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George W. Bush's paintings
Posted: Feb 8, 2013

Maybe he should paint a picture - Fairminded
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of some of the waterboarding he signed off on.
Looks like there might be something subconscious going on with that, actually. - #2 especially
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Or maybe some WMDs. That way he can finally - find some.
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Bush may not have targeted Americans, but he certainly helped popularize the use - of drones.
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And pardon my bluntness, but as far as "Americans" being targeted, is anybody really crying over al-Awlaki (who had renounced his citizenship) being taken out? His son, yes, but he was an unintended, not targeted casualty, unlike his father.
American Soil? - BillyJoe
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Which American was targeted on American soil? Certainly you are not speaking of Anwar Al-Awlaki are you? The one who wrote an article in an Al-Queda group's magazine justifying attacking civilians in the West titled "Targeting the Populations of Countries that Are at War with the Muslims." This traitorous cleric who worked with groups including the underwear bomber and the ink cartridges was killed in Yemen.
If you have info of someone on American Soil please share.
Haven't you heard? - sm
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This is one of scores of news articles out there:
"Congress OKs 30,000 flying drones spying on Americans across U.S. cities"
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034919_spy_drones_America_surveillance.html#ixzz2KN7u7bt9
Drones vs. drones - Fanatical Hypocrite
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This is a fairly common and minor mistake. The drones used for American flyovers are not combat drones. I.e. they are not equipped with any weapons.
As for spying on Americans, that's debatable. While I have reservations about further surveillance, we slid pretty far down this slippery slope the last 50 years with a bipartisan effort to watch everything we all do all the time. Most of the current U.S. flyover drones are surveyors for agricultural or zoning reasons, along with police departments using them to look for pot farmers and what not. They are fairly low tech compared with their Middle East exploding cousins. The new plan is to use them to track fugitives and legalize commercial use drones to deliver packages faster in urban settings (one more annoying use for technology), repairs on high rises (what could go wrong) and rescuing kittens from trees (with deadly precision).
While I don't like the idea of one more way for the government to spy on me, we really have no right to privacy. I mean none. They can listen to your phone conversations, watch what you do online, come into your home when you're not there. They can abduct you in the middle of the night, then torture you until you confess to a crime you probably didn't commit, then hold you until you die naturally or someone forgets to feed you. The average big city resident supposedly walks in front of 75 cameras a day. Cellphones and GPS systems can be tracked by anyone. Bush and Obama set the precedent for the president being able to declare a fatwa on any individual American with little to no approval from anyone. Cheney operated his own assassination squad (look it up). The TSA knows what your genitals look like (though they won't be keeping track of that any more) if you've ever flown. They can see through the walls of your house. They can watch you at night with infrared. The police regularly track criminals by helicopter in large cities. Credit card companies and Google know everything about you. Everything. And they sell that information without your permission. And the government knows too. Corporations like Monsanto might well own your genetic structure if you haven't checked.
So, after all that, I can't summon up any more horror that now unmanned drones will also be watching me. I'm more worried that drone manufacturers, who are making billions of dollars, will go cheap and a Domino's Pizza drone will suffer a software glitch, come in to fast and take my head off. I mean, I don't trust corporations with the technology we have now and they want to give them drones? God help us all.
Ya, oops whats a little collateral damage - Me
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As long as they kill the bad guys that want to kill Americans. Some of these people come to America to obtain citizenship and hide behind it. But I don't get wanting to give the Gitmo guys lawyers, arent they pow's?
No, ma'm. al-Awlaki's son WAS targeted if you were watching the - confirmation hearings. It was stated
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that the gov't figured his son was part of the family so, therefore, fair game as in "he's part of a terrorist family, so he must be one, too." It was seriously stated during the hearing.
You shouldn't assume I'm a "ma'm" just because majority here may be. - SM
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"Two U.S. officials speaking on condition of anonymity stated that the target of the October 14, 2011 airstrike was Ibrahim al-Banna, an Egyptian believed to be a senior operative in Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.[7] Another U.S. administration official described Abdulrahman al-Aulaqi as a bystander who was "in the wrong place at the wrong time", stating that "the U.S. government did not know that Mr. Awlaki’s son was there" before the airstrike was ordered.[7]"
Actually I despise the drone program - Fairminded
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And its one of the most disappointing things about President Obama. How cowardly to send drones to do dirty work and kill innocents in the process.
innocent people get killed in war. Remember 9/11 and 3000+ innocent people - Ridiculous
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At least no more troops are being deployed and losing their lives! There are ALWAYS casualties to war!!! Who can tell me how many died in Iraq alone, which was started due flat out lying!!
As far as American terrorists, they have so much information on these people way before they go do a strike. If.you are an American who hasnturned terrorist - good riddens. We cannot repeat the assaults on AMERICAN SOIL.
Say what? - Fairminded
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Let's start with your 'title': Innocent people get killed in war. Remember 911 and3000+ innocent people.
Is the above statement your way of "justifying" the use of drones to save future troops from dying? That would be pitiful, if so, for surely you must know that when we THE U.S. invade other sovereign nations and kill innocent people in our unquenchable thirst for resources that WE make real enemies? Reverse the scenario and ask yourself what you would feel about a drone which appears over your area and takes out half your family so that the OPERATORS of the drone don't lose any of their soliders in the operation. THAT, in part, is where the army for al queda (spell) came from.
as to the last paragraph I confess on being out of the loop - it suggests drones being used on American soil to locate and kill 'terrorists'? If this is true the America I grew to know lives no more...
P.S. - Fairminded
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RE: THAT, in part, is where the army for al queda (spell) came from.
Meaning our past foreign policies (various ones) have caused a blowback in the form of al Queda.
I'm not that poster, but to me it suggested we need to take out the terrorists - in their own countries
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("...before they go do a strike. If.you are an American who hasnturned terrorist - good riddens.") so that another 9/11 by terrorists from/in other countries will hopefully be averted on American soil.
Not meaning to put words in the poster's mouth, just my take on what was meant. Which seems to be the Administration's ostensible main reason for the drone strikes as well.
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