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Bernie Sanders "rape essay"

Posted: Jun 16, 2015

This "longshot" gotten longer...what a freak.  He's right at home on the DemAlinksky Clown Car Campaign freak bus...BeepBeep.  


Longshot presidential candidate Bernie Sanders may have just tripped over one of the third rails of politics — rape.

A bizarre essay from 1972 in which Sanders described a woman having sex while she “fantasizes being raped by three men simultaneously” has surfaced.

Published in an alternative newspaper called the Vermont Freeman, it also says that a man’s “typical fantasy” is having a woman “tied up” and “abused.”

“Have you looked at the Stag, Man, Hero, Tough magazines on the shelf of your local bookstores?” Sander wrote. “Do you know why the newspapers with articles like ‘Girl, 12, raped by 14 men’ sell so well? To what in us are they appealing?”

The essay was uncovered by Mother Jones, a left-leaning publication that generally sides with the self-described “Democratic socialist” Vermont senator.


This guy is such a crackpot, he's beyond freaky - Anyone voting for him has to be

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seriously challenged on many levels. WTH, that goes for Hillary the Lying King, too. Both of these candidates so morally bankrupt it speaks volumes to what Dems consider "normal". EEWWWWWWWW.

LOL! As if the pubs had a clue what "morality" - even is.

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Anyone truly interested in a good presidential candidate - can and will vote for Bernie Sanders

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Having written satirical fiction to illustrate the struggle in male and female roles in the late 1960s does not make him an advocate of rape. Perhaps everyone should read the essay before commenting.

According to campaign spokesperson Michael Briggs, it was "intended to attack gender stereotypes back in the 1970s, though it is as stupid today as it was back then."

"When Bernie got into this race he understood there would be attempts to distract voters from the real issues. He is determined to run a campaign that takes on big issues facing the American people and not a campaign of salacious gossip or anything like that," Briggs continued.

A second article from Mother Jones this morning includes an opinion piece written by Sanders while he was in college in 1963 at the University of Chicago in the campus newspaper. In it, he advocates for sexual liberalization.

"The administrators of this university have the right to believe that unmarried students should not engage in sexual intercourse. ... However, it is inconceivable and intolerable that these men should have the right to forcibly impose their moral, social, and sexual beliefs on the 2000 student of the college."

Thank goodness! - p

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HAHAHAHAHA - So much for the Moniker JS as in Just Sayin'

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Comedy Stop 5th from the bottom...which places higher than Bernie the Pervert!

Bernie the Pervert would keep the Clinton sexual - desecration of the White House alive

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Guess that's as high as Democrats aim, about 60 inches below the gutter, which would put them in the sewer. Figures.
My, my... what about the gutter-sex of all - the GOP faves - the Duggarts, and -
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all those priests and other religious whackos. You can add polygamy to the list, as well.
If the Duggars represent all Christians, then Lena Dunham - who sexually abused her sibling,
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must represent all leftists.

It's absurd to think that all individuals, regardless of their faith, are without sin.
you're right - but the "Sybils" lack any measure of - morality when it comes to their group
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That is way nothing they say is credible. Everything is loaded with hypocrisy.
Umm...when did Duggarts occupy the White House - or declare. Really grasping at straws because
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no defense or facts for Libs to defend the depravity of Clintons and Bernie the Perv, and yet they try to hard to make them seem "normal".
Since Duggart's have nothing to do with politics, - just sounds like the usual hate speech toward Chri
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Which is what those posters with no political argument revert to. Too bad Lib's do not hold their candidates to any moral standard, like Hildabeast or Bernie who are in the running, but have no problem attacking Christians.

Just the Libs same old, same old. They need some new sheet music. Their nonstop Christians attacks and hate speech is old and getting older.
They're being attacked for their hypocrisy. LOL. - Not their Christianity!
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Duh! :)
Duh! :) Dems rule Hypocrisy Island, they wrote the book. - Comedy Board 5th from the bottom, again
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placing higher than Bernie the Perve and Hildabeast. But you keep up the spin 'Kay.

Be happy to list all the DemAlinsky hypocrisies, but unlike paid trolls on this board, I actually work full time.

Would be worth taking some paid vaca time to oblige your lack of knowledge on the subject.
Me saying they're being attacked for their hypocrisy and not religion is "spin"? LOL - Hypocrisy Island must exist in the Con bubble!
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The vast majority of liberals don't care what religion anyone is or even if they practice any religion at all. I couldn't care less if the Duggars worship God or money.

Could. Not. Care. Less.

Josh goes to his parents and tells them he's molested his sisters in their bedroom. They don't do much beyond feeling really "devastated," decide to watch him closely, and they tell him not to do it again. Josh does it again, only this time it's on the couch. His parents again feel "devastated" so they watch him closer this time and tell him not to do it again for the second time. Josh does it again for the third time, only this time he molests them under their clothes, and at some point he also molests a babysitter. The Duggar parents again feel "devastated" so they finally decide to get Josh some "help," not from actual trained professionals or licensed therapists, mind you, but rather from a Christian friend who needed some help done around the house. Josh goes to his house for awhile; then he comes home, and his parents take Josh to the police station where a cop (who is now serving a 56-year sentence for child pornography) gives him a stern talking-to.

The Duggars aren't victims; the Duggars are enablers. The Duggars aren't being attacked for their religion; they're being attacked for their hypocrisy.

That's not spin; that's the truth.
Hypocrisy Island located next to Pedophile Paradise - where Clintons and his convicted pedophile
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friend go on "vacation". BTW - Pedophile Paradise is their "funny" description of their "vacation" spot. Bet it's real freaking funny to the children molested by the felon Clinton pals around with. Clintons are hypocrites and not victims, and those supporting these disgusting pigs and laugh at children's suffering at this felon's hands (and Bill's support of this sick man) are sick, too. That's not spin. Since you seem to be so knowledge-challenged and support Clintons as you do, denying their hypocrisy, seems you just don'the care about the abuse of children. Your defense of Clinton speak volumes. IMO, wonder if you would sacrifice your kids, if you have any...sounds like it. Truth.
My post doesn't deflect to the Clintons nor discuss them at all. - sm
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The deflection is all your handiwork, as I said nothing at all about the Clintons. My post was about the Duggar family and the fact that they were being attacked for their hypocrisy and not their religion at all.

You seem to think you can just say whatever you want about other posters and bully and make up whatever you want about others. Enjoy your fantasy, though!

Have a nice day. :)
Sounds like you're on Fantasy Island - Have a nice day :)
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floating in your sea of hypocrisy.
If Christians feel unliked, perhaps it's because - they wrote the book on hate speech.
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I'm sure the scandal just prevented one of them - from declaring-BillyBob or JimBob
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They have appeared as support and been supported by many of the "moral" Republicans.

Now, I'm sure the women won't be allowed out of the kitchen, so don't worry they won't be running. They have to plan weddings and have more yungins'.

What's that about the moniker "JS"? Not in this thread until now. As for Sanders... - Julia Sugarbaker (JS)

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I'm not a fan.

Regardless, THIS "JS" stepped out for dinner and had nothing to say on this subject today, mostly because I already said it weeks ago, the first 12 times this story was presented on here, by the same commenter (s).

And that is that although I'm not a Bernie Sanders fan, worse in my eyes are the sort of people that would use the subject of rape to manipulate women on a political forum, either for or against a candidate.

So bringing it up again either means it's a slow news day and people have nothing else to talk about OR someone's trying to get emotional reaction again, using a subject that previously caused emotional reactions in women here, like a junkie needs a fix - again.
I guess some people can't see past the fact a person is female, imagining the fact they are female means they're either stupid or easily manipulated.

They'd be wrong about the women here, regardless of party - unless of course it's a woman supporting this line of garbage again, unable to see the forest for the trees, allowing herself to so easily succumb to such obvious manipulation

I also highly recommended that people stop accusing other people here of being other commenters without proof, if for nothing else but the sake of sparing what is left of their own sanity and dignity.

Just because some post as though they're several different commenters and talk to themselves doesn't mean everyone does - though many people from both parties have had to go anonymous, here, after certain commenters stalk and bully anyone using a regular moniker, which is a different scenario entirely.

The haters all all indignant, like they don't - all have those same fantasies...

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Stutter much...guess Bernie the pervert got your - blood racing.

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Yep, once a freak, always a freak - I only use 1 moniker, never post anonymous

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Ever notice how the people who use the word - "truth" most often in their posts -

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don't seem to have any concept of what it actually is? They use it as some kind of a catch-all word that they fly like some kind of a pennant to prove how awesome they think they are.

No...but did you every notice the lies of those saying - I only use 1 moniker, never post anonymous

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and then post anonymously; the rest of us have. Ever notice how those same posters have no "concept" of reality; the rest of us have. But you keep trying to inflame. Your typical MO.
No idea what you just said, or why. - ???
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Bernie Sanders voting record--much more - pertinent and interesting

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