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Combative administration "could be my fault"

Posted: May 11, 2017

"President Donald Trump acknowledged in a new interview that the combative nature of his administration could be his fault -- though he also cites "a great meanness" in society that's to blame.

"It could be my fault," Trump told Time magazine when asked directly if he feels his administration has been too combative. "I don't want to necessarily blame, but there's a great meanness out there that I'm surprised at."
LOL, he tweets on a daily basis bashing everybody and is surprised at the "great meanness out there." 

There is a great meanness from MSM, lefties - and career corrupt politicians

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Why if you do not believe it, check out the posts on this board from leftists.

Trump responds. MSM, lefties and poor losers instigate.

Read these posts on MTStars where it looks like MTStars lefties are obsessed with every move Trump makes including the one above.

Yeah, and of course read - the ones from the

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righties who can't stop talking about Obama and Hillary even though they are out of the government. The righties who are so blindly following their career corrupt businessman turned corrupt politician as he misdirects, lies, and bleeds our country dry for the benefit of himself and his rich buddies! Both sides have a corrupt story!

Following Obama lead of talking about Bush - nonstop for eight years

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Just another case of lefties "do as I say"...the lefties who so blindly follow their career corrupt politicians, especially Hillary and Barack Hussain, as they misdirect, lie, and bleed the country dry for their own benefit and the benefit of their rich buddies.

The Left gets absolutely hysterical over anything - they don't agree with. The slightest

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thing sets them off on an emotional rampage. Its an over-the-top reaction by people who have no sense of proportion or decorum. Highly charged and emotionally immature people like this should never be elected to anything.

I agree. Trump shouldn't be president because - of what you stated and more

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Translation: Trump took charge. - #draintheswamp

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Sure thing. How's that wall coming along? - How's that Muslim ban coming along?

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How's that healthcare plan coming along that covers everybody?

The only thing he has done is tweet, gut policies that protect the environment and go golfing.

Not sure. Ask the obstructionist left wing radicals. - nm

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What do they have to do with his tweets - and golfing?
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As far as the wall, both sides agreed to not put that in the budget. As far as the Muslim ban, you can't constitutionally ban a group based on their religion and that is what he wanted to do. There's plenty of footage of him saying that.

He gave "the right" their county back, for sure - All that meanness and bullying

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You can't listen to that hate-filled garbage from Fox, Rush, and those other right-wingers 24/7 without the nasty cooties rubbing off.

I get nasty cooties reading Leftie posts on MTStars. - So sad how angry they are Hillary lost.

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Look on the bright side of Hillary's loss. Bill won't be picking up White House interns so no more Bubba WH scandals to embarrass Hillary and Chelsea. (I always felt so bad for Chelsea learning about BJs from her father's experience with Monica - and then there was the cigar factor and the semen evidence on Monica's dress, speaking of nasty cooties.)

I was laughing at this stuff with the - cooties and then

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saw the stuff about poor Chelsea learning about blah, blah and that about knocked me off the chair. Seriously, how about all of Trump's wives and children learning about him cheating on them, bragging about it, having perverted thoughts about his daughter and the list goes on.
Poor Chelsea was a teen who after she - heard her father DENY having SEX on TV
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Learned a whole lot more than her father was a LIAR but that he was a cheat and had inappropriate relations with a young girl, not much older than she was. I'm pretty sure she had nasty cooties learning about BJs, cigars and semen residue on the dress to prove her father was a liar and a cheat.

You are trying to compare apples and oranges. Clinton was a PUBLIC figure, the president, whose lies and cheating were exposed over and over again to his teen daughter. Guess Bill did not think ahead of what this would do to his daughter once he was exposed but I bet Chelsea got nasty cooties listening to it.
Not apples and oranges at - all
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I felt sorry for Chelsea but not to feel sorry for Trumps children is truly being hypocritical. There are a lot of children who have cheating parents and it is sad.

Chelsea seems like a wonderful young woman and seems close to her parents. Apparently things worked out for her and them.

Trumps children were young when he cheated on their moms too and he was in the lime light so they were exposed to what a big he is too.

Again, not apples and oranges.
Lets just say this regarding apples and oranges - I was unaware of Trump and was not on news
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Clinton was on the news over and over and over because of his position and then came the impeachment.

I don't recall ever knowing of Trump until The Apprentice and the first I heard of his background with women was while running for president.

So Chelsea was bombarded with constant news (as the general public was) about her lying cheating father but I highly doubt there was coverage of Trump like there was of Clinton. As far as coverage, slick Willie got on national TV to lie about his affair, Hillary was on TV saying it was a right-wing conspiracy and when the truth came out that was covered Big Time. And then there was the impeachment news coverage - so Chelsea was constantly reminded exposed to nasty cooties of what her father did and what a liar and cheat he was. Nasty cooties coming directly from her father who obviously had no regard for her when he went after Monica Lewinski in the White House, a young girl who was just a few years older than Chelsea.

And lefties wanted these Nasty Cooties back in the White House for Bubba to prowl looking for "love".
Trump denied it too - even though it was on tape - and he is now a PUBLIC figure too
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Like it or not.

It amazes me the amount of breaks Trumpies give their idol, amazing the amount he can get away with, but every Democrat has to get put under the toughest scrutiny?

Please. Trump lies over and over again every day, yet nobody seems to care. He lies and cheats constantly.

You assume Chelsea has been damaged by her father, yet I think I agree that Ivanka, rather than getting upset - after all she knows what her father is - is actually taking a page from his book and doing the same.

Clintons trump Trumps in my book, but I realize nothing trumps Trump for most of you. I just don't get that still. Cannot stand to listen to the guy for any length of time at all and never will.

I personally think he will quit because no point in fighting when they find out what he has been up to, he won't have the courage and he won't have the heart for it, so he will probably just try to get out of scrutiny by just going back to Mar-A-Lago and living the life he wants to lead (which he kind of is doing anyway, so...).

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