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So... what is your point? - sm

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Those articles prove nothing. And until you face the fact that there are republicans and independents who have been threatened in their political careers (remember the attempts on President Reagan's life??? - Ahhh how soon we forget that yes, republicans too are threatened), the republican who had bullets shot through his campaign office, the GOP offices that had bricks thrown through the windows and vandalized, things taken, and the protesters rushing up to Palins motorcade in an obvious attempt to physically harm her, these articles are meaningless.

Politicians make unpopular decisions all the time. The country is filled with a lot of people who get fed up. Used to be that politicians were noble people (at least I used to think so). Now as years go by there are no noble politicians any more. They are self-serving and do nothing to make the country a better place. They are all for self-gratification.

Maybe if politicians listened to the people they are supposed to be working for, and not try to make this into a country where everyone falls under a socialist/marxist state EXCEPT themselves. Maybe if they started working for the people instead of against the people this would not have happened.

I don't remember anyone asking anyone for proof of whatever it is you think someone "demanded", and you didn't have the courtesy to elaborate on which post you are talking about. It's like starting a sentence in the middle of a thought. I see no proof of anything in these articles.

In your rush to be right, youve lost sight - of what IS right. sm

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Why has not one single pub or con come forward on this forum to denouce their partys' abominable behavior being displayed in REALTIME, which has so obviously resulted from their relentless slur, slam and hate campaigns that commenced the moment Obama took office? I recall posters from a year or so back who were trying to warn the perps about the escalation of the rhetoric and its possible ultimate consequences, and here we are, living it out as we speak. Is there not even one who has the intestinal fortitute to step forward and denounce the violence. death threats and racism that is currently being reported all over the news?

Nobody ever said this did not happen to pubs. Fact is that it is now happening to dems. It is not just one insolated incident. There are very disturbing patterns developing and it makes me sick to my stomach to hear the cowardly denials that at least some of this is motivated by racism. How is it possible to overlook one of TONIGHT'S lead story...Gov McDonnell's attempt to write slavery out of the Civil war history of Virginia.

What is the goal here? Is that really what you want...to create a nation based on nothing but hatred and lies? There are no words to describe just how disgusting this rhetoric is becoming. Un-frigging-believable.

Because nothing has ever been proven - So...what is your point?

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In all your efforts to blame all republicans on this issue I keep seeing posts asking who the guilty party is. Where are the names, who are the people. Just because you want it to be republicans does not mean it is. You can argue all you want and be determined that you believe it is republicans, the fact of the matter is nobody has been caught, nobody has confessed, and nobody has been arrested.

Why should anybody denounce anything when nothing has been proven yet. And you still will not address the issue that republicans have been targeted.

The fact is these are politicians. They make unpopular decisions and there are trouble makers on ALL sides. Yes, yours included. What is is they want, a big group hug for screwing over the people of the country?

There are many many democrats and independents who are also very disappointed in what has happened. Nobody knows who did this. Nobody has ever denied it has happened, but you won't take responsible for your own parties trouble makers. Now you expect people to respond and denounce this when there is NO PROVEN FACTS whatever was done was done by republicans.

Yes - Un-friggin-believable.

Good bye!

Both innocent and guilty people at least get to have a trial by jury - you have already made up your mind

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that it was republicans who did this, and you are ready to burn at the stake. Your blaming a group of people when nobody has been caught yet. First you need a perp, then they are supposed to at least get a fair trial. You don't get to skip over all that and just burn anyone who happens to be a republican at the stake. Lets wait for some arrests before we start the blame game.
Wilson attended tpot rally in Yakima April 1. - He has been arrested and FBI reports
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have plenty of evidence that identifies him as the man who threatened Senator Murray. In one FBI recorded message, he told Murray:

"Oh, you were in Yakima last week. How come you didn't give a big speech to the people outside waiting to see you? Yeah, we were outside waiting for you, hopefully you would come out and explain to us how come this health-care bill that you rallied on so highly is going to create the biggest drain in American history."

Notice he said "we," not "they". Guess that tpot dislaimer of his was kinda sorta on the disingenuous side, huh?



So what is your point? - sm
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Posted for the benefit of those who would deny the relationship between - tpot rhetoric and escalating violence. Duh.
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I know it is a challenge, but - try to follow the thread.
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"create a nation based on nothing but hatred and lies".. - Hello that is the libs...nm

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Cant communicate with deaf, dumb and blind - on a forum. nm
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You got that right - The libs own it
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