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FINALLY! Diamond And Silk GO OFF On Black Lives Matter, Call Them Out As Hypocrites

Posted: Jul 18, 2016

We the People have been waiting for this for decades. We’ve been waiting for someone, ANYONE from black leadership (or African-American if that’s your preferred nomenclature) to tell the black community that not only do Democrats NOT have their best interests at heart, but that the people who have bought into the whole criminal aura of the black community are exacerbating the impression that many people have of them. Those of us who live close to the “ghettos” and near a lot of black people know that we have different tastes, and modes of living, but when it comes down to it, the black community is no different than the rest of us. There are members that make everyone proud, members who drive EVERYONE up a wall, those who don’t really want to pull their weight, and those who give the entire group a bad name. In 2016, with the perfect storm of the Trump campaign, the exposure of Hillary Clinton as a complete thief and liar, and the re-emergence of Black Lives Matter, the manipulation of the people has become very obvious. So much so, that many American are now dedicated to speaking the truth about the entire matter, and doing their own research as to how politicians and race baiters have been lying to them. Enter Diamond and Silk. The sisters from North Carolina became an internet sensation Stumpin’ for Trump, but really, their great service to everyone is videos like this: ;

LOL - anon

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You must be living in a special ghetto area. The ones I live near you don't want to go through even during the middle of the day. You should research the statistics on the highest crime areas and see what areas they are in.

Motor City Mamma here - OP

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It's pretty scary here.

Exactly - anon

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That would be one of the ones I'm talking about. Many years ago, that was a pretty nice city but I wouldn't go there now.

LOVE, LOVE LOVE, THESE SISTAS - They are on point

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And because they are black,it pisses the liberal ideologues with their knee jerk response with their talking points.

They know Obama inspires hate and cop killing. - He gave BLM a free pass

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by inviting them to the WH numerous times.

He does - anon

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He does but I don't want Hillary or Trump but I think Trump is more scary than Hillary. Trump will have us in the big one with his big mouth. I think I'm going to have to go against Trump and not for Hillary.

The whole criminal aura of the "black community"?! nm - Generalize much?

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