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Deep pay cuts at bailed out companies

Posted: Oct 21, 2009



Question about Link/URL - Smitty

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Where do you put the link/url in so that it becomes clickable rather than having to copy and paste it?

Down at the bottom of the text box - lm

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There is a field under profile ID that says URL/Link

Thanks, I will give it a try! (no message) - Smitty

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Thank you, President Obama. (nm) - Nikki

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You know how phony you sound?

No, there is nothing phony about it! - Colleen

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Where are you even coming from? I am totally ecstatic about it~and there is nothing phony about that either! Why would you even say that???


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Regardless, it was a decision made by someone in the Obama (sm) - Nikki

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administration. Does this mean you're against these "too big to fail" banks being reigned in, or do you hate Obama so much that you refuse to give credit to his administration for anything they do?

Arguments aside, given that this is a Fox "news" article, I take it with a grain of salt.
let those without sin cast the first stone.... - what hypocrits
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His ADMINISTRATION is full of crooks who get their money through underhanded methods in the first place, so who are they to decide for the private sector what they should and should not be getting paid. When his "pure" administration get their act together and stop taking HUGE payouts of money from others or getting 'special' deals, then maybe they can have room to talk...

FOR EXAMPLE....Countrywide and their "friends" senator Dodd and Conrad? Funny how the liberal news keep their mouths shut on those issues. They are hypocrits.

You got that exactly right. And you will not hear anyone... - watcher
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take them to task. NOTHING their fault...can't defend Obama saying everything on the health care plan negotiations would be on CSPAN...that never happened, and in fact, quite the opposite...all the behind closed doors meetings with Rahm "never let a good crisis go to waste" Emanuel......he lies to them and they just smile and say Thank you Mr. President.

Boggles the mind.
ahem - lol - the "private sector?" You need - doh!
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to read up on the terms of the bailout before your next sermon.
The private sector IS where Obama's hate lies..... - unfortunately
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The terms of the bailout have nothing to do with Obama going after the private sector..... the "terms" have NOTHING to do with Obama wanting to DICTATE what people get paid.....

Wonder how he OR congress would feel if WE THE PEOPLE dictated HIS pay...which of course we should be doing, since they are PUBLIC SERVANTS! Private companies are not public servants....

Terms of the bailout are a joke....

If Obama were so worried about who was getting paid what or what dealings are going on behind the scenes, he should start with his precious Senators Dodd and Conrad and their underhanded dealings with Countrywide.... where is all the outrage from the dems over that?

That's not a sermon hon, it's fact. YOU need to some research before thinking the "terms of bailout" mean anything. The "terms" are only those terms which pad the pockets of the democrats, servants and attorneys.

The "terms" are also supposed to pretend concern for the taxpayer; we are to get our money back! Where is that money? WE won't ever see it.....

We'll be too busy paying for all the rest of Obama's garbage if we don't stop it now
Let me get this straight - - doh!
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It appears that you think the executives should be able to keep their huge compensation in addition to defaulting on paying us back?
Paying us back? - ha!
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Obama got us into this mess..... people in the private sector should receive whatever compensation the company chooses to pay them. Don't blame the executives; they do the job and their pay is determined by BOARD MEMBERS and stockholders. The executives are not responsible to pay ME or YOU back for anything. THEY didn't go begging the federal government...Obama came after them!! The companies they WORK FOR determine their rate of pay. If you don't like it, talk to the owners of the companies and their deep pocket stockholders (MANY of whom are democrats and republicans alike). Talk to YOUR public servant if you don't like it. Don't criticize and blame the private individual for getting paid to do their job.

You want that kind of pay. Get the education for it and go after it!!!

The money you seem so worried about "getting back" is nothing but a mere drop in the bucket compared to the TRILLIONS and TRILLIONS Obama is trying to ram down our throats through taxes, which you WILL be paying. His precious excellency doesn't give a hoot about your money situation or IF you can buy your groceries or pay your utilities.... lets all just SPEND, SPEND, SPEND.

Stop worrying about the tiny pittance given to those companies. You should be more concerned about your out of control government and the money you are giving THEM.

The very fact that we pay taxes in the first place is about as unconstitional as it can be. Amendments were made to tax U.S. citizens but a "free society" should never be giving money to their government. ONLY individual states should be taxing citizens in the first place.

Stop being so jealous of those that make more than you. You want more, go get it.
What? - doh!
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The companies failed because of the executives. Their compensation reflects the success of the companies they run.
You really don't know who is running the show... - do you? Ever hear of
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the Federal Reserve? And, no, that is NOT a government agency. The success of THESE companies are determined solely by the federal reserve and how THEY want to run THESE companies.... Wall Street is OWNED by the federal reserve in one way or the other....

That is no secret.
I give up - your argument is - doh!
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completely out of the realm of what is reasonable for anyone to believe.
You don't know anything about the Federal Reserve? - You need to study up.....
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That's usually the answer one gives when they realize they really don't know anything about the question asked of them? They believe what they hear through information they CHOOSE to believe but never actually WANT to do any research on their own. The Federal Reserve is no secret..... it's just not talked about except when one hears the name Greenspan or now, Bernanke, but so many think they work for the government because they hear the word "federal".

There is no argument as to what you should believe or not beleive....these are facts. You just need to read up.

The fact that you say "out of the realm of what is reasonable for anyone to believe" tells me you don't know anything about the federal reserve or the part they play in wall street, banking or any financial institution for that matter. Obama is not doing anything the federal reserve has not approved. And again, the federal reserve is NOT the government. They are a private institution.
You didn't even answer the question - doh!
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You've gone off on a rampage. There is absolutely no use in discussing with you. Pure futility.
regardless... - cj
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Government has no business being in business! They don't belong in finance, automotive, health care or any other industry. They are govt and need to behave like govt, not business. They need to butt out.

Franken and some fishy numbers - lm

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Sorry about posting reply, but the new post button isn't working. 

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