Jesus just before he killed himself he might be there right alongside Mother Theresa? And Gandhi would be denied entrance because he was Hindu (I think)?

No, it is not Catholic dogma - sm

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It is not Catholic dogma. I posted this below, but I'll post it again here because it is important.

""According to the theology of the Roman Catholic Church, the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church, Number 2283 states, "We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives. By ways known to him alone, God can provide the opportunity for salutary repentance. The Church prays for persons who have taken their own lives." However, the catechism points out that, "Grave psychological disturbances, anguish, or grave fear of hardship, suffering, or torture can diminish the responsibility of the one committing suicide." The Catholic Church used to state that suicide was a sin, and that persons committing suicide could not have a Catholic service and burial. However, the Church has since changed this point of view.""

Hitler going to Heaven - Kerri

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About your question "if you say all you need to do is believe in Jesus to go to heaven, does that mean that if Hitler decided to believe in Jesus just before he killed himself he might be there...": I don't believe that. You (in general) have to believe in what Jesus did (died on a cross and rose on the 3rd day), repent of your sins, and be baptized. Believing isn't enough. James 2:19 in the New International Version of the Bible says,"You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that- and shudder." James also talks about how faith without works is dead.

Thou shalt not kill. - sm

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Killing yourself is a mortal sin. To be forgiven, you must ask for forgivness. You can't ask for forgivness if you're dead.

So, by your logic - sm

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If you've ever told a lie, which is also in the Ten Commandments, and did not ask forgiveness for that, then you will go to hell even if you are saved? What if you had committed a sin of lying or thinking an impure thought and before you took the opportunity to pray and ask forgiveness, you get in a car accident and die?

I know that if you are truly saved, meaning accepted Jesus as your Lord of your life, and you commit suicide, you will absolutely go to heaven. However, I think it's logical to say that a lot of people that do commit suicide are not saved, just as a lot of people who die in car accidents are not saved.

Then how come - Catholics

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believe that if you kill yourself you will go to hell or purgatory, whether you accepted Jesus or not?
I don't know. I'm not Catholic. - sm
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I'm basing what I said on scripture only.

Jesus' words from John 10:27-29 are just one example:

"27"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; 28and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. 29"My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand."
Catholics do not believe that - sm
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This is what they believe:

""According to the theology of the Roman Catholic Church, the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church, Number 2283 states, "We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives. By ways known to him alone, God can provide the opportunity for salutary repentance. The Church prays for persons who have taken their own lives." However, the catechism points out that, "Grave psychological disturbances, anguish, or grave fear of hardship, suffering, or torture can diminish the responsibility of the one committing suicide." The Catholic Church used to state that suicide was a sin, and that persons committing suicide could not have a Catholic service and burial. However, the Church has since changed this point of view.""

Only God knows what is in your heart.
You are misinformed - Catholic girl
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Catholics do not believe that.

It's not my logic, it's God's Law. - sm

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You have to ASK to be saved. Again, you can't ask for it if you're dead.

And, yes, if you commit a sin and then you're involuntarily killed, you will not be forgiven. We're not supposed to commit sins at all. Sins have consequences. This is just one of them.

Asking for forgiveness only applies to the sins you've already committed, not to the sins you're going to commit in your lifetime. By this "logic," he/she could go to church one time, ask for forgiveness one time, accept Jesus into his/her heart one time, and then go on to sin to his/her heart's content for the rest of his/her life without ever worrying about eternal consequences.

Of course, he/she could ask for forgiveness for a sin he/she is about to commit. If that's the plan, then he/she might want to seek the advice of a specialist, either in religion or psychiatry, before proceeding.
You can dislike God's Law all you want; it's not going to change. - nm
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The next time you're talking to God - Nick
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would ask him if the Cubs have a chance this season?

Absolutely! I learned this in grief support - classes and been to 4 of them.

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No matter what the death; suicide, murder, motor vehicle accident and you caused the accident by being drunk and died and killed someone else, old age, wrongful death while in the hospital, etc., God is a caring loving God.

In that split second, when you die, you face the judgment of God. God does not wave a baseball bat around and pick and chooses who he wants in heaven. He will do ANYTHING to give you a chance to have you go to heaven.

Yes, God hates suicide and thou shall not kill, but when it comes to suicide, it is not for us to judge that individual. We have not walked their shoes. It is up go God to decide and judge and again, God will do anything to have that individual's soul to go heaven.

Hope this helps. :)

I have a different take on this subject.... - Ms67GTO

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I grew up strict Catholic, I'm now a born-again Pentecostal. To me, it doesn’t matter who teaches what. I just look to the Face of Jesus and beg discernment from His Holy Spirit for ALL subjects I seek answers for. I believe our judgmental ways of thinking are going to be this Christian generations’ downfall. Jesus is a Man of compassion, love, forgiveness, and above all, our Divine Savior. Do we know what transpires after the death of someone who took their own life? How do we know this person didn't beg for God's forgiveness and mercy? We can't guess at God's answer, can we? I still believe this is God’s call and certainly not ours. Please don't respond with scripture – if we all had the love and compassion Jesus taught, we’d never make assumptions about what God does or doesn’t do with His children in this life or the next. If you haven’t already read or listened on YouTube to the story of Tamara Laroux who shot herself and went to hell, you might glean a different understanding about suicide. Celeste, IMHO, I believe your loved one is at peace sitting at the right hand of the Father!

Celeste - Catholic girl

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The God I believe in is a God of Mercy.

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