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Sometimes I think knowing much is scary

Posted: Apr 27, 2015

Right before starting work today I noticed a place in my breast, smaller than a pea but feels round, not something I have felt in the past. Have already set up appointment for a mammogram, am told being as I have felt something it will have to be either an ultrasound or diagnostic mammogram, not just the usual mammogram. I know, I know that many of these turn out benign but still I always think the worst. Any of the MTs out there who have had similar findings and how did it turn out? I know everyone is different but to hear something positive might help my thinking out some. Thanks.;

I had a pea-sized lump for years. They did - lots of extra-compression mammos,

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kept a close eye on it for years, but never felt it needed a biopsy, even though it was solid, not a cyst. And then, as quickly as it had appeared, it just disappeared, and I could no longer feel it. The next mammogram confirmed there was no longer anything there.

Positive thinking - Backwoods Typist

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Your worry is over the unknown, so try to put your mind at ease. Easier said than done, I know.

I have been through the whole ordeal with diagnostic mammograms (have had 2 now), with the first one ending in surgery to remove a tumor (phylloides). The second found just a seroma from the prior surgery.

If it feels round, smooth and rubbery, chances are it is completely benign. You have done the first steps to getting this checked out. Good for you for not hesitating. Even if this turns out to be benign, monthly self checks are a must. That was the way I found the second lump that turned out to be a seroma.

Good luck to you and hope you keep us posted. You are not alone and you are in my thoughts and prayers. The uncertainty makes us uneasy, but you are moving in the right direction.

My Thoughts - see msg

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I think our minds go to the worst place. And being that we are MTs, we know more than the average bear. In particular, if you do strictly acute care, you only hear the worst.

I think it's natural to be afraid, but whatever it turns out to be, you found it early. I'm assuming you have mammos every year or so and also have a doctor or ARNP examine you yearly.

I understand - your feelings

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yes, it is very scary when faced with a concept of something not being well with your body. I do not like doctors. I do not like their "standardized" procedures. Not every human is exactly like the next, and each condition is not the same as the last one, and should be treated individually, not as SOP. So for me, when i found a lump in my breast, also smooth, round, immovable, i did some research of my own for homeopathic remedies. I found Evening Primrose Oil in capsules. The lump was gone in a week. Just a thought. Unless you like undergoing a multitude of "tests" and "biopsies", and "surgery." Good luck to you.

Wow - Dangerous

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I don't think you should be advising someone to not go to a doctor. So you don't know if you have cancer or not? Just because a symptom goes away, it doesn't mean you're cured.

OP, just go get the tests. If it starts getting to the point where you just have had enough, that's your decision, not someone who has not spent a day in medical school.

I never advised - anyone not to

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go to a doctor. if you read well, it says, "for me," and I know that i do not have cancer. If I did, there would be other symptoms besides just a breast lump. Most breast lumps are benign anyway, and quite common actually. doctors are all too quick to do invasive procedures and by the time they are done, you probably WOULD end up with cancer. The body reacts negatively to invasive procedures. I think doctors these days WANT you to be sick so they can rip you off of your money and you die anyway. They really do not do you any good at all. They want your money. The insurance companies want your money, but do not want to pay back for anything. The pharmaceuticals want your money. But you still end up dying anyway... a lot poorer and a lot sicker along the way. This is MY opinion, and I am not imposing it on anyone else. The OP has a mind of her own. If she wants to go, she should go. Never said not to. I just know there are other options, and one should be aware of them... always. and how do you know if I have not spent a day in medical school? Why does everyone have to insult someone that they happen to disagree with. How many days have YOU spent in medical school??? Hmmmm??? Common sense is better than most medical personnel these days!
From Wow - see msg
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If you don't ever go to a doctor (just a wild guess on my part!), you are very foolish. So, you don't ever go to a gyn for a pap and/or mammo, get blood work for sugar, cholesterol and organ function? I go to a gyn once a year and a primary once a year---twice a year out of my life just to make sure the basics are covered.

FYI: Lumps are discovered on mammos that are often not felt (or they just feel very small), because they are deep and invasive.

I think the OP is behaving in an intelligent manner here.
to wow - see msg
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you are correct in that i do not go to a physician of any kind unless i absolutely have to, which has not been the case in over 15 years! The last time I went for one thing, they said they found 50 other things wrong with me, many of which just were not the case!! Suddenly i was on 5 different medications, all of which made me worse rather than better. after several years of feeling like crap, having to go for follow up evaluations every 6 months to sit in front of a doc who never looked me in the eye, wrote out a prescription without ever examining me, without taking blood for testing, or even asking me any questions about myself and my health complaints, I decided to take my own health care into my own hands. I stopped all medications cold turkey (did not have any repercussions from that) and I am living a happy healthy life now, without doctor intervention! My one prime example is that after going through a cervical conization, a doctor also informed me after a vaginal ultrasound, that my right ovary was calcified and needed to be removed. It scared the crap out of me. The next time I went, he told me that that had been a "mistake" and it was fine. wtf??!!! No way in hell will I ever put my health and life in the hands of a 21 year old physician who does not know his ass from a hole in the ground, and expect him to keep me healthy!! None of us are going to get out of this alive anyway, and it is my choice how I reach that end. Let me tell you this that no "doctor" is ever going to speed that process along. I will arrive there naturally, on my own, without their assistance. I watched my mother die at the hands of a "doctor" and the same with my dad. It will not happen to me. You can call me foolish all you want, but I see it the other way around. Those are my final words. I do not need to defend my opinion to you or anyone else. I am walking in my shoes, not you. As far as the OP, it is HER decision what she decides to do with her health and her life. I just know there are better options. period.
A 21-year-old doctor? - I wouldn't either
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You can't possibly be a doctor at age 21. I'd stay away from him/her, too.
I think she made that up - see msg
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The poster hates doctors, so I think she made up the number 21. There is yet at least 10 years of study/residency, etc., after that. I think she's just hostile towards doctors.
FYI, immovable breast lumps are the most dangerous - for positive cancer diagnosis. nm
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Original poster- put note above, maybe some - did not see but I went to a doctor
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got script for mammogram, had diagnostic as well as ultrasound and the doctor said hematoma. I am an older female, would love to live to be older. I think any breast mass, nodule, abnormality should be checked out ASAP and that is what I did. I had peace of mind after the radiologist checking the films out and conferring with me.

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