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Can you spot the gay soldier
Posted: Sep 23, 2010

Can you spot the gay soldier?
I am you and you are me and we are all together - So says the walrus
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We pass a law that accommodates, perpetuates and even promotes homophobia and ensures institutionalized unequal treatment within the ranks our armed forces. We turn around and enforce it in vindictive ways that facilitate witch hunts over patriotic service to our country. We use due process to determine that the law is unconstitutional, yet refuse to even pay token respect for that finding, or for the Constitution, by voting down its repeal. We justify our reticence by invoking procedural obstacles and cliched and anachronistic readiness, morale and effectiveness arguments while turning our backs on the overwhelming majority of voters who support rescission. GOP and blue dog campaign trailblazers mouth support for the bill, then turn around and make liars out of themselves for the sake of some professed miguided party unity that suspends the issue on borrowed time.
The large majority of the age cohort that joins the military does not have the same homophobic hangups and mind set that the angry white diehards do on this issue. I am no fan of Lady Gaga, but I now hold a new-found respect for her spot-on analysis and the truth she articulates on the subject. It is only a matter of time before gays will serve openly. I only hope I live long enough to see the day when the foot-draggers and gay haters get their just desserts.
oh boy... do you EVER EVER open your mind to the fact - this could cause more harm than good??
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or danger? Of course not. You would rather just blame, spout off, lecture, and never look at another point to ANY subject. You must be a good friend of the president's, since he seems to live by the same blame game on every one of his failed simplistic-minded policies.
Obviously, you are the one who cannot tolerate - opposing views on this. sm
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EVER, EVER? DADT passed 17 years ago, has had its debut and run the course of its four acts. Its concequences have played out over and over again. I will not waste your time or mine detailing how I arrived at this viewpoint or why, but suffice to say I have followed this debate over 3 presidential administrations and have also taken the time to research global perspectives, case studies and outcomes. Objective and factual data clearly demonstrates that in those countries where gays serve openly, the sky didn't fall, Armageddon did't descend and readiness, morale and effectiveness didn't shrivel up and die.
When you are not intellectually or emotionally equipped to address the message directly to advance your case, by all means resort to personal attacks on the messenger. Works every time, if your only goal is to release the pressure of hot air, but not all that impressive if you are trying to present a viable argument.
Yes, you are right, dont "waste your time or mine" -thanks.nm - TX
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Yep. I sure am. Repealing DADT is just a matter of time. - nm
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seriously? - sm
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how would it do more harm than good? I don't get it.
I am not wondering. I have common sense :-) nm - GoodDay
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She declared, without providing a single shred of - reason or justification. sm
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Could it be that there IS no evidence to back up this homophobic homily?
You dont need "evidence" to have common sense.nm - BLT
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Common sense would be that the military need all - the good soliders they can find,
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and that to exclude uniquely talented folks from service based on sexual orientation does nothing whatsoever to advance military readiness, morale or effectiveness. DADT, in fact, is an embarrassment to our nation and sends a message that flies in the face of everything we profess to stand for, beginning with equality under the law.
Allergic to evidence, are we? BTW, have you forgotten that DADT has already been declared UNconstitutional? No matter how heartfelt your homophobic hatred is, you are fighting a losing battle, doomed to fail under the weight of public opinion that overwhelmingly supports repeal and on clear-cut constitutional grounds. It's called progress.
Yeah, but sexual preference does not have any - business being discussed there...gee.
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You are being ridiculous. They are not being excluded. Quit making things up! You are very good at that, btw, but that is part of being a "progressive".
Recommending dishonorable discharge is not exclusion? - On what planet?
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You are right about one thing. Discussing sexual preference has no place in determining whether or not a person is fit to serve their own country.
No one has ever claimed... - KAT
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that a perverse person isn't "fit" enough to serve their country. The argument is whether they are of sound enough mind to stay focused on the task at hand and to keep that focus OFF their sexual proclivities. That seems to be a major difficulty with those who commit homosexual acts. They are obsessed with their perverse nature and are radical about having that behavior accepted/affirmed. Even normal men have a problem at times with staying focused when females are around. My daughter is proof of that. That's why women should not serve with men and those who profess to be "homosexual" have no place in the military. I know I would be very uncomfortable having to be in the same quarters with men or with women who professed to be "homosexual" but yet I still may want to serve my country and not want to be "discriminated" against simply because I felt uncomfortable which is something I can't change. Sometimes there are things in life we just have to accept. The Boy Scouts is an organization for BOYS, not GIRLS. The military is for MEN, normal men. Equality is at times a moot point in many instances in this life. Face reality sin.... you live in a dream world.
The same thing was said about blacks and women... - Cyn
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My husband is a vet. He was infantry and he could point out 8 gays that he served with.
Gays have died serving this country.
I'm so glad your opinion is the small minority.
Blacks can't change their skin color and... - KAT
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women can't change their sex. A person can stop committing homosexual acts if they wish. I have tons of respect for soldiers...my daughter was one but I don't need to hear about their sexual perversions. It is totally unnecessary in determining whether they are deserving of respect or not. My opinion is not the minority. Thank goodness.
You ARE in the minority....78% support repealing DADT - cyn
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Anyone can stop having sex if they want. But no one should have to hide who they are.
I am straight. I was born that way. I have friends who are gay. They were born that way. They didn't choose to be reviled by people like you. Why would they choose that?
Do you know that criminal felons are allowed to serve openly in the military?
Everyone should be allowed to serve their country regardless of who they love. Period.
Discrimination is UnAmerican.
But why should any man any woman stop?? - KAT
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Men and women were made to have sex together...not two men or two women because it's not possible in the first place...it is simply perverted. Sexual activity is not who we "are," it's what we "do" and we do it to procreate mostly. Men cannot procreate with each other and neither can women with each other. To try is a perversion. Only a portion of people are surveyed. You can never trust the percentages that are given. There are far more people who do not support repealing DADT. In fact, I don't know anyone who does support the repeal. I am female. I was born that way. Any sexual activity I decide to have is a choice, not because I was "born to engage in any certain type of sexual activity." People commit behavior all the time for which they are reviled. It is a choice they make for themselves in the hopes that it will be accepted by others. That is a very ignorant question. Why would they choose to be reviled? For the same reason anyone does things they shouldn't or know is wrong. They just don't care. No one cares who you love. It is the perversions a person engages in that worries others. This has nothing to do with love and that is just another ignorant argument that doesn't even deserve a comment simply because it's a moot point. Discrimination is a right and it's certainly not unAmerican. We all do it every day of our lives. I discriminate between perverse and natural sex acts and there's not a durn thing wrong with that.
Wrong. Discrimination is your right in your personal choices. - Under the law, not so much.
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Repeat. Yours IS the minority opinion when it comes to DADT. Speaking of asking to be reviled, I find your homophobia absolutely repulsive.
No it isn't... - KAT
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And I find your Godophobia absolutely repulsive as He is the One who finds this to be an abominable act. I just happen to believe and agree.
According to which bible? - cyn
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Chapter and verse please. I'll wait.
Godophobics are professionals at twisting... - KAT
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His word to suit their beliefs. I'm sure you know the exact chapter and verse, even though you don't even own a Bible. ; )
Not surprised you make assumptions... - cyn
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You manipulate the bible to further your homophobia. It's a common tactic from people like you.
When challenged on your beliefs...you attack and run for the exits.
It's difficult to manipulate... - KAT
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the truth and when it's in black and white and so simple to understand. Only one who chooses to deny what is written would do that. Being in denial won't change what is written, sin..I mean cyn. ; )
Separation of church and state. - America. Love or leave it.
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Want theocracy? Try Iran, dear.
No thanks..."dear" - KAT
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In Iran they don't like Christians or homosexual behavior. But you're welcome to make the trip if you wish. :)
BTDT. Experience of lifetime. So if Iran doesnt suit you, - can you think of
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one single Christian theocracy on the face of the earth that would be willing to issue you a visa? I cant, love thy neighbor as thyself notwithstanding.
That's why I like this country... - KAT
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I can strive to be Christian and still disapprove of sinful behavior of myself and others and we can all live together in harmony. I can love my neighbor and still disapprove of his/her behavior. Ahhhh.....life is good sin....er cyn.
You are not addressing cyn. - This may come as a shock to you, but
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DADT supporters outnumber you 3:1, and there are more one of them hanging out on this forum. By my read, you are living a less than harmonious life, so kindly spare us the thinly veiled gloat. It does nothing to advance your argument, much like all your other posts that remain so unconvincing. In fact, when it comes to my kids and grandkids, your poster child views would come in mighty handy when trying to instill in them a healthy respect for how much misery harboring hatred can bring to ones life.
Of course not cyn... ; ) - KAT
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You're starting to get riled. Relax....It's bad for the health. ;)
Pompous much, or just thick headed? I am not cyn - and cyn is not me. Like I said,
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DADT supporters outnumber you 3:1 and there are more than one or two of them on the board AS WE SPEAK. Once again, and as with everything you have posted thus far, your are WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, dear.
I happen to be a DADT supporter "dear" :) - KAT
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So I am in the majority apparently. I don't support the repeal of DADT, but I do support DADT. Typing in CAPS is a sign of anger. Calm down, you'll be more coherent "dear." :)
The majority supports REPEAL, sweetie pie. - Caps are often used for emphasis, though
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considering the amount of anger you harbor, it comes as no surprise that you would misinterpret. 3:1, as in 75% support repeal. Links given days ago above in same thread to several sources. Since I am one of those 75 percenters, I am as cool as a cucumber.
You, on the other hand, seem mighty touchy and are probably a bit too emotionally addled to deliver a very effective lecture. So why not take your own advice and take five to chill, honey bunch.
Cyn already gave it up. You are not talking to her. - Like talking to a brick wall.
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Stay out of people's bedrooms... - cyn
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It is very possible for women to have sex with each other as it is for men. If you don't know that, then I suggest you get some sex education.
In your opinion it is a perversion. Fortunately, this country does not revolve around your homophobia. Fortunately, this country is filled with people who don't care what someone does in the privacy of their bedroom...unlike you who thinks that you have the right to make laws against someone BASED on what they do in their bedroom.
People are born different ways. Some are gay, some are straight, some are smart, some are not, some are pretty, and some are not, etc. Just as you were born straight, some were born gay. You can deny that fact as much as you'd like, but it's the truth. Every gay person I know was born that way.
What is ignorant is how you twisted what I said about discrimination. This isn't the same as not liking someone because they have a tattoo.
This is about denying rights to someone because they are not like you. That is what is UnAmerican.
Yeah, and keep your BEDROOM out of the military!!.nm - Bam!
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Actually, they DID show you, but you apparently - didnt even get it.. gee. nm
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Thats precisely the point. Bedroom behaviors have nothing to do - with serving the country.
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Thanks for the clarity.
Precisely... - KAT
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So why is it so important for those who engage in homosexual behavior, i.e. bedroom behaviors, to make that known to everyone? Keep it to yourself. Don't ask...Don't tell. Works every time. But I'll tell you why they want it known....because they want to feel comfortable with their perverse nature and be able to spill the beans without being booted. That behavior would make normal soldiers uncomfortable and put them at greater risk. It's a dangerous concept and DADT is the best remedy for those who truly wish to serve their country without the risk of being ousted. If a person's main concern is serving their country, their "bedroom behavior" need not be brought up at all. Once a perverse nature is brought to light, nerves are on edge. Not something a soldier needs to deal with when his life is on the line.
Its not important to make sexual orientation known. - What is important is that
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IF a person's sexual orientation becomes known while serving in the military, regardless of how, and especially at the hand of hateful homophobes who out them, that their military careers are not automatically flushed down the tubes. DADT DOES NOT work every time, because homophobes like yourself wont let it. Many soldiers who have been caught up in this DID NOT announce their sexual orientation, but still bore the brunt of the consequences of suspicion, speculation, intolerance, and outright hatred. As the law stands now, it caters to the homophobes and their inability to cope, and not with equality under the law.
BTW, you certainly do seem to have a full-blown obsession with perversion and sexual behaviors, and if you were serving in the military, I have no doubt you would be making it your tireless mission to "oust" just as many gays as you possibly could find. Unfortunately, there are others like you serving in the armed forces and THAT is why DADT does not work "every time." Open service would place the onus where it belongs and the haters would have to either suck it up or get outta town. Got it?
I seriously doubt that... - KAT
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I would think any soldier ousted would have to be given a chance to prove the speculation wrong. Those who commit this behavior are far too proud to keep it quiet. My obsession is a healthy one. There is nothing wrong with being obsessed about keeping loved ones from ever engaging in this perverse behavior for a variety of good reasons. I wouldn't waste my time trying to have anyone "ousted." What anyone does is their own business and it is their soul at stake but that doesn't mean I have to approve of this behavior. Got it?
For someone who claims to support DADT, you sure dont - seem to understand much about it.
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Take the title, for example. Dont ask, dont tell. What does that mean and who are they referring to with regard to the asking and the telling? The army does not ask and the gay does not tell. So when others do the telling, WHY should the gay be in a position to prove anything? As a matter of fact, in the interest of equal treatment, men and women are not called upon to prove they are straight, are they?
Once again, your presumption is wrong. Once the info is out there, proceedings have been initiated and culminated in dismissal, in instances where it was the witch hunters and haters who have done the outting, most recent case being that of Margaret Witt, who was recently reinstated once it was determined that her dismissal adversely affected troop readiness, morale and effectiveness. THAT is what her fellow soldiers helped her prove. Her original dismissal was the handiwork of a homophobic rumor.
How is it that you can claim to have such intimately personal knowledge of gays, whose behavior you find so perverse and revolting? They are no different than any other soldiers. Gay and proud, black and proud, female and proud, Hispanic and proud, KKK and proud, Evangelical and proud...all checked at the door when one becomes part of a fighting team whose lives depend on overcoming the social and political divisions of the hood and unite for the common cause, or hadn't you heard? That proud comment is WAY to ignorant to garner further comment.
You really seem to have a tremendously exaggerated sense of your own self importance. If one of your kids or grandkids is gay, I can assure you that no amount of Bible thumping is going to prevent them from being what they are and expressing it, no matter how hard you try. You have no control over that. For heaven's sake, get over yourself.
Shaming them to kingdom come, on the other hand, could be disastrous for them. If I were you, I would tread very cautiously through this pointless crusade of yours. Even if none of them are gay, you can rest assured that sooner or later, they will encounter gays in the workforce, make friends with gays or with straights with gay brothers, sisters, friends, aunts, uncles, cousins, even parents. They could end up resenting you (or worse) for these views, when life's pathways inevitably expose them to lessons of quite a different sort. I know this from personal experience. The only thing my bigoted, prejudiced, racist grandfather ever taught me was how ugly bigotry, prejudice and racism is and how to hate it and him for trying to cram it down my throat.
I find your last comment duplicitous and disingenous, given the content of your previous posts. I do not think you would hesitate to shun gays in any setting. Besides, I was speaking rhetorically to illustrate my point about why DADT does not work every time, as you claim...that point you have not yet so skillfully avoided.
Bottom line here is that it is zealots like yourself that have rendered DADT unworkable, so the natural evolution of the process will be repeal and open service. I am looking forward this next giant step in US civil right history. I have been very fortunate to have been around to witness the same progress of equality under the law for blacks, females, minorities, etc in the 60s and 70s. This one is long, long overdue, dearie.
Men and women... - KAT
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do not have to prove they are "straight." That is the natural order of things. In fact, we are all "straight" until we decide to be "crooked." :) Those who commit homosexual acts are "different"...period and it's not a good difference. Please, please, please, ignore me sin. You are radical when it comes to pushing your agenda....one which you will never, ever win. Rest easy sin, there is no one in our huge family who considers themselves to be "homosexual" no one... Our entire family understands the dangers, both mentally and physically, of this behavior, so don't bother with that tangent. It's laughable. Sin, sin, sin...we have always had "equality" for perverse behavior, since the time of Sodom and Gommorrah. Any of us can be as perverse as we want to be. I just pray this country continues to allow equality for all...equality for those who choose to be perverse and equality for those who choose to find such acts perverse and to avoid those who engage in such perversity, if so desired.
You may argue, sin, that we encounter and associate with those who commit homosexual acts on a daily basis and you would be absolutely correct. It is only those people who are so "proud" of such behavior and insist on affirmation and acceptance that I will continue to avoid and disassociate myself from with a vengeance. In other words, sin, if you don't tell, I won't ask. ;)
Try as you may... - KAT
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you will never convince those of sound mind that wrong is right. Men cannot have sex with men. Women cannot have sex with women. The acts they commit with each other is not sexual intercourse. Educate yourself. Sexual intercourse can possibly lead to a pregnancy. These acts will NEVER, EVER accomplish that. I wasn't born "straight." I was born female. I decide if I want to be straight or crooked. ;) A person can discriminate on anything they wish and it is certainly not unAmerican. Laws cannot decide what a person finds repulsive. They can stop a person's "actions" against something they find repulsive but laws can NEVER, EVER control our thoughts and beliefs. I can find your tattoo and your perverse sexual behavior repulsive. I just can't do anything about either....nor would I want to. What is important to me is that my children and grandchildren also realize the difference between right and wrong. It is people like you are determined to have laws enacted that force everyone to accept this wrong and affirm it as right. It will never happen. You cannot make me stop discriminating against right and wrong, nor can any law. Give it up. ;)
You can preach your hatred of gays all you like... - cyn
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It doesn't change the fact that you are in the minority. That's what makes this discussion fun for me.
"Fun" for you? Thats odd. Nothing fun about this debate.nm - Frank
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I don't take it as seriously as others here do... - cyn
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Kat is so bigoted and filled with hate that I enjoy this discussion with her. I can poke at her and she keeps on reacting. That's why this is fun for me.
And fun to watch, too - Keep up the good work.
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Just an interested bystander who enjoys watching hatred eat its perpetrators alive. Carry on.
And those... - KAT
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who engage in homosexual behavior are the worst haters known to mankind. They hate the opposite sex with a passion. Carry on.... ; )
Where on earth did you get that silly idea? - Did your Bible tell you so?
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That statement shows that ignorance knows no bounds.
Oh, sin...sin...er...I mean cyn..cyn.. - KAT
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I don't hate those who engage in homosexual acts. I hate the act. It's just wrong. And it's amusing to see one who does so engage get so frustrated about it. Cyn...cyn...cyn... Don't hate God because he disapproves of your cyn..I mean sin. ;)
Lady Gaga! lol. She has some catchy stuff, but she - has that typical ignorant view I used to share.nm
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WaPo: 82% dems, 77% indies, 64% pubs and 75% overall - support repeal. Evidently,
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yours is the minority view (and a rather tiny one at that, being 25%) and Lady Gaga is not as out of touch as you seem to be.
Murdochs outlet...not exactly a bastion of commie pinkos, huh?
Ignorance is bliss.. Welcome. :-) nm - Candlelite
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No, and that's the entire problem... - KAT
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It isn't until a homosexual soldier tells everyone about his unnatural urges that it does become a problem because if he kept his sexual perversions to himself, then he could serve and have the respect he deserves. Allowing soldiers to tell other soldiers their sexual perversions causes major problems. We might as well put male and female soldiers together and since that shouldn't ever happen....neither should homosexual soldiers be allowed to state their unnatural urges and desires because basically they are all just men in body (that's why it's so hard to tell) but mentally not so. I know I would never want to share quarters with women who were allowed to voice their unnatural urges. If this ever happens, our military will be destroyed. Keep your perversions to yourself until your tour of duty is up. Then you can be as "proud" as you wanna be. ;)
Totally agree!!... should not even be discussed in the military!.nm - TX
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Methinks this person doth protest too much! - Polly Pharmacy
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Me thinks the loony libs are out in force... ; ) - KAT
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I agree! - Winky
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This poster has an unnatural obsession with homosexuality. ;) ;) ;)
Funny... - KAT
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Anytime a person doesn't believe in a lib's philosophy or ideals and speaks out against them, this person must have an "unnatural obsession" accordng to the libs. So I guess that would mean that libs have "unnatural obsessions" with common sense, sanity and a higher power. ;)
Wow. How bigoted. What is this ... 1950? 1850? - Haters like you scare me. NM
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I love lots of loonies...Doesn't change the fact...get a grip already.. - KAT
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Liberals have some loony ideas. They scare me and I don't care what year it is. ;)
Your posts are descending into incoherent babble. - Maybe you dont care what year it is,
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but I would bet your kids and grandkids dont share that sentiment. I thank God we are witnessing the last gasps of this paleolithic propaganda.
And you are delusional but you can dream... :) - KAT
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Talking openly about sexual activity is considered sexual harrassment in the military... - cyn
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A soldier, male or female, can have charges filed against them for sexual harrassment. It doesn't matter if it's heterosexual or homosexual.
It's enforcement is a come and go kind of thing depending on the chain of command.
Women are subjected to quite a bit of sexual perversive talk from men quite a bit. I can cite quite a lot of it from my years as a soldier.
Male and female soldiers serve together. They are in coed quarters and have been for a very LONG time. Since well before I was in.
They are now allowing women to serve on subs. Majority of units and living quarters are coed.
Fortunately, our military is not as homophobic as you are, Kat. The majority of them support repealing DADT.
Also, I would ask that you not talk out of your ass about the military. You obviously know NOTHING about it or how servicemembers live.
Gays have served since the creation of this country and they serve openly in other countries as well. No military or country have been undone because a gay person wore a uniform.
You should wear a uniform for a few years. It'd do you good.
I know a lot more.... - KAT
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about the military than you would like to believe. My daughter served in Desert Storm. I know how they have to live and I know about the sexual harrassment. If you think homosexual soldiers don't cause problems for other soldiers, you are the one blowing out your ....
Uniform or not...you need some help.
How do gays cause problems? - cyn
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Prove it. Show me evidence. Actual evidence that gays cause problems.
I'm not talking about your baseless assumptions about how you THINK a gay person acts.
Show proof.
I spent years in the Army and I've been stationed overseas and here in the states. I've served with straights and gays alike. My husband has, too, and he was infantry. Our experiences are very similar.
What do you have? Your hatred and homophobia?
I have my daughter's stories... - KAT
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and I'm not calling her a liar. She was there. She was harrassed by all "types" and nearly raped 3 times. Women nor homosexual males should be allowed to serve...IMHO. Your husband???? LOL Anyone who defends this behavior as strongly as you do has no relationship with the opposite sex. Give me a break... :)
And you, my dear, have no relationship with reality. - sm
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Wow. Your solution to your daughter's stories is to exclude women and gays from service? Did it ever occur to you that the military should be court marshalling those alleged perps, assuming your daughter's alleged claims can be proven through due process?
Someone as prejudicial and delusionally all knowing as your posts suggest has very little to contribute toward guiding a child through this 21st century world of ours. Pray for your own guidance and to find the path toward exorcising this hideous hatred from your heart.
Women and/or those... - KAT
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who commit homosexual acts have no place in the military where they can, either, be put at risk or put others at risk of sexual abuse. Those in this kind of environment need their wits about them. They don't need to be worrying about unwanted sexual encounters. The military is for men with one purpose in mind---serving and defending their country. Women are put at risk and homosexuals seem only to want to flaunt their perverse nature.
My daughter's "alleged" claims were ignored. You shouldn't talk about someone being prejudicial or delusional. That's the pot calling the kettle black. ;) Those who commit homosexual acts have hideous hatred for their own sex.
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This Is An Excellent, Spot On Article (sm)Jun 04, 2013"If the President doesn't like being compared to a Nazi, he should stop acting like one."
Link ...
Please Forgive Me If This Is In The Wrong Spot, But I NeedMay 11, 2014help asap. I have a heart condition and have known for years I cannot tolerate the heat well at all. I live in a VERY hot and humid state (trying to move asap). DD graduates in 2 weeks., How do I tell her I cannot go because the heat could give me a heart attack and I could die? I do not want to scare her but I want her to know how bad I want to go, but cannot risk my life:( I have been out in the heat only once and almost ended up in the ER. I had to be ...
Please Pray For Me; I'm In A Dark Spot. MichelleNov 04, 2011nm ...
Holiday Hot Spot In Mali Is Stormed By Gunman Who HasJun 18, 2017An African holiday resort popular with Western tourists has been stormed by gunmen with hostages reportedly being taken.
Shots were heard by local residents near Le Campement Kangaba, to the eastern edge of the Malian capital Bamako, with plumes of smoke also seen billowing into the air...
Officials have said it is believed that the attack was carried out by jihadists, but it is not yet known if there were any casualties. ...
Democrats Burned By Polling Blind Spot. The Party Didn't Just LoseMar 29, 2017missed them altogether. As they investigate the forces behind the party’s stunning losses in November, Democrats are coming to a troubling conclusion. The party didn’t just lose among rural white voters on Election Day, it may have failed to capture them in its pre-election polling as well.
Many pollsters and strategists believe that rural white voters, particularly those without college degrees, eluded the party’s polling altogether — and their absence from poll results may have been ...
Another Great Article. This Fellow's Spot On With The "brains Of A Gnat" Part....Jun 12, 2014http://newswithviews.com/Schwiesow/jim209.htm ...
The WSJ Says That The US Is The "bright Spot"....smAug 19, 2012in the global economy including China who are now in a resession themselves. The prediction is that US unemployment will stay above 8% into 2013, however, and growth will remain slow. ...