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american idol

Posted: Mar 12, 2010

Is it just me or does anyone else find AI boring this year? I don't think the talent is that great.  I loved when Matt and Scott sang last night. 


I did not get to see it last night, but I completely agree with you. (sm) - Dee

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As a matter of fact, I was just thinking the same thing last night when I was out and missed it. I am a HUGE Simon fan and while I am happy that he is in love and engaged now, it seems to have really taken the edge off, lol. He has been so kind at times that I have had to do a double take at the tv!!!

As far as the talent, like you, I am not impressed with any of them. I kept hoping that as the show progressed that someone would shine but I have not seen it happen yet. Oh well, hopefully it will get better.

Are we missing Paula? - fan

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I keep thinking when they get down to the top 12 it will be a little more captivating but I don't know. Maybe it's the contestants lack of personality. I mean Crystal is great but what a sour pus, she didn't crack a smile even when she was offered a stool. And the judges just keep saying the same things. I was looking forward to seeing Ellen, but I realy don't think she knows what to say and most of her jokes are going flat.

I have to agree with you on all points! And everyone made this big deal before Ellen (sm) - Dee

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came on about the "rift" that was between she and Simon, however, I have not noticed anything. Last year I did not think that Kara liked Simon or Simon liked Kara but this year they both seem to be so much more laid back. Wonder if it is because he is leaving the show. I do agree with you though about the lack of personalities of the contestants, they all seem DULL and almost robot-like. Oh well .... it was a lot of fun at times while it lasted.

AI - mt

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I think it's run its course and needs to go. I am completely bored this year. I don't miss Paula but I don't like Kara either. Same old crap over and over. Find myself turning to Survivor but that's the same old same old too. I thought the duet was horrible. LOL, I guess I really am over it, huh? Does Simon wear eyeliner or something? He looks different this year, dawg.

I have often wondered if he wears eyeliner also, lol. I just found out (sm) - Dee

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that he is 50 and I could not believe it! I am not missing Paula either and like you, I do not like Kara. I had never heard of her until she started on this show .... guess that shows my age? LOL

Disappointed in AI - LinK

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I'm not enjoying this year at all. Maybe now that it's down to the top 12 I can get into it more. I was very disappointed in the voting last night. Of course, I didn't vote so I shouldn't really say anything, but I thought a lot of talented people went home way too early. I am a fan of a few of the contestants, but not like previous years. Loved Matt and Scott too. Met them last year. Very sweet, genuine people.

The voting is designed to bring in maximum revenut, not -- - SM

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to determine who is the favorite. For instance, the "cute" guys will get multiple votes from the swooning tweens while the ones with some actual talent will likely just get the one vote per person.

It's all about the money.

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