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GOP: Closed for repairs.

Posted: May 28, 2013

Former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole (R-KS) told Fox News Sunday this week that the Senate Republicans are abusing the filibuster and that he doubts he, Richard Nixon, or Ronald Reagan could make it in today’s Republican Party.

Asked his thoughts on the modern GOP, Dole — a former Republican national chairman, the 1976 GOP vice presidential pick, and the 1996 Republican presidential nominee — suggested, to host Chris Wallace, that the party lacks any positive ideas and is no longer a place for even conservative Republicans like himself:

WALLACE: What do you think of your party, the Republicans today?

DOLE: I think they ought to put a sign on the national committee doors that says “closed for repairs” until New Year’s Day next year — and spend that time going over ideas and positive agendas.



Or if you prefer the more fair and balance Fox coverage, which focused on the artifical functional aspects of male body parts, go for the Viagra angle:



Good one. Whenever I want real news, I always go to - think progress and ask Soros.

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That's right. When unable to discuss the content, - sm

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of a critical statement a senior GOP party member made that is being reported all over the place, turn it into and attack on ONE of the sources provided (and an individual not mentioned anywhere, either in the OP or the citations)....but not the other one which also is trying to completely skirt the issue.

Don't worry. There is also a Fox link just for you!! - nm

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I saw that, but I don't care for Fox. Think progress - ? - I prefer real news, but thanx

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Which flavor of real news? - sm
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Extra!  Extra!  Read all about it!  We understand.  Everone likes choice.  Here.  Take your pick, then perhaps consider a response that directly confronts the issue.  




















Sigh....Would that I had so much time on my hands. - Back to work now. :) Enjoy!
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Yeah. Right. LOL! - nm
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Those of us with so much time on our hands - are a patient bunch
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Looking forward to hearing your response at your leisure. Oh, and thanks for taking the time out of your tight schedule to respond. It means a lot.

Well, yeah. Bob Dole gets it. When will the rest of - the party catch up?

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Well, maybe there's some redemption in older age as one reconsiders - past deeds, but...

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dude was like the beginning of it all.  (found this thanks to above poster's voluminous research, from a comment on The Political Carnival, one of my favorite old haunts):


I suppose it's good that Bob Dole said this today, but it could be argued that he has some nerve complaining about GOP obstructionism:

Former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole (R-Kan.) on Sunday sharply criticized both his own party and the Senate he served in for close to three decades.

Asked on "Fox News Sunday" if the Senate was broken, Dole responded that "it is bent pretty badly."

"It seems almost unreal that we can't get together on a budget, or legislation," said Dole, who served in the Senate from 1969 to 1996. "We weren't perfect by a long shot, but at least we got our work done." ...

"I think they ought to put a sign on the national committee doors that says closed for repairs, until New Year's Day next year, and spend that time going over ideas and positive agendas," Dole said about the current state of his party....

That would be this Bob Dole:

It was on Election Night 1992, not very far into the evening, that the Senate minority leader, Bob Dole, hinted at the way his party planned to conduct itself in the months ahead: it would filibuster any significant legislation the new Democratic President proposed, forcing him to obtain 60 votes for Senate passage.

This was a form of scorched-earth partisan warfare unprecedented in modern political life. Congress is supposed to operate by majority vote. It is true that the filibuster has a long and disreputable Senate history and that, over the years, it has been used more by Democrats than by Republicans. But only after 1992 did it become the centerpiece of opposition conduct toward an elected President. What the Republicans did in the Senate in 1993 amounted to an unreported constitutional usurpation. It should have been denounced as such at the time, but it wasn't. The punditocracy chose not to notice.

In any case, it worked. Little that the President proposed became law in the two years that he operated with Democratic majorities. There was no health care reform, no economic stimulus package.

I suppose what's upsetting Dole is that his party, which responded with obstructionism after the last four elections in which a Democrat was chosen as president, won't even allow the current Democratic president a fallback, greatly compromised version of his agenda. Bottle up the agenda of a Democrat? Sure, but not completely. Maybe 90 or 95 percent, but not the whole thing. That wouldn't be sporting!

If Dole really does have qualms about an approach to governance he once championed, and he thinks his party has gone too far, he should just quit the party. He should quit and Jon Huntsman should quit and Christie Whitman and Colin Powell and Arnold Schwarzenegger and every other Republican who's put off by the party's excesses should quit all at once, and run a full-page ad in The New York Times explaining why. If these gray eminences, respected as they are by the mainstream press, said the party had finally gone too far for them, maybe mainstream journalists would wake the hell up and recognize that both sides aren't equally responsible for the mismanagement of our government.

But that's never going to happen. Even Dole still believes both sides do it:

The former majority leader also said that President Obama had squandered an opportunity to govern better by not reaching out more to lawmakers during his first term.

So nothing's going to change.



Wow. The clowns at political carnival - sure are going to great lengths

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to trash the messenger, hoping the message will be obscured into oblivion. Fat chance.
I don't understand your post at all. - sm
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What "clowns"?


As I said above, I found the NoMoreMisterNiceBlog post via a "comment" on the TPC thread. Laffy is not dismissing Dole's comments at all, she totally agrees with him, and neither really is NoMoreMister's post trashing the message, it's just also showing some of Dole's hypocrisy.  

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