Slowly but surely the Trump claim that his campaign was surveilled
Posted: Apr 3, 2017
is being proved to be 100% accurate.
It turns out that the media and the Democrats have been lying about it.
Trump needs to keep up the pressure. Those who illegally surveilled the Trump campaign, illegally leaked to the media and then lied about it need to be investigated, arrested and prosecuted.
Susan Rice, who was former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser, did not respond to a report from Bloomberg columnist Eli Lake that on multiple occasions, she made requests to unmask United States citizens connected to President Donald Trump’s transition team.
Yea, I saw that on - Could be smoke and
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mirrors by trump team too as the article states.
Susan Rice requested unmasking of incoming Trump - officials. which is illegal.
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Susan Rice, who served as the National Security Adviser under President Obama, has been identified as the official who requested unmasking of incoming Trump officials, Cernovich Media can exclusively report.
The White House Counsel’s office identified Rice as the person responsible for the unmasking after examining Rice’s document log requests. The reports Rice requested to see are kept under tightly-controlled conditions. Each person must log her name before being granted access to them.
Upon learning of Rice’s actions, H. R. McMaster dispatched his close aide Derek Harvey to Capitol Hill to brief Chairman Nunes.
“Unmasking” is the process of identifying individuals whose communications were caught in the dragnet of intelligence gathering. While conducting investigations into terrorism and other related crimes, intelligence analysts incidentally capture conversations about parties not subject to the search warrant. The identities of individuals who are not under investigation are kept confidential, for legal and moral reasons.
Under President Obama, the unmasking rules were changed. Circa originally reported:
As his presidency drew to a close, Barack Obama’s top aides routinely reviewed intelligence reports gleaned from the National Security Agency’s incidental intercepts of Americans abroad, taking advantage of rules their boss relaxed starting in 2011 to help the government better fight terrorism, espionage by foreign enemies and hacking threats, Circa has learned.
Three people close to President Obama, including his “fall guy” for Benghazi (Susan Rice), had authorization to unmask.
Among those cleared to request and consume unmasked NSA-based intelligence reports about U.S. citizens were Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice, his CIA Director John Brennan and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
Not even mainstream outlets denied that some Trump officials had been spied on, with the NY Times reporting:
WASHINGTON — A pair of White House officials helped provide Representative Devin Nunes of California, a Republican and the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, with the intelligence reports that showed that President Trump and his associates were incidentally swept up in foreign surveillance by American spy agencies.
According to WaPo, there were three sources for the reports, with Michael Ellis ultimately being blamed by WaPo and AP.
What’s striking about the Times story is the spin it took. Trump had previously claimed he had been “wire tapped” (quotation marks in his original Tweet), leading to media screams that he prove it. The Times’ own reporting proves that President Trump and his associates were spied on.
The Times, rather than admit Trump had been vindicated, instead focused its attention on the question of who leaked the reports to Nunes:
Since disclosing the existence of the intelligence reports, Mr. Nunes has refused to identify his sources, saying he needed to protect them so others would feel safe going to the committee with sensitive information. In his public comments, he has described his sources as whistle-blowers trying to expose wrongdoing at great risk to themselves.
Since when did journalists attempt to unmask sources? The Times, WaPo, and other outlets rely on anonymous sources in nearly every article about national security. It’s clear they have an agenda — that agenda is not telling the truth.
This reporter has been informed that Maggie Haberman has had this story about Susan Rice for at least 48 hours, and has chosen to sit on it in an effort to protect the reputation of former President Barack Obama.
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Mike Cernovich is a journalist, lawyer, author, and filmmaker. Cernovich Media is not owned by large corporate donors or robber barons. The NY Times’ largest shareholder (whose very word can crash the stock, crippling 401K and other retirement plans) is Carlos Slim.
WaPo is owned by Jeff Bezos, who has a $600 million contract with deep state. WaPo has also been caught in a pay-for-play scandal.
Again, could be smoke and mirrors by - Team Trump - nm
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If a tree falls on D.C. and MSM doesn't report it, - does it make any sound?
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Even the AP had to reluctantly report on this.
Appears the left media is finally surrendering on this.
Isn’t Susan Rice the one that put out the story that Benghazi was the fault of some silly Islamic movie?
Wonder which other political foes Obama administration - was wiretapping. We will never
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know since we have a media that does not report all the news, only news that pushes their political agenda.
Rice's husband is an ABC News executive producer, so no - wondre they are covering this up.
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Maggie Haberman at the NYT is good friends with Katie Walsh. Deputy White House chief of staff Katie Walsh was recently fired by Reince Priebus for leaking information to the NYT.
Monitoring the conversations of your political opponents is spying. - Just like what the East Germans did.
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the media will ignore the facts and attempt to spin this as something - else. It boggles the mind how the news
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media ignores the real news.
The initial spying was done a little early and he was a private citizen.
Maybe he put himself in that position by - working with the Russians
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He never worked with the Russian - haven't you been keeping up - Investigating agency said so - Sheesh!
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Stop spreading fake news. Investigating agency has reported there is no proof (i.e. no ties) between Russia and Trump. They even said not one thing linking to Russia has been able to be found.
Well that's funny because I haven't heard that. - Last I knew, investigations
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are still going on. Please post your source.
Obama weaponized everything including the IRS and the national security, - agency. Clinton would have continued this
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and gone after anyone she saw as an obstacle/rival.
So far the only "evidence" we have re Trump and Russia - collusion is insteed evidence that the DNC
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and the MSM made up the story. It could have been collusion with China, Saudi Arabia or Lichenstein and we would have exactly the same "circumstantial evidence."
We DO have evidence of the Clintons taking money from the Russians via The Clinton Foundation and selling nuclear secrets to China in the 90s. Nothing was done about that.
One might get the idea that some of them are colluding/sleeping together.
Liberal Center for Public Integrity did a study and the headline was - "Journalists shower Hillary Clinton with camp
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Nearly all of that money — more than 96%, went to Hillary Clinton. And liberals claim that journalists are not leftists.
Russian hack is distortion of reality, like a Benghazi-style video - distortion. Susan Rice DENIES
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to PBS knowing about surveillance of Trump and Team.
Here's a transcript from her March 22nd interview:
WOODRUFF: We spoke earlier this evening with former Obama White House National Security Adviser Susan Rice, the author of that piece. It was her first interview since leaving the White House. I began by asking about the allegations leveled today by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes that Trump transition officials, including the president, may have been swept up in surveillance of foreigners at the end of the Obama administration.
RICE: I know nothing about this. I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that count today. And let’s back up and recall where we have been. The president of the United States accused his predecessor, President Obama, of wiretapping Trump Tower during the campaign. Nothing of the sort occurred, and we have heard that confirmed by the director of the FBI, who also pointed out that no president, no White House can order the surveillance of another American citizen.
We already know she is a blantant liar. The Benghazi - video lie was deliberate and
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repeated for weeks when they knew it was a lie the whole time.
Wonder who in the Obama administration asked Rice - to unmask those names?
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Could it be Hillary? Obama?
This is secret police behavior and it should scare EVERY American regardless of political thought.
She unmasked, but the fact remains that - Trump associates were talking
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to foreign officials - Russia and others - and that is who the government had under surveillance. She should be held accountable if she did so, but does not change the facts about Trump and his team. Below is a FAR-RIGHT reporter from Bloomberg. The text beginning with stars and ending with stars clearly notes that the surveillance was on the foreign representatives and not the Trump team.
Bloomberg's Eli Lake, a right-leaning national security reporter, then published a report that Susan Rice was the person who had asked for Trump-related names to be "unmasked":
Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter ... *****The intelligence reports were summaries of monitored conversations -- primarily between foreign officials discussing the Trump transition, but also in some cases direct contact between members of the Trump team and monitored foreign officials.****** One U.S. official familiar with the reports said they contained valuable political information on the Trump transition such as whom the Trump team was meeting, the views of Trump associates on foreign policy matters and plans for the incoming administration.
The standard for senior officials to learn the names of U.S. persons incidentally collected is that it must have some foreign intelligence value, a standard that can apply to almost anything. This suggests Rice's unmasking requests were likely within the law.
As you can see at the end, he even says that her requests were likely within the law.
They don't read to the end - they pick out the
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the part they like and don't read the rest. Then it goes to blasting about Hillary, Benghazi, Obama, etc. They kind of pick things that they want like their leader and forget the rest.
I think it more suggests that the names were requested to be unmasked for a reason yet to be determined.
Yes, pick out what they want to read and hear and the rest is - fake news.
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Not sure I agree with that - sm
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This is the part of the article that I assume you're referring to:
"The standard for senior officials to learn the names of U.S. persons incidentally collected is that it must have some foreign intelligence value, a standard that can apply to almost anything. This suggests Rice's unmasking requests were likely within the law."
That statement implies there must be a valid reason for the individuals to be unmasked. So far, we haven't seen anything approaching that. Which begs the question, why haven't we seen anything yet? The Obama administration had no problem leaking non-incriminating Trump team conversations to the press. If they had something more damning, why wouldn't they have already leaked it?
It's not illegal to speak with foreigners or work with them.
From what I've been seeing, there was a valid - reason. nm
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