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Can you blame him?

Posted: Jan 22, 2013

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2266331/Nicolas-Sarkozy-Carla-Bruni-dodge-new-French-tax-hike-moving-London-setting-1billion-fund.html Sarkozy's plans 'to dodge new 75% French tax rate by moving to London with wife Carla and setting up £1bn private equity fund' Nicolas Sarkozy is preparing to move to London to set up a billion pounds plus investment fund, it was claimed today. If the move goes ahead, the controversial Frenchman will become the latest to escape a potential top tax rate of 75 per cent in his home country. ;

We can only hope Obama follows suit and taxes himself right out of the country. - NM

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So now we're turning into France? Only last week it was Greece - and North Korea.

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Make up your minds. These slurs are migrating all over the map. The message this conveys is how the behavior of the GOP's extreme factions is more and more resembling a raft of rotten party planks, aboard a ship without a rudder trying to navigate the stormy waters of a political Bermuda Triangle, adrift dangerously close to the black hole's perimeter.

It's like a snowball rolling downhill. Guess you haven't heard. - O raising Txes again. We're next.

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Of course I've heard. In fact, I voted for him - based on

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his approach to the budget, which targets raising tax revenues by allowing the purportedly TEMPORARY Bush tax cuts and payroll tax HOLIDAY to expire. I understand the logic behind by remembering what the economy looked like before they went into effect. I paid payroll taxes since I was 16, some 48 years. I also recall that the sky did not fall when marginal tax rates were 39%. Fair share is the name of the game. I support that 100%, along with the preservation of social safety nets and ENTITLEMENT programs such as SS and Medicare, which I have paid into for nearly 5 decades.

Why would you assume we are not next? (sm) - NM

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Obama refuses to address entitlements - which are going broke, maybe you didn't hear, he keeps spending money on stupid projects, like frogs running through tunnels, college kids (I really mean children here), want free education, so they can graduate and not be able to find a job, live at home in mom's basement. Raising taxes does nothing to the deficit - NOTHING! - he just keeps spending. What do you THINK is going to happen if not following the path of those other countries you mentioned - and no, we can't pick just one.

Why don't we start by cutting corporate welfare? - KLG

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Not to mention our bloated defense budget. Or is it only acceptable to balance the budget on the backs of the poor and the middle class?
I didn't say he shouldn't. He is doing NOTHING to cut. - That was my point. I agree.
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Saying we're broke because we don't pay our - bills is like saying you're broke
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because you bought a vacation home in Ontario and 100 acres of timberland in Ecuador instead of paying your mortgage.

We, as a nation, are fabulously rich.
Sigh. I didn't say we don't pay our bills. (sm) - NM
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which is why Obama's threats to not pay social security are just that - threats. Of course, I wouldn't put it past the man, but it would be by choice, not because he can't. He's just rotten that way.
nice point, deftly made - nm
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But unfortunately incorrect. LOLOL (sm) - You people and your big words.
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I'm not impressed. Never used the word deftly in my life. I guess I'm a dumb dora.
so...what's incorrect? - sm
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You're not impressed. Good. Then why did you post? Evidently, you came to tell us we were incorrect. Impressively, all you did was make fun of my word selection. Deft is not a big word.

because we are the world's largest superpower, unlike France - for goodness sake

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the better question is why would you assume we ARE next? The best question, of course, would be why you find it preferable to talk smack rather than put together a cogent argument.
Uh-oh. To "borrow" another poster's - sm
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insult - don't get your grannie panties in a twist.

Your question is legit and invites discussion.

Your following snark negates it.
commando here. no granny panties. no snark. - nm
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We can only take you - lala
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at your word on that.
and you at yours - sm
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feel free to ignite the discussion you were interested in having.
I'm not getting into a big discussion, cause it seems (sm) - NM
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you are spoiling for a fight. We are paying interest on our debt. We are paying NOTHING towards principal. How super is that? Anyone who has ever done a budget (not the Senate or the President, of course - those pesky GOP obstructionists have) knows that you can't keep running up your credit, and not bringing any more money in, or something bad will happen. Let's see, could it be the dollar collapses? The country is in ruin? Use your head.
no need for one. I was answering a question. - sm
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I simply advanced the idea that there are huge differences between France and a superpower like America.

I then advanced two questions to the poster: "Why WOULD you assume we are next" and "why not present a good argument for your case instead of talking smack"?

Here is the definition of smack talk: "generally refers to the use of threatening or intentionally inflammatory language."

Here is the definition of snark: "Use your head."
Whatever. - nm.
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oh for Heaven's sake - sm

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Poster said nothing of what you are accusing her of. I have no idea where you came up with that unless you were too intent on ridiculing the poster that you didn't bother to read the message. That's becoming a huge bizarre phenomenon on this board lately. Attack conservative posters, but don't address the issues. Her post said nothing about us turning into France. The message and the article was about Nicolas Sarkozy (pssst - he's the french president) Besides nobody has mentioned Greece or North Korea. Your thinking is so off the board nobody can follow it. And stop with the condescending "make up your minds". Make up our minds about what? That Sarkozy plans to dodge taxes in France? That he and his wife are setting up an equity fund? Or that he's planning to move to London? Which of those things are we supposed to "make up our minds" about?

What slurs are you talking about? That Sarkozy plans to dodge taxes in France? That he and his wife are setting up an equity fund? Or that he's planning to move to London?

Your post convey's the obvious bizaare phenomenon sweeping the nation. To busy attacking the republicans that you don't even read the messages. The ol shoot now ask questions later.

If you'd like to talk about extreme factions and "resembling a raft of rotten party planks about a ship, blah blah blah" yes, lets do talk about the democrat party.

The rest of your post is just bizarre ramblings that had nothing to do with the OPs message.

pssst - he's the FORMER french president - nm

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Pssst....THATS what I meant - duh. So nothing about the content - of the message
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Just that I didn't write "former" which is quite evident to everyone.

Go figure
sorry - nm
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