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4th Circuit Federal Appeals upholds ACA Subsidies
Posted: Jul 22, 2014

Doesn't matter. Still will be headed to the Supremes. - Don't get too happy just yet.
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SC will probably throw it out. - As well they should!
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They should, and they WILL. - No worries, no doubts.
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How could they possibly throw it out? - This I gotta hear.
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Me too. That's why I'm looking forward to - when it happens.
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Question... - ZvilleMT
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If the SC throws it out, which ruling will stand? The DC Circuit is one step below the SC, so would it go back to them?
No I think it will be done if the SC rules against - IRS and ACA
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I mean if the SC refuses to hear the appeal... - ZvilleMT
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which court decision would stand - the one by the DC Circuit or the 4th Circuit? They're both different, so which one would prevail as the final word?
sorry, misinterpreted your ? - I think the district court
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would hear it again en banc in D.C.
but if the two federal appeals courts are at odds, and Supreme Court won't hear it, I dunno what happens.
OK, I didn't know it would be heard again... - ZvilleMT
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or if this ruling would stand. Guess it won't be pretty either way.
Yes, and the Supremes have made it clear - sm
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just how much they care about the average person ("corporations are people"). They walk in lock step with the cons.
From Roberts on down, they all need extensive testing for dementia.
It's working real well in Cuba and Venezuela, - universal suffrage. nm
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Every day is Halloween at the White House. - let's give away stuff NM
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I guarantee you those judges in the 4th district - circuit had their opinion
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already written and ready to publish and were just waiting for the DC circuit to issue their opinion before the 4th circuit published theirs.
"laws mean whatever we say they mean, not - what's actually written"
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no kidding, that's what the administration officials and members of the leftist media now claim.
It all depends on what they decide "state" means, - to paraphrase Bill Clinton
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it depends upon what the meaning of ‘it’ is. The language of the law is quite clear and unambiguous to any honest person. To those who want to change it, they can simply say the logical equivalent of “inside now means outside” to arrive at their desired end. It’s amazing how far the Republic has fallen.
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